You raise some good points about the gay lobby. While I used to think you spent an inordinate amount of time focusing on the topic, you're decision seems justified now because it has become a litmus test as "The State of..." mentioned.
I find it very telling how this issue trumps all others in the minds of many prominent gays, yet they have consistently criticized black people for our focus on issues that affect us to the exclusion of all others. I understand the idea that everybody looks out their own group, but the hypocrisy of condemning a group for doing the same thing you do is bothersome.
I still do not have a problem with gay marriage, I don't see it as the same as a marriage ordained and made before God. But, I am growing tired of the way the issue is being framed and how people are being attacked. Obama has long said he doesn't support gay marriage, yet now it's a big deal because he invited Warren?
It's not about gay marriage. It's about forcing everybody to agree with a single opinion on life.
Casper said...
"It's not about gay marriage. It's about forcing everybody to agree with a single opinion on life." Big ManIf marriage was only a religious ceremony then why is a license required? In colonial times, law generally followed that of the mother country, England (or in some parts of what later became the United States, France or Spain). In the early years of the United States, following British law, women's property was under control of their husbands, with states gradually giving women limited property rights. By 1900 every state had given married women substantial control over their property.
Don't you get it yet Big Man? Don't box your mind into the cube dude.
Additionally who is FORCING you to agree with gay marriage.
Big Man
It's not about gay marriage. It's about forcing everybody to agree with a single opinion on life.
If marriage was only a religious ceremony then why is a license required? In colonial times, law generally followed that of the mother country, England (or in some parts of what later became the United States, France or Spain). In the early years of the United States, following British law, women's property was under control of their husbands, with states gradually giving women limited property rights. By 1900 every state had given married women substantial control over their property.
Don't you get it yet Big Man? Don't box your mind into the cube dude.
Additionally who is FORCING you to agree with gay marriage.
Guess the NW0 is going to prop up a gay nominee puppet in 4 years...to continue their underlying NW0 agenda...just like Obama.
We seem to be on different wavelengths. I still do not have a problem with gay marriage being legal. The reason I don't have a problem is because I do not believe marriage is solely a religious institution. For many hetereosexual people God has nothing to do with their marriages. So, I don't care if gay people get married.
However, gay activists seem focused on forcing people to agree with them that homosexuality is perfectly normal.
They then connect their struggle for marriage to the black civil rights movement to justify aggressive actions that go well beyond the methods employed by African Americans.
This is wrong.
I don't have to agree that homosexuality is no big deal to be fine with gay marriage. I can still think homosexuality is a sin and be fine with gay people getting married. Connecting the two issues bothers me because it feels like an attempt to force me to think a certain way. That's the point I was trying to make. The gay lobby is now trying to get everybody to think the same way they do about homosexuality and this marriage issue is a smokescreen. Otherwise, why are they so upset with Obama picking Warren?
Big Man
The gay lobby is now trying to get everybody to think the same way they do about homosexuality
Kinda how gangsta rap supporters justfy gang banging as a acceptable way of hustling. I guess my point is look at the list of the most powerful lobbying orgs. The "Gay" lobby ain't even in the top twenty. Homophobes hyper report this topic to the point of obsession. Big Man how many gay people are there in the U.S. + or - 1million??? The answer is you don't know. However how many times has DV posted a thread about homosexuality as the theme? Disproportionate for sure.
Now again I ask you how are gays forcing you to agree with there lifestyle. Is it as intense as McDonald's ads. Is it as creepy as the Burger King man?? Please explain?
DV's been giving the Burger King a run for his money on this topic though....,
LOL. Ahhhhh Come Now CNu,
Don't join that unimaginative bandwagon.
DV aint talking about this issue any MORE than is the MSM. You can't turn on the TV or open the paper without Homosexual groups working the Media Referees like a queer Bobby Knight fresh off a hit of meth.
DV is just covering this issue DIFFERENTLY than is the MSM. Which is what really bothers the bothered CNu. Tell the truth.
DV challenges the underlying absurdity of Homo Mandates like:
"Think what we think ... or hate us!"
"Vote to redefine marriage to include homosexuals ... or risk your career!"
I understand you hate "bibtards" ... and the enemy of your enemy is your friend ... and therefor all things Homo must be championed, but at what point do you see past the passive aggressive veneer of Gay Politics and acknowledge the aggressive social engineering that has nothing to do with "equal fuckin' rights"?
