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Midnyteangels strives to be the best in the industry of black female exotic dancers . Not only Has Big Will Entertainment produced some of the hottest black female strippers in the industry but these girls are also down to do bachelore parties birthday parties 1 on 1 private shows and guys night out. Those other agencies promising you someone attractive and all you get is some girl that you didn't even see on their web site. Here at Midnyteangels we will send the dancers of your choice the dancers that you and your friends choose. We cater to all the needs of all the men out there. Fellas we have services for all types of occasions whether your planning a Bachelore parties, Birthday parties, Poker party or just a guys night out we will make your event one that you and your friends will not soon forget, so make your reservations today and have a great party with the women of Midnyteangels.
Secular Extremism, DV? Really?
Bytches been strippin and sellin ass since the stone age. Bytches of all ancestries. King Henry kept a few whores in the Ann Bolin's court. Cesar regularly entertained whores(male and female) and rewarded his soldiers with hoards of whores. And Caligula..do we even need to talk about Caligula?!
What is Big Wayne missing?
Are you alluding to the de-moralization of our society, the sexual overexposure of youngsters, or were you just giving a referral to your readers in the Dallas FW area?
Big Wayne .... man ... I just spit my Merlot all over my screen.
That's some funny shit.
The historical existence of whores in the court of King Henry does not discredit the notion that the open marketing of human flesh to the general public, is not evidence of secular extremism.
If this woman were on TV, veiled from head to toe in a burkha ... would she not be submitted as evidence of Islamic extremism?
So why would a woman bent over with her ass out, selling pussy a la carte - not be evidence of secular extremism?
Secular extremism has squeezed God out of public life.
Look at what it has left us.
If this woman were on TV, veiled from head to toe in a burkha ... would she not be submitted as evidence of Islamic extremism?
Yes, she would. But it would be an example because culturally/religiously, she has no other option. She is forced to be veiled head to toe.
So why would a woman bent over with her ass out, selling pussy a la carte - not be evidence of secular extremism?
Aha! The million dollar answer. You ready? Free Will.
This whore on the photo? I don't see no one holding a pistol forcing her (fuglyass) to grab ankle. I don't see her clutching the Qur'an or the Bible for that matter.
I don't disagree with the notion that God is absent from public life, but this whore? She just tryin to get paid.
That's a sex worker you ingrates!
Thanks for clearing that up, Mike. Unfortunately, DV and I aren't abreast of the current Politically Correct vernacular for "whore" that you Johns use.
Maybe if I had to pay a bytch to suck me off, I would have known that, too.
To me a bytch who sells ass is a whore. To you, she is salvageable.
My fault, Mike.
I blew it again. I called you a John. I meant, " Sex Employer. "
Swear to God you never paid a whore..errr...sex worker to suck you off...errr...perform fellatio.
Wayne says she's fugly, but this broad is worlds cuter than that skinny stray cat looking broad that was spread eagle on the cheap floral comforter last week. And she had bug eyes too.
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