

Why exactly is it that you break your neck, day in and day out, to rub elbows and experience "the dumbest folks on earth" or the "worst reared people on earth."
You have mastered the historical ins and out of our struggle at the hands of jews and evil government.
You dabble in our music, our art and even our vernacular.
To be so inferior, we Black folks sure do captivate the hell out of you. And you aint even laid eyes on any of us.
You might shit your pants if you got to experience the greatness of Black folk live and in color.
BTW, when DV stereotypes Blacks as having bigger dongs or real "soul," I don't throw a fit...and I don't see anyone else here, either. [Damn Good Point]
Sooo, I guess only some racial stereotypes are taboo?
Meanwhile, MF claims races don't exist with one breath and then starts yapping about Black vs White with every other.
Look, get off your high horses hypocrites. There are clearly some racial bell curves, that lie deeper than just nurture. The existing race-denying paradigm is simply WRONG and is not upheld by REALITY, FOLKS. I AM NOT WRONG ON THIS. It is plain as daylight. If you gotta problem with that, then take your beef to God.
I swear this entire culture has been hypnotized to ignore the obvious and believe the opposite of what they see.
Now, for all you who REALLY wanna debate me - put your $$$ where your mouth is. I will bet anyone here $3000 that the winner of the 100m sprint in the 2008 Olympics will be a Black man. Is that racist stereotyping? You betcha! Is it WRONG? If you really think so, then pony up $3000.
Any takers who can walk their talk???
Sometimes I don't know whether to classify our host as being like an eccentric collector of oddities deriving idiosyncratic pleasure from having a rare albino turdeyensis in his collection, or, like a typical little boy who would absolutely delight in having a grubby, smelly, deformed, pale little snake in a jar in his room because it disgusts his mama, his sisters, and just about anybody else who takes the time to look at it.....,
So, just another catty jibe...but nobody wants to make $3000 on their underlying, race-denial premise?
I hear you Cnu. Spoke to DV by phone yesterday evening, we discussed his favor for snakes in a jar.
I kind of went like this.
He was well aware that the snake was indeed a snake.
He said that he just assume, keep the snake around long enough to show that no matter how much he hissed and slithered, the snake actually PREFERRED to be in his jar.
IT kind of went like this.
CNu ... you a writing muhfugga.
But. Um Um. Nah.
Read that wrong Robyn.
Byrd aint no snake. In fact he seems quite comfortable with the truth.
I like the cat.
I admire his scholarship, his passion, and his courage. Byrd is as anti-Plantation as it gets.
What's that? He believes whites are more intelligent than blacks?
He should believe it.
I don't blame him.
I happen to think blacks are more intelligent than whites.
Why can't he think what he wants to think?
I know an Asian dude, swears up and down Asians are the smartest.
I don't blame him either.
It's the shifty eyed bastards who claim "there is no difference" and "we're all the same" who I don't trust.
Be honest with you. I really like Byrd, because Byrd aint no bitch. He can take what he dishes out.
In a world of Corporate Negros and Conformist Crackers, scared to whisper the word "NeoCon" ... Byrd will call Douglas Feith out - by name.
While some bitch about gas prices at the pump, Byrd points to criminals at the Fed.
While some ask the government to play Daddy and fix the ghettos, Byrd spits that Mommy - Daddy = Ghetto.
OK, so he thinks whites makes cities and non-whites make Favelas.
I got an uncle who thinks whites wage war on nature and have destroyed the earth. It balances out.
Robyn, how is Byrd's version of racism different from Mike Fisher's?
But anyway. Other than that.
That race shit has never effected me. I got an over-inflated ego. I really dig being black.
Mmmmwhah! Mmmmwhah!
That's me kissing myself.
I've never really needed that white liberal Anderson Cooper ... "I luv black people, I'm so sorry for what my people did to your people .... Yada yada yada ... you blacks have it so hard ... it's not your fault ... glass ceilings ... you need affirmative action ... my best friend is black" bullshit anyway.
I'd take Byrdeye over Bill Clinton.
Cnu, I take it all back. I dont know what the hell he is thinking, (apparently even when he tells me).
