How Long Before They Want Nikes, Playstations, Breast Implants, SUV's, Liposuction, "Careers", High Blood Pressure Medicine, Social Anxiety Disorder Prescriptions, Divorces and Day Care?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Clash of Civilizations
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now that pic is classic
Something seems so wrong with that picture. Clinging to tradition while eating Western processed food seems like an oxymoron.
They look gorgeous! would I let my daughter wear that? No way!
hmmm. I wonder at what age do the little himban girls girls begin to wear shirts.
Those little girls don't wear shirts? In public?
Those himban pedos!
They mama need they ass whooped!
Im shamed. Got them girls tas tas OUT! For a girl 6 years old 11, 12? 13 years old with their BREAST exposed! breast are sexual organs.
Its completely inappropiate!
It's NEVER appropriate. This is not life affirming behavior!
Any one that contends that it's OK to have a 7 year old breasts exposed is a sick fuck. I condemn this on every level! Child pornography I tell ya!
Those kids have no love no shaping no teaching no self respect! and this right here is proof positive that the world outside my sphere is immoral and we are going to hell in a hand basket. And BY GOD if you wouldn't LET YOUR Daughter parade with her titties in full view then you cant tell me that this ok for ANYONE! POINT blank period.
Anon 7:37pm, I hope you are being sarcastic.
If not, then calm down! Breasts are just breasts, not every culture sexualizes breasts.
I can bet you they ( the women in the picture) would scoff at the idea of stuffing breasts with silicone bags to make them more attractive to men.
@ II
Who knows what they are buying, not necessarily Western processed food?? Could be packaged beans, packaged spices, toilet roll anything! Nothing wrong with clinging to tradition and going to a grocery store, the two are not mutually exclusive.
lol..yep know Im right you just don't admit it ;) Im not being a jerk Queen. Ill calls it how he sees it. but moving on. Yawn
Not every culture sexualizes booty grinding.... look it's simple if you won't let your daughter do this.. YOU CAN in NO way condone it period. you don't understand the nuances of parenthood. You sicko!
Anonymous Aug 27, 2008 9:45:00 AM
There are so many variations to culture, what is acceptable to one group, may not be for the next group, and probably should stay that way. Culture mixing isn’t always good.
I seen my mother getting dress while growing up, and I can tell you, I don't feel like I’ve been violated in terms of my upbringing. I think had she made such a stink out of any nudity, it would have caused a distorted self-image and an unwarranted reaction such as yours. It’s sad when adults burden their children with their own poor self-images and insecurities and call it nuances of parenthood.
Are you a man or a woman?
" Not every culture sexualizes booty grinding." -Anon 9:47am
Im interested in knowing which culture does not sexualize actions which emulate doggy style sex between toddlers.
Can you help me out and advise me as to which cultures those are?
ALL woman, baby!
25 years ago Muslims in Senegal found nothing wrong with "toddlers" dancing in very close proximity. BUT they also are polygamists.
Lol, yea how do you desexualize doggy style sex between toddlers? Something that is simulated sex to begin with?
Exactly! even tho some wouldn't call it simulated sex when little babies do it. I would! It's actually porno! JUST like those girls... how do you desexualize BREAST? something that's SEXUAL to begin with. When I was a kid I despised all those swing dancers simulating sex! The Lindy hop is nothing but a sex show. The girl cocks open their legs the men catch the women with virtually their crotches. They slide under their legs and put their faces inches from the man's penis then they show their panties as they flew through the air and then... Yuck ! LOL and they want to pass that simulated sex off as dance! Sorry guys no matter what no matter how you slice it dance is sexual. hmph you can't de sexualize it JUST BECAUSE THEYRE KIDS! thats not good enough of a reason!
Well Im sure I'd probably have to go to some remote parts of africa. i can't say Youtube has a link.. but I suspect it would be the same tribes that allow 11 year olds to marry. Maybe it's the tribe I saw on PBS wherein 10 men take a man's wife out to run trainage on her. I can't tell you but Im but I'd bet what I got in my credit union checking account $(600) that there are some places where this is fine. Im personally more disturbed with beauty pageants for toddlers more so than this. It's definitely not OK from my standpoint but so aren't a lot of things. but I look at it from more an anthropological standpoint. Not my personal opinion.
I don't see anything remotely sexually provacative about this picture, titties showing and all.
Look at the picture in the context of their culture.
Haven't you heard of the inferred meaning
Breasts=sex you can't change that that's why we wear shirts and bras.
dancing close with butt touching penis area = simulated sex=sex
You can't separate children dancing closely and sex... In all cases When a girl puts her butt in the penis area of a male it's simulated sex. No matter what. And of course not the heimlich maneauver etc. Let's not be trivial. How about the lindy hop you see that as sexual imitation right anoymous?
And don't try to say ballroom dancing is the same as those kids. Because first of all they wear suits and proper attire. Second her butt isn't on the guy. AND the music is more whimsical and innocent. So what that her vagina is pressed closely to his penis in ballroom dancing! It's culture people! I love dancing with the stars. I wouldve loved to see those two ballroom dance instead that jungle humping.
I don't see anything sexual about this photo.
Is it me, or are there more "anons" in here than in the last month on
" Well Im sure I'd probably have to go to some remote parts of africa. i can't say Youtube has a link.." -Anon 844am.
Youtube has links to remote parts of Africa.
