"Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology laboratory in Los, Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black."-Erma Clardy Craven Social Worker and Civil Rights Leader
Fist Tap Intellectual Insurgent

In 1970, Frederick Jaffe, Vice President of the Planned Parenthood/World Population and head of research for Alan Guttmacher, argued for government population programs which would require "permits for children", "compulsory sterilization of all who have two children", "compulsory abortion", "encourage homosexuality", and "fertility control agents in water supply." (Family Planning Perspectives, Special supplement-U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature, vol. 2, no. 4, October 1970, ff.p.24.
Last year, I came across a stat that stuck in my mind: for every two black children born in the U.S. ... one is aborted.
The black abortion rate is way larger than the white abortion rate. And people never talk about this.
Damn UB ...
Where did you see that stat?
That's horrifying.
& Why do you think people "don't talk" about this?
If 50,000 Negros can jump on buses to go to Jena 6 to defend those thugs ... why are they mum about innocent babies destroyed before they are born?
Notice how few people even want to discuss it on the blog. We can talk all day about who is "light skinned" and "European" looking - But liberal Negros have been conditioned not to even THINK about the reality of abortion.
DV, this data comes from a 2000 Centers for Disease Control report.
The “abortion ratio” is the number of abortions compared with live births. According to the CDC, “The abortion ratio for black women (503 per 1,000 live births) was 3.0 times the ratio for white women (167 per 1,000 live births).”
In 2000, black people made up 12 percent of the U.S. population... but had 35 percent of all abortions.
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