Vote to redefine marriage to include homosexuals ... or risk your career!"
How many times has marriage been redefined in the history of hetero matrimony DV??? .... NUMEROUS! is the answer. How many changes have been made to divorce laws DV? NUMEROUS! is the answer.
Your attempts to mask your homophobia are lame, old and stale. My granfather is more progressive than you think you are my amigo.
CNu got it correct... You should start collecting anti-gay ad revenue soon.
but at what point do you see past the passive aggressive veneer of Gay Politics and acknowledge the aggressive social engineering that has nothing to do with "equal fuckin' rights"?
A GAY man could give me $10 million tax free cash to kiss Baby like Lil' Wayne does and I wouldn't do it. Why? cuz I ain't gay DV. So unless you are uncertain about your sexuality. What the hell are you so scared of. You have a gay gang there in Bel Air?
Pause on the O'Reillian levels of hyperbole culture warrior...,
CNu ain't even hardly representing for the gerbiling and fisting crowds - rather - the bigotry and bullying crowd is falling all over itself trying to play the victim role. Now THAT'S some comedy muhphuggin gold....,
"Vote to redefine marriage to include homosexuals ... or risk your career!"
Once gay marriage is written into law, liberal trial lawyers will dig into the deep pockets of many churches who will not recognize Adam and Steve.
This will lead to the isolation of faith based communities who do not adhere to the "progessive" gay marriage agenda.
Both service and business relationships will be cut off as the churches associates are harrassed for doing business with "bigots" and "intolerant" institutions.
This is the very vehicle used to make the Bible hate speech in other nations.
It is the left's latest weapon of choice against the hated religious community.
I wish all the bitch-assed homo-haters would just man the phuk up and come on out of the closet with how they really feel instead of doing all this increasingly elaborate an ridiculous self-justification for their homo-hatred.
Makes an old school brotha like yours truly pine for the simple, good old days when a hater had the backbone and the balls to simply hate and come direct with that old ignorant shit, instead of nowadays where haters feel exactly the same way as back in the unreformed bad old days, but only dare express that shyte indirectly, and by proxy.
LOL. Homophobia Casper?
You still using that faggety ass term?
Define "Homophobia": ______________
Who ... is ... playing ... the victim?
LOL. Man, stop.
I know you in Kansas homey, but you aint Alice and this aint no muhfuggin Wonderland.
What gives a man who sucks dick more claim to Victim Status than a man who doesn't?
... Maybe Casper should answer that.
Come on Dv.. Grow some balls... Just say it. You hate fags! Then afterwards explain to us what happened in your childhood. To much sitting on the lap of a suspect uncle maybe? ...
So if you refer to the homo trend all apart of some "social engineering" experiment here in the states. What is it called back in Africa? Dr. Phil DV
The Hausa people of northern Nigeria have terms in their language that are used to describe homosexuals. Two terms are common, 'yan dauda, which is usually translated as "homosexual" or "transvestite" and 'dan dauda, which translates as a homosexual "wife." The 'yan dauda in Hausaland engange in stereotypical professions, much as marginalized gay men in the west often do. In Hausaland, they are often engaged in the sex trade - both as male prostitutes and as 'procurers' for female prostitutes. In the latter role, they do not behave as 'pimps' do in the west, maintaining 'stables' of female prostitutes under their subjugation, but rather simply as go-betweens, arranging, for a fee, liasons for men seeking the commercial charms of female prostitutes. In this role, they often engage as male prostitutes themselves when the opportunity arises.
Define "Homophobia": ______________
The Slave Dictionary
Denmark Vesey aka Homophobe:
Recent scholarship in 2001 by the historian Michael Johnson gave a new twist to historian Richard Wade's 1964 theory that the Vesey Conspiracy was nothing more than "angry talk." According to Johnson, Mayor James Hamilton Jr. concocted a false conspiracy to use as a "political wedge issue" against Governor Thomas Bennett Jr., who owned four of the accused slaves. Johnson also asserted that aside from questionable court records, no other material evidence existed of Vesey's plans to lead the revolt.
I know you in Kansas homey, but you aint Alice and this aint no muhfuggin Wonderland.