I happen to think blacks are more intelligent than whites.
Okay, I heard Byrd's reasoning on why whites are smarter, what's your theory on why blacks are smarter?
"Okay, I heard Byrd's reasoning on why whites are smarter, what's your theory on why blacks are smarter?"
Classical One
I agree with DV.
Even when we disagree on racial opinions or whatever, we actually agree on a higher common ground that transcends race.
That common ground is the ability to speak your real mind...even if it nonconforms to the predominant peer-pressured groupthink. That rarified ability to simply tell the emperor he has no clothes on - is what I respect in him and we both have in common.
DV also doesn't confuse patronization with respect, when they are in fact opposites. You only patronize those you subconsciously feel superior to out of vanity.
Subconsciously, I don't feel superior to DV. We can talk freely man to man, and neither has to hold back. We can both take what we dish.
So, even when we're talking about race here, we're not REALLLYY just talking about race. As I said, that's really incidental to the reason I'm here.
BTW, money talks and BS walks.
As I knew, nobody in their right mind would bet a red cent against another Black man winning the 100m dash in a few weeks.
You see, when you pull your head out of the ivory liberal clouds back down to EARTH, you are forced to face some VERY HARD realities about race. And when that rubber meets the road, all of that Jewish social science BS gets instantly vaporized as your wheels burnout in a cloud of smoke...
Why am I getting hated on here for speaking the truth? Because 95%rs just can't handle the truth.
As I knew, nobody in their right mind would bet a red cent against another Black man winning the 100m dash in a few weeks.
Much like with statistics, you attribute a certain result to race, when there is a far more plausible exaplanation for the achieved result.
The failure to respond to your proposal, had little to do with an acknowledgment of a Black man's propensity for the 100 m dash and more to do with the facts that reasonable people are generally unmoved by stupid proposals by quacks on the internet.
I wasnt really into statistics, but I think that what you offered was nothing more than a spurious correlation.
We are discussing intelligence on a muskovite floor... Intelligence is "understanding"..so we're discussing a superior "understanding" of what? Is it a a superior "understanding" of "tempo" in the space/time continium? Is is a superior "understanding" of mathematics? A superior understanding of what you claim is a false science?
If that's your reasoning.. then the Jews have Math and science on lock. But if we look at history (the only clear indicator) from a wider glimpse you can clearly see that people who have greater amounts of melanin have shown greater advances in the fields of math and astrology also buiding "cities'(irrigation sewage, civilized societies if you will) at earlier stages of human development... I know the Nubian Kemetian thing is "Passe' but the evidence is there. Now even if we look at intelligence from an IQ standpoint we'd still have to consider Binet's (IQ inventor) warning against those using it to gauge one's CAPACITY for learning.. only that said person may need more teaching. I can reasonably surmount (so can you) that generally Blacks have less access to proper and adequate education and indicating ONLY a need for more education therefore making your use of An Iq test as an indicator of "understanding" or intelligence null and void... Now what is do you say whites have a superior understanding of??"
I personally think that most white people are less intelligent and have a proclivity to be because there is a great comfort in it. Blacks are Forced into truth via the lies that are fed. There is cognitive dissonance in this that whites are not confronted with. The neurotism only happens Byrd when A nigga decides to abide by the lies and succumb to a system that is by design built only domesticate and subjugate it's people. Whites show less intelligence by generally ignoring that they a subjugates too. Therefore making them less "critical thinker" which I think whites lack critical understanding because of this and have returned whites to a childlike reasoning full of daddy soundbyes and mamas commentary. Devoid of questioning this inherent authority.
(sigh) I don't re read or correct typos (for I save my precious seconds)and I don't punctuate but it's still intelligible
(sigh) I don't re read or correct typos (for I save my precious seconds)and I don't punctuate but it's still intelligible
I personally think that most white people are less intelligent and have a proclivity to be because there is a great comfort in it.
Huh.. what exactly do you have to back that up with other than your opinion?