" but I suspect it would be the same tribes that allow 11 year olds to marry. "-Anon 844am
Not so sure that is a fair deduction to make. There was a time in the gold old US of A where girls married very young. The matriarch of The Prince's very own bloodline married at 13(my money says she was a virgin), gramps was 25. Parents needed to consent, the whole nine. They remained married and committed for 58 years, raised 9 children and countless grand and great granchildren, and ultimately went back home 41 days apart.
The society which promotes family and motherhood at an early age, is not necessarily the same society which promotes oversexualization of children, though, sex is clearly the primary component of procreation.
" There was a time in the gold old"
Should read:
There was a time in the good old"
"Not so sure that is a fair deduction to make. There was a time in the gold old US of A where girls married very young. The matriarch of The Prince's very own bloodline married at 13(my money says she was a virgin), gramps was 25. "
My point exactly. Thank you for re iterating it. Now would'nt you consider THAT pedophilia at it's worse?
But in the context of the culture at the time.. maybe not. Who am I to say what they should be doing when I don't know ALL the factors surrounding it especially if the parent's encourage them. I might say "UH uh" but to genuinely condemn it. That would be like condemning your granny for getting married so early. I can't do it Prince.
"The society which promotes family and motherhood at an early age, is not necessarily the same society which promotes oversexualization of children, though, sex is clearly the primary component of procreation."
Yeah you're right I don't disagree with that I never did.
Im a bit skeptical of going into the origins of marriage etc. for i don't want to be misinterpreted yet again. But from an anthropological standpoint Im tempted to say that marriage and sexualization are ALMOST one in the same. ( I happen to think a 13 year old grinding her butt on a child her own age isn't as vulgar and repulsive and oversexualized as granny Prince having betrothed sex with a 25 year old. But I can't judge it cuz I wasn't there. I CAN judge it but it be a judgement based on a lack of knowledge of the dynamics of the time and place. It would be based on a judeo christian puritannical barometer. That puts cognitive limits on Ill and Ill doesn't have those unless theyre self imposed.
"I don't see anything sexual about this photo."
Are BREASTs not sexual? Huh ? so you say they feed babies too...OK ... well a vagina births babies.. but it's still sexual all the time no matter what. Next your gonna say a butt isn't sexual because you excrete waste from it. Come on VAina=sex
butt=sex penis=sex put em all together and what do you have... sex.. it's dirty it's nasty and you won't see my daughter with her top off soo I don't approve it. What's the difference between this and spring break. Both have tits on display. Theyre kids for god's sake!
" Well Im sure I'd probably have to go to some remote parts of africa. i can't say Youtube has a link.." -Anon 844am."
"Youtube has links to remote parts of Africa. "
Exactly! Youtube has ALL the tribes culture and societies of AFRICA documented in detail. just search "all african dances". You will get them ALL. What you think just because they hike 2 miles for water they don't have the internet? Come on buddy everyone has a camcorder. My american aunt doesn't but all those africans do! If not all of them at least one person from every tribe.
Wassup Ill,
The naked body can very easily be viewed completely as a non sexual physical form. Did you ever see the documentary "Naked States" HBO aired a few years ago?
This offers a clear prime example of how the male and female body can be viewed completely as an artistic physical form. Although we all have sexual organs, (some larger than others) the sexual aspect of the physical form doesn't factor into the equation until a) we mentally and intentionally factor it (intent), or b) action is interjected. The action, in this case, is the gyrating and grinding of one toddler on another in action which clearly and undeniably emulate numerous sexual positions.
" I happen to think a 13 year old grinding her butt on a child her own age isn't as vulgar and repulsive and oversexualized as granny Prince having betrothed sex with a 25 year old."
Interstingly enough, I agree with this. 13 year olds are pubescent adolescents who, quite naturally, begin to experience hormonal changes which may explain the desires or curiosities of exlploring the opposite sex. Unfortunately, for your position, we are not speaking of 13 year olds. We are talking 5 year olds, closer to diapers than puberty.
But I understand what you're trying to get at.
" What's the difference between this and spring break."
Easy. Intent.
Sometimes I think you debate to make points, not sense.
no dis.
no homo.
" I happen to think a 13 year old grinding her butt on a child her own age isn't as vulgar and repulsive and oversexualized as granny Prince having betrothed sex with a 25 year old." -you
Interstingly enough, I agree with this." -me
I take that back. I dont agree. I don't completely disagree.
Are we talking toddlers or the picture above??? Confused!
Are we talking toddlers or the picture above??? Confused!
Sorry anon, we are talking both. Just flashing back a couple of days to a related conversation we had.
Adults in the pictures above, children in the video at the bottom of the page.
"take that back. I dont agree. I don't completely disagree"
I think that's to say you look at it in context.. am I right?... Me too.. same with the kids.. i think DV said the only thing that changed was the Degree of consternation he felt.. because he looked at it from a different frame of reference. I also think you've come to a have better sense of understanding of my original position as do I yours... I can dig that you came from a patriarchal standpoint I ain't mad at that. that's a good dad but I was simply administering my viewpoint from a less personal point of view. Which can be good and bad.
Ps Wayne we ain't gotta be pussy footing around trying not to offend each other I got to much respect for you myself to do that. We just sparring I can take a punch so can you we don't go below the belt then we get a brew after the match. Bang. But don't forget..... you Liston Im ALI!!! LOL
Yeah, bruh. You Ali.
Najee Ali.
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