Zimbabwe’s mining rights were controlled by foreign white mining concerns who dominated the fast-growing multibillion-dollar platinum industry. The largest company with such interests is Zimplats, the local subsidiary of South Africa’s Impala Platinum, which is the world’s second-biggest producer of the precious metal.

Morgan Tsvangirai, the "Opposition Leader", has the support of Bush, the NeoCons, the British, the Corporate Media and the Multi-National Mineral Conglomerates.

Mugabe said "Ah Fuck You Bitch. Keep Your Knighthood. I'd Rather Have The Diamonds and Platinum You've Been Stealing From Us."
LOL!@ Mugabe's response to the queen.
I'd probably give Putin an honorable mention on that list too. I've noticed there's been a lot of tough talk on Russia lately, probably because Putin put all the oligarchs in jail or killed them outright. Not to mention he put the kibosh on the tomfoolery going on with Russia's oil. The people love him because they're currently experiencing a boom now that the oligarchs aren't running the show when it comes to their energy exports.
What's funny in all this is how these leaders are portrayed in our media. I'm not saying they're angels (far from it), but no one ever stops to think about who controls the American public perception of such people, or why the talking heads on cable say what they say about them. It's not like most people have first hand knowledge of what goes on in Venezuela, Russia, or Zimbabwe aside from what they are told is going on. So people rely on someone else to tell them what to think.
One of my favorite talking heads is Fareed Zarakia on CNN. I always lol at him and his funny face. It's one of those shows that is yet another installation in the ever-present "Americans need to think globally" meme. His whole schtick is covering "foreign affairs" and "global issues". In fact, the name of his show is "Fareed Zakaria: GPS". At first I thought it meant GPS as in "global position system"; as in, "here's some news from around the world." But nope. It stands for "global public square".
Of course, on cable news, the story on these guys (Putin included) is that these baddie McBadguys are all bad leaders of failed states, and their presence in the world means that mean old nationalism is on the rise again. When stuff like this comes up I always think about David Rockefeller's hilarious quote that, "the supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." Oh those silly nations with their silly self-determination and naughty nationalism! But dudes like Mugabe, Morales, Castro, Chavez, and Putin are all currently getting their national autodetermination on, as it were, so it's easy to see where the bad press comes from, aside from the fact that they aren't angels.
Yaeh, well Mugabe is negotiating with Tsvangirai as of this moment. Looks like he ain't that much of a hpt shot after all.
In any case, DV, check out this shit and think about putting it up on your site.
Mugabe better not piss off the white folks too much. Without the hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of food aid that white countries have donated to Zimbabwe, half the population would probably starve to death.
Which makes me wonder... this new "more lucrative" deal Mugabe struck with the Chinese... lucrative for whom? Will the people of Zimbabwe benefit, or just Mugabe and his cronies?
Well, Mugabe is the prresident of the international basket case of the world, he's one of the few people laughing in that country. Castro soon will be dead and communism in cuba will die soon after that. Morales is doing fine and so is Chavez but they are hardly care free.
The smartest guy out of the bunch is Castro. Though a dictator, he did do some very positive things for
Cuba. Communism does not work however and he has been loath to admit it. Morales and Chavez are attempting to take the throne when Castro is gone. Mugabe on the other hand has only benefitted himself and those in Zanu PF.
"Mugabe better not piss off the white folks too much. Without the hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of food aid that white countries have donated to Zimbabwe, half the population would probably starve to death."
Which, of course, is called "collective punishment", a la Iraq (and an official crime against humanity).
Love them white folks of yours, eh David?
"The smartest guy out of the bunch is Castro."
Castro is dead. He died a while ago. Unless, of course, you mean his brother Raul.
"Mugabe better not piss off the white folks too much. Without the hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of food aid that white countries have donated to Zimbabwe, half the population would probably starve to death." UB
I don't know UB. Don't you think it's time to associate the connection between ... "food aid" from ... "white folks" ... and the economic exploitation of mineral rich developing nations?
Don't you think ... "white folks" ... would rather give Saudi Arabia hundreds of millions per year in "Food Aid" instead of thousands of billions in oil fees?
"Food Aid" is a euphemism for colonialism.
Gray, you are right.
Putin is a Muhfuggah and the mortal enemy of the NeoCon / Oligarchs.
(Peep how Perle threatened to have Russia removed from the G8 if he didn't release Khardovsky.)
Saw the video Mike.
They shot my man huh? Kill him or wound him? IDF?
Yeah, it was the IDF. They tortured him by shooting a rubber-coated steel bullet in his leg. Wounded him.
Looks like that is routine with the IDF. The guy tat held him and led him to be shot was a Lieutenant Colonel.
"'Food Aid' is a euphemism for colonialism."
I seriously doubt Mills objects to colonialism. Or am I wrong David?
I would have a hard time believing your man Mills fails to connect the carrot of "food aid" to the booby trap of colonialism.
"undercover black man said...
Mugabe better not piss off the white folks too much. Without the hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of food aid that white countries have donated to Zimbabwe, half the population would probably starve to death."
The West is already hitting them with economic sanctions which has caused their currency to inflate higher than the Staff Puft Marshmallow Man, so how is reducing the amount of food aid going to work as a significant threat? Why withdraw "food aid" when an apple costs fifteen million dollars? That's the beauty of inflation.
Plus, it isn't as simple as "do as we say or we'll withdraw food aid". That's not the point. The only thing that keeps them in the business of sending food aid to 3rd world podunks is that doing so means that they can maintain the thin veneer that is required for them to project their plutocratic moralism and the snooty ethical high ground it affords them in the PR biz. If tyranny didn't maintain it's characteristic moralism it wouldn't be very clever. Without "bread and circuses" for the people, they'll become restless and overthrow them.
It's all about the NGOs being able to project the image of the "failed state" to the rest of the world in order to further justify the need for good ol' "regime change". "Food aid" is just another cog in that wheel. Sending "food aid" means that they can keep saying to the world, "Oh look - look how failed their state is; and look how much food aid we have to send to them because their state is a failure."
Given the ever-expansive nature of capital, my guess is that the world's most powerful whites would much rather see Zimbabwe (and the rest of black Africa) become a market for their consumer goods... instead of a sinkhole for "humanitarian aid."
Only in dimwitted Zanu-PF propaganda is "white neo-colonialism" a threat.
Aaaaaaand the countdown to assassination starts....
... wait for it...
Gotta love imperialism v2.0.
Are you sure the enemy of your enemy is your friend? Bar none?
And that bloody thugocrat Mugabe is really the lesser of evils?
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