I don't understand your comments on Jewish science, guess I'm not familiar with that field. If you look at most fields of scientific endeavor ( labs, chemistry, physics and mathematics) you see a fairly high percentage of Asians, Indians and non Jewish whites. Most of the great scientific/mathematical minds, Darwin, Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, were Europeans. Einstein of course is the other great mind on the list who was of course Jewish.
"Jewish science"
I don't mean that literally, but as a reference to Jewish liberal racial ideology. Namely, the one that says race "is just a social construct."
Pot thug - Afrocentric interpretations of history is a separate topic. So are educatable potential and gullibility.
In recorded history for the last several thousand years, Asians and Whites have dominated invention like Blacks the 100m sprint. Both historically and in modern-day. Read any scientific or medical journal now and half the authors all read like a Chinese phone book. It's also no coincidence that all our hi-tech outsourcing is going to Asia. Because that's where a lot of the biggest brains simply are. Point is, all of this verifies the IQ data.
Just my opinion C1...
No Byrdeye you've got it all wrong.. Eurocentric interpretations of history is what were basing our whole debate on. Were even looking at intelligence from a point of view that has been re appropiated as eurocentric and I except that. Even within that context Im saying you're Iq test isn't an accurate barometer of anything biological. Which is really what this is about and that's nature versus nurture and you are attempting to make it implicit that it HAS TO BE SOMETHING MORE than cultural and environmental factors and Im saying that it's nothing more than environmental factors that sum up the human condition. What one culture values most they will excel at. A ppl that have been in chattel slavery for 500 year are gonna have some catching up to do simple. Because if we go across the pond nigerians are running roughshod over their asian and white counterparts in the fields of math and science. You can't make how educatable and gullible someone is another topic if we're speaking about Intelligence. nor can we solely take a look history thru the eyes of the white boy.
And remember when you say recorded history you are speaking of a Eurocentric history that has omitted every worthwhile accomplishment africans have made to science and mathematics out of. Your history is like Fox news
"nigerians are running roughshod over their asian and white counterparts in the fields of math and science"
They are? Source?
So far, I've only noticed them running roughshod at spamming me with banking email scams...
Anyhow, I don't think it's "Eurocentric" to say that a good majority of influential modern technology before the Opium War was devised by the Chinese...and after the Opium War much of it by Asians and Whites (albeit lately with grey alien help). Just look up the technology you're using right now.
Hell, 3000 of it, including CDs, DVDs & digital watches...were invented by a SINGLE JAPANESE MAN ALONE.
and there it is.....,
anybody who troubles themselves to respond to a nincompoop whose chindribble-ings inevitably lead back to reptilian, grey, and other exobiological figments of his muhphuggin imagination - is just clowning.
DV - how often do you engage in dialog with vociferous skid row evangelists?
turdeye is NOT a brave truth teller, he's just another anonymous Internet fuckwad - saying shit here that he durst never say anywhere - as himself - in public...,
reptilian, grey, and other exobiological figments
I'm just quoting you here cnulan, because one day soon, you will be eating those very words.
And don't forget I TOLD YOU SO when you do.
$3,000 a black man will win the 100 yard dash?
I'll take that bet.
And I'll bet you $30,000 a black man will win the Presidential race.
What I think unites DV and Byrd are their mutal hatred for jewry and feminism. It apparently doesn't matter that DV finds blacks intellectually superior and the Byrd sees whites as intellectually superior. It reminds me of Elijah Muhammed and George Lincoln Rockwell.
"Robyn, how is Byrd's version of racism different from Mike Fisher's?"
Oh, I'm a racist? How's that, DV?
Turdy, get you a velostat hat.
Say hello to my boy Michael Menkin, and don't forget I TOLD YOU SO when you do.
I'll never forget the first time me and my crew came across this website and read about poor Menkin's abduction experiences, sordid, nocturnal "probings" accompanied by the repeated sound of "meek-mok, meek-mok"
We laughed for a good thirty minutes, I mean, gut busting, uncontrollable, crying-type gales of laughter - cause "meek mok" seemed such a clear onomotopoetic rendering of the sound of squeaky old bed springs.
While I pity Turdy and Menkin for whatever cabinboy misadventures, they've been through, enough is enough.....,
"It reminds me of Elijah Muhammed and George Lincoln Rockwell."
