Judge Jackie Glass
Kidnapping? The man went to get his shit back.

Scooter Libby lying about why Americans were led to war was closer to treason than what OJ did was close to Kidnapping.

Professional Victims
If they are going to put black men in prison for handling shit when people steal from them - they had might as well arrest 75% of us right now.
Constructive Feedback said...

I am not surprised at your spirited defense of and your obfuscation attempt toward Libby.
If you really wanted to be profound you need to ponder the Black men who ARE NOT IN JAIL - after having killed other Black people. The sad fact is that in too many of our Black communities the HOMICIDE CLOSURE RATES are at a point where we can say a CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION is going on.
Sadly - this would only be labeled as such if a White klan were doing the murders and getting away with it.
Yeah, that was some bullshet. I woulda rather seen him go down for the murders than this crap.
He got convicted for the murders in this case.
He was a victim of tribal retribution.
18 years?!
I thought it was only 15?!
Dont make no damn sense. Who gives a hell about them theivin ass low budget thugs he held in that room.
Kidnappin my ass.
Karma! is a Biiatch!
Hella foul...for sure and I can't even stand OJ!
just another innocent pawn in the NWO conditioning (NWOCON) game....,
them NWOCONS is some b.a.m.f.'s!!!!!
Casper said...
"Karma! is a Biiatch!"
Casper ... must you celebrate every attack upon every black man?
"get em!", "good for him!", "that's what he gets!" "Karma is a bitch!",
"Iz Get da wope Massa!"
It seems to make you feel good to see a black man punished. Revolting yet fascinating phenomenon.
I know the gospel teaching concerning how we are required to align ourselves with the least of these our brethren, but dayyum man...,
why must all your homilies pivot on the travails of the most trifling-assed, as if the catastrophic failings of the trifling in some manner, form, or fashion exemplify the rest of us?
Is this an Elijah Muhammad test? i.e., our partisan oppositionality to elite control is directly proportional to the extremity of the mythology you're able to present without engendering a critical gag response?
Where is God's Son in the midst of all this malfeasant NWOCON example-making?
Casper doesnt miss an opportunity to point out how some Black "criminal" has gotten what they deserve. His celebration is more knee-jerk than discerning. At some point everybody has to acknowledge that there's more to the conversation than "well he shouldna done it."
Damn, we know that.
What opinion do you have, if any, on the bigger implications of this verdict Casper?
Have you thought about what the verdict suggests about this country's values re: material possessions? as opposed to its values re: human life?
Have you thought about what the verdict suggests about mandatory sentencing guidelines?
Have you thought about the doctrine of unclean hands?
Do you wonder about whether individuals complicit in crime are deserving of the same protections under the law as actual victims of crime?
There so much more to think about than OJ's and T.I.'s and Plaxico's god damn karma! and what they "shouldna" done.
Good question Bra CNu.
We must not align ourselves with 'the least of our brethren' ...
nor are we to go out of the way to disparage our brethren either.
Negroes vocal about the bad deeds of other Negroes ... but hush mouthed when it comes to the bad deeds of Jews strike me as especially cowardly and bitchy.
Mike Vick goes to prison over a fucking dog fight.
Plaxico goes to prison for accidentally shooting himself in the leg.
2 months ago Pacman Jones was the American Black Boogeyman of the moment.
And the Plantation Negro Choir hit us with the same thing: "Stupid! These guys! Low lifes! Assholes! Coons!"
Dozens of Jewish CEO's and Wall St. bankers steal billions, get bailed out, and suggest the economic downfall is the fault of 'sub-prime' recipients (niggas)"
Yet the Casper types are Hat-In-Hand / Mums Is The Word about that.
DV aint poppin' blind race loyalty. He is attacking gullible self-hate.
simple point...
How many times has somebody borrowed something from you and you basically had to get angry to get it back. This type of shit happens to promote a agenda. It also only happens to certain types of people...
Hell we all could find ourselves into to corny shit and be standing before some crazy as judge...
C'mon. In spite of the judge's obligatory denial, the sentence was (a weak) payback for 2 MURDERs...
[quote]The NWO is conditioning Americans to the arbitrary conviction and unnecessary incarceration of black men.[/quote]
I am not surprised at your spirited defense of and your obfuscation attempt toward Libby.
If you really wanted to be profound you need to ponder the Black men who ARE NOT IN JAIL - after having killed other Black people. The sad fact is that in too many of our Black communities the HOMICIDE CLOSURE RATES are at a point where we can say a CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION is going on.
Sadly - this would only be labeled as such if a White klan were doing the murders and getting away with it.
At some point everybody has to acknowledge that there's more to the conversation than "well he shouldna done it."
Not really... This stupid shit is getting quite old. As well as defending it. The knee jerk reaction is actually on your part to suggest that O.J. Simpson was somehow contributing value to our people and society overall. O.J. had options. Plaxico had options. Pacman had options. Neither of these men where in the act of some political or social reform. In fact two where in nightclubs and O.J. in a casino. Neither was on the steps of congress demanding a stop to the raiding of my children's future. Thus I think that just because they are black, just because they are celebs that they do not deserve the fate that an ordinary American may have received. What you and DV fail to mention is all the passes these types get in life because of their celeb status. It warps their sense of reality because people like DV treat them like little boys.. and Not grown ass men. Where was your outrage when Plaxico was beating his wife's ass this summer?
The golden rule in the mafia is "never tell the cops anything" -- and now it looks like the NFL has it's own silent code of ethics concerning "the man."
In the wake of football felons such as Michael Vick, and the ongoing Paxton Buress gun-foolery, word is starting to slip that the NFL doesn't want their stars going to the cops if they get into trouble.
"If the police intervene, don't tell your story," say Betsy Klein, whose book "A Few Seconds of Panic" is blowing the lid off the NFL's culture of silence.
Most teams employ at least one "security guy," and send a clear signal to players to call that go-to guy, even before cops, according to the NY Post.
Seeing as how Plaxico became the seventh Giant to have a run-in with the law this year -- we're wondering how much stuff goes on that we'll never know about.
Your all falling into the trap. Stop for a second and imagine all the stupid shit that you have done in your early 20's. Now imagine it being put on every major news outlet in the world. Don't act like it's only the brothers out there fuckin up. You see that dumb ass show TMZ white boys be fighting, crashing cars, drunk driving, etc. Hell It's cute when Parris Hilton does it she get's a day or 2 in the county then, they let her go for good behavior when I know at least 20 brothers, same crime, 6 months to a year. The culture breeds this behavior.
Being Jewish in this country is a perpetual "Get Our Of Jail Free" card. How many big Jewish cons are doing time right now?
More typically, they get pardoned or "punished" with multi-billion $ bailouts...
Wasn't Meier Lansky a Jew?
Didn't he retire, while the Italian Mobsters went to prison?
Maybe Birdeye has a point here.
Ernst Zündel just got sentenced to 5 years in a German prison for no crime other than exposing the truth about the Holocaust like 9II.
Meanwhile, Jewish financial terrorists like Scooter Libby get let off the hook scot-free.
Welcome to the JW0!
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