Detroit mayor ordered jailed after bond violation
The Associated Press
Thursday, August 7, 2008; 11:32 AM
DETROIT (AP) _ A judge ordered Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to jail Thursday for violating the terms of his bond in his perjury case, a decision the judge said he would have made for any "John Six-Pack" defendant.
The mayor made an unauthorized trip to Canada last month, leading the county prosecutor's office to request Kilpatrick be punished.
Only minutes earlier, the mayor offered an apology, telling District Court Judge Ronald Giles that for seven months, "I've been living in an incredible state of pressure and scrutiny."
Putting politicians like this in jail, for inappropriate text messages,
Casper said ...

If he had told the truth then he would avoid jail. Hopefully you teach the same principles of truth and honor to your little one?
i hope this is the last we hear of this
Last we hear of what T?
Kwame or the case against him?
I think many of us residing in the
State of Michigan can finally breathe
a sigh of relief! Many have wondered
how long Kilpatrick could continue to
do whatever he sees fit without reprimand. It has been an embarassment for so long and when we
were on top of Forbes list of dying
cities...I doubt very much that it was all to do with the economical situation we are facing but rather an
offshoot of the mayham involving Detroit's Mayor.
Dear friend,
May I ask ... exactly what "mayham" has the Mayor caused?
Who is the victim of his crime?
Putting politicians like this in jail, for inappropriate text messages, while politicians who tricked us into war get pardons - seems not only a matter of confused priorities but also it smells like the intentional distraction of the masses.
Putting politicians like this in jail, for inappropriate text messages,
That's not what he is in jail for.
If he had told the truth then he would avoid jail. Hopefully you teach the same principles of truth and honor to your little one?
Putting politicians like this in jail, for inappropriate text messages,...
If I remember this story correctly, the lies cost the city millions since Kwame and the Mistress had two men wrongfully fired because the men knew the truth about the affair... and the men sued the city winning millions.
In any controversy, my motto is "Follow the Money."
Good point Hawa.
"I've been living in an incredible state of pressure and scrutiny."
Negro if you know they are watching you, why would you take yo happy ass to Canada, and violate your bond orders, genius?
I wonder if they will investigate the mysterious death of the stripper, eh...exotic dancer (sorry bout that Fisher) who performed at Kwame's party that " didn't happen? "
I'm surprised that I've heard amazingly little about that.
Kwame is going to get deep fried.
But so was Spitzer. But he was smarter than Kwame. When his shit hit the fan, he quit. Kwame refused to, alleging some sense of righteousness.
Yeah, ok Kwame. Tell OJ I said what up.
Kwame has had a rough year. This is precisely why I would never run for office. He can't claim that it's a race thing or anything like that because his family has controlled Detroit for a number of years (his Mom is a member of Congress). He made some huge mistakes and now he's in a position where he lives on the whims of his sworn political enemies.
Yeah but he's still Mayor. See he needs to step down. Mama K almost lost her Congressional Seat in part because of her son and defending him. Winning by a mere 1700 votes when you were formerly invincible definitely sends a message that your constituents are not happy with you.
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