How is that?
Elijah Muhammed, no fan of the Jews, thought blacks were intellectually superior to whites, George Lincoln Rockwell, also no fan of Jews who thought whites were intellectually superior to blacks and yet they both found their common ground.
Cnulan said Byrdeye is "just another anonymous Internet fuckwad".........
Seems a fair interpretation.
"Elijah Muhammed, no fan of the Jews, thought blacks were intellectually superior to whites"
Nope. You ought to study the Hon. Elijah Muhammad a bit. Elijah Muhammad said that whites are extremely clever and of great intelligence (and bred to be that way by the evil scientist Yacub), but that they are morally deficient. (And thus will be removed from the rule over the planet by God)
The common ground which Rockwell and the NOI found was solely in the principle of the separation of the "races". For Muhammad asserted that the whites were so morally deficient and irredeemably so, that there was no use whatsoever to stay married to them. Kind of like a divorce between two spouses who just can not get along, even for the sake of the kids.
Ummmm, DV. That's actually an argument in byrdeye's favor... ;)
By the way, C1. Since you done mentioned the Nazis.
Tell me, from the point of view of Africans in America, who was more evil, Thomas Jefferson or Adolf Hitler?
Tell me, from the point of view of Africans in America, who was more evil, Thomas Jefferson or Adolf Hitler?
Well, since I'm not African that would be a tough question to answer.
Created by a evil scientist? Yep, I know that one, sounds like he was big believer in a biological definition of race.
Elijah Muhammad said that whites are extremely clever and of great intelligence (and bred to be that way by the evil scientist Yacub), but that they are morally deficient.
But, the person that taught Elijah Muhammad for 3 years and 4 months straight, Wallace Dodd Ford, was himself supposedly of White-Polynesian descent (and an opportunistic con man who had done time in San Quentin). Isn't this rather self-contradictory, then?
byrdeye, I'm not a Muslim or an NOI member, so you need to ask one of them. In any case. there are still questions awaiting your answer (see the thread above).
"Well, since I'm not African that..."
Me thinks that is a cop out.
Ok, then. let's put it this way. Given what you know about the history of black people who was more evil to black people, Thomas Jefferson or Adolf Hitler?
Me thinks that is a cop out.
Same cop out you give when you say that you can't speak for any white folks.
As far as I know Adolph Hitler never ran across any black people, so I'll go with Jefferson.
You have one really good point here. The fact that Illmath and DV find blacks intellectually superior doesn't bother anyone but the fact that you find whites intellectually superior does. We are on a black oriented web page though, so I guess it makes sense.
classical one said...
What I think unites DV and Byrd are their mutal hatred for jewry and feminism."
LOL ... Au Contrare Mon Frere
I thought you were a little swifter than that C1.
DV doesn't hate Jews. DV simply marvels at how well Jews have conditioned the masses to consider any criticism of people who happen to be Jews - "hatred".
It's a wonderfully powerful political technique. You can always tell people who suffer from this conditioning when they repeat nonsense like "Criticism of Zionism is the same thing as hatred of Jews".
It blows my mind when I hear otherwise intelligent people repeat such ignorance.
That's like saying criticism of Reaganomics is the same thing as hatred of Americans.
Ridiculous isn't C?
Then why do you say shit like that, if you agree it is ridiculous?
"It apparently doesn't matter that DV finds blacks intellectually superior and the Byrd sees whites as intellectually superior."
Why should what I see matter to Byrd? Why should what Byrd sees "matter" to DV?
Since when do people need to "see things the same" in order to engage in discourse?
You see how they got your brain fucked up C?
They have taught you that "Diversity" = People of Different Colors All Thinking The Same Thing."
Seriously C. I want you to examine your thought process. I am going to challenge you on this one. Despite the PC facade - I submit you are more of a ... racist... than Byrdeye.
Yup. Inadvertently, you participate in a memplex that perpetuates racial discord by prohibiting sincere and genuine interaction between people. It demands individuals summarily reject the benefit of their own insight and adopt the accepted policy of the group.