That's Dorothy and Oz magne, lol...,
Who ... is ... playing ... the victim?
All-a-y'all playground, recess type homo-hatin culture warriors.., pretending the "new world order" is working overtime to deprive you of a cherished whipping boy.
"Come on Dv.. Grow some balls... Just say it. You hate fags!" Casper.
Oh No. Casper.
I don't hate fags.
I hate bitches.
Punk ass passive aggressive men who seek empowerment by posturing as victims - be they GSWS Negros, homosexuals or normal, get on my nerves.
The fact you can't justify homosexual entitlement without playing the 'Hate Card' any more than an illegal Israeli Settler can justify the occupation without playing the 'Anti-Semite' card.
Nah. I don't hate Jews. I just don't want to pay for the occupation.
I don't hate homosexuals. I love holding a mirror up to self-righteous and arrogantly ignorant hypocrits.
Come on Casp. We been at this for months. Why don't you fess up and admit this really is a political stratagem for group entitlement that has nothing to do with "Equal Rights".
CNu gets that, but pretends not to because he is too invested in his 'anti-bibtard' crusade.
But I don't know if you are not intelligent enough to understand that, or if you are too stubborn to take a loss to your nemisis DV.
But you are starting to sound ridiculous parroting the MSM Homo Hate routine.
Come on Casp. We been at this for months. Why don't you fess up and admit this really is a political stratagem for group entitlement that has nothing to do with "Equal Rights".
Even if I did agree with you. And they got their way. What is the problem DV. How does/would this topic impact your day negatively each day. Dudes have been doing dudes for THOUSANDS of years and some of them are your surfing buddies checking you out in your spedos. Needless to say the earth still rotates. Bravado still exist. Gladiators play every Sunday. Pimps still pimping and I am still macking. I submit that Hetero's still run & manage the mega chips and now look at the fucking mess that the world is in. So ... I just don't get why you have such a Viagra hard-on for a bunch of happy people who desire some respect in a nutshell! Other than you are a straight up homo, Jew, Oprah hater!
So see DV while your busy foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel over people you don't know from a can of dried paint over their sexual preference. The defacto rulers of the MSM have succeeded in diverting you to the backdoor while they come through the front. Straight to your daybed where your coin is stashed. So what will you tell your kid 2 years from know when that Bel Air private school is no longer in session...
Son... Obsession is a mutha!
Goldman Sachs, which accepted $10 billion in government money, and lost $2.1 billion last quarter, announced Tuesday that it handed out $10.93 billion in benefits, bonuses, and compensation for the year.
[quote]"Think what we think ... or hate us!"
"Vote to redefine marriage to include homosexuals ... or risk your career!"[/quote]
Brother DV:
I feel your passion on this issue (and I like your taste in the women that are sprinkled upon your site. Beverly Johnson!!!!!!)
The unfortunate fact is that you are ultimately fighting a losing fight.
YOU are attempting to stop the breach in our culture.
Those who are mounted against you have control of:
* Television
* Movies
* Large swaths of the news media
* The editorial boards of the nation's largest and most liberal news papers
They are FEARING that one day they will be seen in the light of RACIST newspaper editors who refused to publish the names of Black people on the Engagement Notices page.
In truth they are erring on the side of cultural destruction.
You stand on the side of THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF TRADITION. This tradition is beyond national and racial boundaries.
THEY are the ones who promote MAN'S WILL above that which GOD has inherently defined via our human form.
In watching Ben Stein's excellent movie about Evolution vs Intelligent Design the question was asked "How do you have a debate against someone who believes that the human form is but for a series of natural ACCIDENTS in evolution"?
Thus I must ask - How does one attempt to have a debate with someone who wills to ignore the natural order of man and mammals as he promotes the "Will of Man" for his own sake?
Your best bet, DV, it to acknowledge that one day YOU will not only be the MINORITY but will be OPPRESSED. With your livelihood being placed at risk for the expression of your thoughts you had better attempt to find a more independent and organic means of income production. Your views are going to be expressed at a cost some time in the near future.
They only need to remove one brick at a time, desensitizing our youth upon each proceeding generation - in the name of progression.
Your job is to convince society that their is more value in conservation of that which has allowed us to build societies over the past thousands of years.
Some people can't understand that the Judeo-Christian ethos was borne from centuries of bloodshed and chaos.
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