For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME
Our "leaders" are witting or unwitting accomplices in a plot to re-engineer humanity to be servants of the Masonic central banking cartel. Wars, "terrorism," depressions, "social change," entertainment and fads are all contrived to literally bring about an Orwellian police state. Many people have said this. But last week, I learned of another "smoking gun" that confirms it all.
Randy Engel, the President of the US Coalition of Life sent me a tape she made in 1988 with Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a Pittsburgh pediatrician who died in 2004. It consists of his recollection of a speech given March 20, 1969 by Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored "Planned Parenthood" to a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society. It describes "A New World System," already in place, which would transform the world in specific ways. Dr. Day wanted the 80 or so physicians present to be prepared. The transcript of Dunegan's recollections has been posted here and should be read. However, I will provide a summary here.
Much of what Day promised in 1969 is like looking in a rear-view mirror today. But there are ominous things that have yet to transpire. They do want to implant a chip in us so they can find and identify us, as well as monitor and control our purchases. They are weaning us off national allegiance and will resort to terrorism to win our assent to their global police state. We may use "two or three nuclear bombs to convince people we mean business," Day said. He refrains from mentioning who "we" are but says the names are recognizable. Given that he works for the Rockefellers, we can assume he means the Rockefellers and their bosses, the Rothschilds.
Wow, when I said that I thought it would sound like I was being ridiculous.
So that *IS* the plan, to unify the government, and when someone decides "all brown skin people must go" there WON'T be anyone left to say Nay. Wow.
20% of the pop. left. Hmm, sounds right about around the world's "white" pop., give or take. What Hitler started, apparently diplomats will finish. Oy gevalt indeed.
The Election of the Greatest Con-Man in Recent History
What was evident from even a cursory analysis of his key campaign advisers and public commitments to Wall Street speculators, civilian militarists, zealous Zionists and corporate lawyers was hidden from the electorate, by Obama’s people friendly imagery and smooth, eloquent deliverance of a message of ‘hope’. He effectively gained the confidence, dollars and votes of tens of millions of voters by promising ‘change’ (implying higher taxes for the rich, ending the Iraq war and national health care reform) when in fact his campaign advisers (and subsequent strategic appointments) pointed to a continuation of the economic and military policies of the Bush Administration.
Within 3 weeks of his election he appointed all the political dregs who brought on the unending wars of the past two decades, the economic policy makers responsible for the financial crash and the deepening recession castigating tens of millions of Americans today and for the foreseeable future. We can affirm that the election of Obama does indeed mark a historic moment in American history: The victory of the greatest con man and his accomplices and backers in recent history.
He spoke to the workers and worked for their financial overlords.
He flashed his color to minorities while obliterating any mention of their socio-economic grievances.
He promised peace in the Middle East to the majority of young Americans and slavishly swears undying allegiance to the War Party of American Zionists serving a foreign colonial power (Israel).
Obama, on a bigger stage, is the perfect incarnation of Melville’s Confidence Man. He catches your eye while he picks your pocket. He gives thanks as he packs you off to fight wars in the Middle East on behalf of a foreign country. He solemnly mouths vacuous pieties while he empties your Social Security funds to bail out the arch financiers who swindled your pension investments. He appoints and praises the architects of collapsed pyramid schemes to high office while promising you that better days are ahead.
The conjurer who spoke of ‘change’ now speaks of ‘experience’ in appointing to every key and minor position the same political hacks who rotate seamlessly between Wall Street and Washington, the Fed and Academia. Instead of ‘change’ there is the utmost continuity of policy makers, policies and above all ever deepening ties between militarists, Wall Street and the Obama appointments.
Like the virtuoso performer, Obama projected the image and followed the script. But the funding and the entire ‘populist’ show was constructed by the hard-nosed, hard-line free marketeers, Jewish and Gentile ‘Israel Firsters’, Washington war mongers and a host of multi-millionaire ‘trade union’ bureaucrats.
Obama’s appointments of Clinton, General Jim Jones, dual Israeli citizen Rahm Emanuel and super-Zionist Dennis Ross, among others, fit perfectly with his imperial-militarist agenda of escalating military aggression.
General James Jones, Obama’s choice for National Security Advisor, presided over US military operations during the entire Abu Ghraib/Guantanemo period. He was a fervent supporter of the ‘troop surge’ in Iraq and is a powerful advocate for a huge increase in military spending, the expansion of the military by over 100,000 troops and the expanded militarization of American domestic society (not to mention his personal financial ties to the military industrial complex). Robert Gates, continuing as Obama’s Secretary of Defense, is a staunch supporter of unilateral, unlimited and universal imperial warfare. As the number of US-allied countries with troops in Iraq declines from 35 to only 5 by January 1, 2009 and even the Iraqi puppet regime calls for a withdrawal of all US troops by 2012, Gates, the intransigent, insists on a permanent military presence.
Clinton, Gates and Jones have never in their mature political careers proposed the peaceful settlement of disputes with any adversary of the US or Israel. In other words, their vaunted ‘experience’ is based solely on their one-dimensional militarist approach to foreign relations.
You cannot serve Pharisraelees and God both at the same time, homies. You pick one side or the other. Simple as that.
And we all know what side Obama already chose years ago...
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