One risks ostracization or accusations of "hatred" if one dares stray too far from the Official / Big Brother mandate of accepted opinions.
Under the guise of "protecting" people, this memeplex serves to only foster greater resentment, mistrust and ignorance between groups. No one ever works anything out. They just conform.
Non-conformists like DV and Byrdeye appear odd to conformists.
"What's this! I don't get this! A Black man who loves being black and a white man who think whites are wonderful ... are SUPPOSED to hate each other!! What's going on! Why don't they hate each other!! This does not compute!!"
DV said "Seriously C. I want you to examine your thought process. I am going to challenge you on this one. Despite the PC facade - I submit you are more of a ... racist... than Byrdeye."
C1 is the "I'm not a racist" racist who scoots over to sit by Byrdeye and make logic of his racist rants.
Byrdeye wears his racist shirt proudly, proclaiming he doesn't feel himself superior to DV, and truly expecting others to believe it. (wink wink)
"Free speech, ain't it?" yep.
"We can disagree about the inferiority of each other's "race" but still talk about reeeal importance stuff, right?" Sure, go for it.
Does it really matter that you dig Byrd, DV? Nah....
Does he really respect you? THAT's the difference, IMO.
C1 -
Illmath very clearly and brilliantly explained his logic and statements about the whole "intelligence" discussion.
How you didn't hear him is beyond me.
Illmath and DV just prove that whole reverse racism thing, eh C1??
(watches something fly right over your head).
Byrdeye wears his racist shirt proudly, proclaiming he doesn't feel himself superior to DV, and truly expecting others to believe it. (wink wink)"
Plantation Negro Conditioning runs deep doesn't it Mike? (wink wink)
The need to project feelings of supremacy onto white folks is = volunteer slavery.
DV, mel, is not me. She is Melissa and is a white person.
And she happens to be correct on this one.
One risks ostracization or accusations of "hatred" if one dares stray too far from the Official / Big Brother mandate of accepted opinions.
DV, I reserve the double-tap for muhfuggaz whose intellectual end-game is triflingly apparent.
If by a certain age, you haven't overcome simple ideative and inductive blind alleys to reach the point where your factual and intellectual stance is one of mature discrimination - the appellation stupid doesn't do you justice - and you simply gotta go.
Truth transcends race, people.
IOW, whether something is racist or not has no bearing on whether it's true or not.
That's what DV & I get, but not the rest of the peanut gallery here...
Now, enough mental masturbation. If anyone believes that a NON-BLACK MAN will win the 100m dash in a few weeks - BY ALL MEANS PUT YOUR MONEY DOWN.
Otherwise, you tacitly admit by YOUR ACTIONS that you DO BELIEVE in the existence of RACIST TRUTHS so STFU already. That you TRULY BELIEVE THE SAME WAY I DO, but are just TOO CHICKENSHIT TO ADMIT IT.
I have little patience for ALL TALK, NO WALK. Put up or shut up.
you can't handle the truth turdy - because hurty feewings and genuine truth agency don't mix.
that voice that my ostracizing and dismissive comments projects into your head is purely and completely a fiction of your own imagination.
such is the power of conscious supremacy....,
You can thin I'm a racist all you want, no skin off my ashtabula.
Illmath didn't prove anything, he just state his opinion.
You have one really good point here. The fact that Illmath and DV find blacks intellectually superior doesn't bother anyone but the fact that you find whites intellectually superior does
That isn't what happened? Once again, you calling me a racist means nothing to me DV. I don't think whites are any more or less superior or inteligent than blacks as I said before. If I thought they were, damn right I'd say it.
Nor do I blame my problems and the ills of the world on gays, jews, feminists etc. Par for the course here
C1 said : "You can think I'm a racist all you want, no skin off my ashtabula."
C1 said: "Illmath didn't prove anything, he just stated his opinion."
As I said before....watching something, (something HUGE), fly right over your head.
"As far as I know Adolph Hitler never ran across any black people, so I'll go with Jefferson."
C1, I'm sure that you will agree that Adolf Hitler was a criminal who should have been hung. Do you then agree that Thomas Jefferson was a criminal who should have been hung?
