For The Same Reason They Make You Take Off Your Shoes At The Airport.
The NWO is Conditioning Americans To Submit To Unnecessary Displays of Authority.
cnulan said...

In the global context of media by which we're routinely saturated, aren't there more direct and efficient channels through which to convey the "Submit/Obey" messaging?
Or, is it that the vastly overpaid, undereducated, and totally unschooled kneegrow athlete/entertainer simply makes for such prolific and amusing sport in this area, i.e., unbidden provides so gottdayyum many steady and predictable "teaching moments", that a cottage industry in effective mind control has been established based on the ubiquity of stoopit cause and effect these fools invariably get caught up in?

my my. Bra CNu. Your application of such broad categorical slurs to a group of potent young black men / entrepreneurs could easily be interpreted as a point along the fear / threat continuum normally occupied by white boys.
My wife and I had dinner recently with you a young black millionaire soon to be inducted in the football hall of fame. One of the most evolved human beings I have ever met.
I had a discussion just last night in the expansive home office of a 33 year old NBA veteran about the African origins of Christianity and the coming post-human experience.
To tell you the truth. I'm more impressed with the quality of young black athletes than I am with the quality of the average hamburger eating American.
Are you sure your disproportionate resentment and base hostility towards these young black men is not a symptom of establishment mind control?
In the global context of media by which we're routinely saturated, aren't there more direct and efficient channels through which to convey the "Submit/Obey" messaging?
Or, is it that the vastly overpaid, undereducated, and totally unschooled kneegrow athlete/entertainer simply makes for such prolific and amusing sport in this area, i.e., unbidden provides so gottdayyum many steady and predictable "teaching moments", that a cottage industry in effective mind control has been established based on the ubiquity of stoopit cause and effect these fools invariably get caught up in?
I'm not so sure it's about mind control as much as it is about fanfare and grandstanding. Much like any high-profile person accused of a crime, Plaxico is going to marched in front of the cameras. (I think back the Enron days of 2001 when the Feds marched out the "CEOs" in handcuffs.)
Plaxico is not being used an example so that people stop bringing weapons into clubs. He's being used by greater political forces in order for them to procure campaign cash and generate media buzz. With the CEOs, it was your boy Elliot "John" Spitzer. With Plaxico, it will be the DA of NYC or Bloomberg.
DV Said...
To tell you the truth. I'm more impressed with the quality of young black athletes than I am with the quality of the average hamburger eating American.
Are the two of 1,000's the exception or the rule?? Needless to say within the game of football there are rules that must be followed in order to be successful. Interesting how for the most part Plex was able to adhere to those. For mortals like yourself there are rules and protocols that must be followed so that random people are not sitting in your chair when you arrive home from an evening of cherry picking. Some people need to see the perp walk to challenge just how gangster they think they are before you need to grab your gat and blast them through the goal post. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!
Are you sure your disproportionate resentment and base hostility towards these young black men is not a symptom of establishment mind control?
I'm absolutely certain that if they were engineers, you'd read nothing but respect and love from these quarters. But then, if they were young engineers, there'd be no cottage industry in "teachable moments".....,
I understand it is difficult for you to resist an opportunity to celebrate the incarceration of a young black man ... younger and blacker than you.
But try, for the sake of the conversation, not to succumb to the "Get Em Massa!" impulse too soon.
There was once a rule that black men couldn't be taught to read. Black men who did - were publicly and harshly punished.
There was once a rule black men couldn't own a firearm. Black men who did - were publicly and harshly punished.
Yeah yeah we live in a society that has rules and regulations and they must be followed yada yada conformist bullshit.
This is not about the existence of laws it is about the application of law - equally and proportionately.
While Plaxico is dangled in effigy to distract the masses - other men are looting the American treasury down to the wallpaper.
We are the most armed people on the planet. The question is not whether guns are good or bad - it's about who is going to have them and who is not.
Fine Citizen Plaxico. May him pay a penalty. That's the most civil course of action.
This business of publicly putting black men in cages for infractions while Pardoning Jews like Skooter Libby for treason is something we should not ignore.
Nor should we ignore the ease with which Massa has managed to lure some black men into gleefully cheering the punishment of other black men.
Did Jews call Skooter Libby "Stupid" for misleading this nation into war by lying about evidence of WMD's?
Why are black people falling over each other to call Plaxico stupid for a handgun accident?
Real talk, i had to check a columnist recently, a black one, for repeating the same old tripe about the black athletes who never learn.
We never hear about the inability to learn when white boys fuck up. They wreck cars, fly planes into buildings, use drugs, cheat, basically act a damn fool, but let one Negro fuck up and all hell breaks loose.
It ain't about everybody submitting, it's about certain folks submitting.
Why are black people falling over each other to call Plaxico stupid for a handgun accident?
The fool shot himself in a public place.
To tell you the truth. I'm more impressed with the quality of young black athletes than I am with the quality of the average hamburger eating American.
Now tell me why it is again DV that given the generations of Black millionaire athletes who've come and gone into the fog of celebrity, that over the decades since these "bruthas" started stacking that paper, why haven't they been able to organize a single venture capital fund or partnership and convert riches to real wealth while supporting Black partisan economic development?
My parents called them glorified gladiators and that was long before they commanded the celebrity and anti role model status that many enjoy today.
I believe my parents were on the mark with that cynical and dismissive assessment of professional athletes and entertainers back in the day - and would be spinning in their graves if they could see the level to which things have sunken now in the ranks of glorified gladiators.
"why haven't they been able to organize a single venture capital fund" CNu
Why should they?
Why haven't Jews been able to field a single professional basketball team?
When did organizing a "venture fund" become the measure of a man?
Glorified money changers.
Big Man Said...
We never hear about the inability to learn when white boys fuck up
1) Like it or not they may get a white boy pass.
2) Most people of color are not invested in the white boy experience to care.
3) If this situation was so racist why would the white boys pay the black boy 50 million since he joined the league.. Give me a break with the grandmother bullshit!
4) What came first the law or Plaxies stupid ass decision?
5) I know... I know it was just a handgun... OK then DV lets just let everyone walk around strapped like a John Wayne western. Hell school kids should bring fire arms to school even... cause they aint committing no crime.
6) What you defending next... What if naked men flashed your kids daily because... There aint no victim? whats the crime? no one died?
DV. Your embrace of stupidity is mind boggling. On the other hand, that white girl above is workin' it.
Why haven't Jews been able to field a single professional basketball team?
It's arguable that they fielded them all....,
"It's arguable that they fielded them all....," CNu
... and still can't dunk.
Goes to prove The Bell Curve. Genetically low IQ black sports stars just can't grasp the consequences of their actions/decisions. Today's examples of high-paid LOOZerz:
It's perception.
- Oprah sued by cattle ranchers - Oprah's seen as one of the good Blacks so she wins.
- OJ was seen as one of the good Blacks so he gets away with murder.
-Vick - Dark Black (more scary), quilty
-Plaxico - Dark Black, guilty.
" It's perception.
- Oprah sued by cattle ranchers - Oprah's seen as one of the good Blacks so she wins.
- OJ was seen as one of the good Blacks so he gets away with murder.
-Vick - Dark Black (more scary), quilty
-Plaxico - Dark Black, guilty."
Good Point ugly John.
On the other hand, that white girl above is workin' it.
Good Point Mike Fisher.
"President Bush yesterday commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Fugee associate John Forté. Forté has been in jail since 2000, when he was arrested at a New Jersey airport in possession of $1.4 million worth of liquid cocaine."
Uh, pardon moi?
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