Thus, the Jewish religion is the Jewish people. From there, it is a small step for the "chosen people" to help promote the fraudulent vision that man is God, i.e. secular humanism and materialism. In this bogus religion, man creates reality (truth) and might makes right (truth).
Jesus provided a New Covenant that would have restored perspective. It would have given Jews a loving God and taught love for their fellow man. (Obama)But their leaders rejected Jesus because they needed to control the Jewish people in order to assert their special status.
But secular humanism has produced a more odious tyranny than the Church, that of lust and greed. Our destructive nauseating obsession with sex is an example. TV and movies assume that sex appeal is the only thing that gives women legitimacy. There is no sex appeal without dignity, no dignity without culture, and no culture without religion.
Now that's funny.
Now that's genius.
Very true.
I can not believe that we are trying to place two humans into the perspective of God. God is the the same God no matter if it is the New Testament or the Old Testament. Everything in the Old Testament led up to the new and if it didn't happen neither would Jesus coming and dieing for our sins of happened. I don't support either candidate, but let me say that I do pray for our leaders and that God has put them in place for a reason. Although I am very sorrowful to see that you are comparing both to God. Remember a person has committed idolatry when we have put some in place of God or in front of, and please correct me if I am wrong but I feel that you have done just that.
God Bless
With all due respect Dear Sir, I suspect you may have missed the metaphor.
Please clarify it then, many people may not see that and think this as very negative. I just really hate to see how we can bash one side either democrats or republicans and yet God instructs us to love one another and lift another up. But yet we as Christians can be found slamming one another down especially during election time. I apologize for possibly misunderstanding your message that you are trying to get across.
Hebrews 13:2 Show kindness to strangers for some who have done so have entertained angels.
Thank you for your response
May God Bless You
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