"nigerians are running roughshod over their asian and white counterparts in the fields of math and science"
Here you go byrd Im sure I CAN DO BETTER and if you have any qualms about this I will..Im not good.
“Technical Anomaly”
JOINED: Apr 13, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Reply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#1Aug 20, 2007
And qualifications:
[Quoted from the site:]
All minority ethnic groups in Scotland are at least as or more likely to have degrees (or equivalent) than White Scottish people. Those most likely to have degrees from ethnic minority groups are Africans, people from 'Other' ethnic groups and Indians.
People from the White Scottish group and Pakistanis are the least likely to have degrees (17%).
Pakistanis are also the most likely to have no qualifications (43%) followed by Chinese people (38%) and White Scottish people (35%). In contrast, only 15% of African people aged 16-74 years have no qualifications.
The group with the highest proportion of people educated to degree level is the African group (47%) but the qualification profile is more polarised than for the younger age groups and 32% of the population has no qualifications. The next highest is the Bangladeshi group (45%) followed by the Indian group (42%).
Los Angeles, CA
Reply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#2Aug 20, 2007
I tend to like the Scots--nice accents.
also, johnny cash was a scottish-american. he was pretty cool.
Willing Thinker
“Technical Anomaly”
JOINED: Apr 13, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Reply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#3Aug 20, 2007
And what's funny is many more science and technology industries are literally importing their engineers and scientists from Africa than they are from Europe.
but shh, this shouldn't ever get out as a stereotype
Willing Thinker
Youngstown, OH
C1 it's a theory based on what has come to be known as "group think" I think it's easier to "dumb down" white ppl because cause the very one perpetuating the lies are looked upon as being in the "group".. whereas whites would be more "critical" of ca source coming from outside the group. But this rarely happens leading to a sheepishish cowlike monkey see monkey do type behavior. It makes sense to me. Not all white ppl just in general
It doesn't bother me that whites think theyre superior? I just ask in what way? I think If given a level playing field we'll mop the the floor with any white boy. I happen to think we are just a more evolved species of homo sapien. Physically spiritually and mentally. Why? Well for one thing ..melanin which is found in the brain and the spine.. another thing dominate and reccesive genes.. it's as if mother nature is making it's choice.
Another Classical 1 is me..Im amazing and no one more amazing and Im Black so...there you go. :)
BYRD (you my nigga fa sho and I like you genuinely)
Listen ...I won't bet against a Black man on ANYTHING unless it's hockey or a dungeons and dragons role playing game... scratch hockey I happen to believe that if given a even playing field which we have been given in sports we'll beat white ppl at anything. Which goes back to my point about it being nothing more than nurture. Simple. You can get that Byrd. Well acknowledge it then. Why is it implicit that 's it's more than the 500 hundred years of torture we endured and denial of any education or Jim crow the continual burning of our churches schools and communities, ostrization marginalization segregation integration the media defamation that has us at these quandarous (made it up) crossroad. I happen to believe european domination (colonization) is solely because of GUNS GERMS AND STEEL not because of superior intellect but a white consciousness that developed Out Of Necessity earlier than a Black consciousness developed. Byrd 60 years ago I'd assume you would be arguing that Blacks didn't have the mental accuity to be a quarterback or have to be a winning coach or perhaps not have the mental wherewithall to play 75 holes of golf.
FACT: There is/as a concerted effort to deprive Black people of adequate education and I think even you too can attest to these obvious correlations between poverty education income etc.
(Don't make me find stats.) It's simple if we had as many math programs as we do sports programs in the urban cities of a america if ALL schools got the same amount of funding this proverbial noreaster would certainly change course.
Im sure you've seen the experiment by Jane Elliot. If not you can check it out. You have to. google her and tell me what you think Byrd.
I meant whereas Blacks not whites would be more critical of data being that most sources of propaganda come from sources thought to be outside of the group. I realize that only one form of intelligence but in my opinion without critical think there is no human progression...
Hey Mike I enjoyed your joint on the rhetorical ethics..makes sense to me.
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