He is fastidious about his appearance, his home and his possessions. He wants as much sex as possible and chooses sexual partners mostly on the basis of appearance. He is self-absorbed and doesn't want emotional involvement or commitment. He thinks a woman would stifle him and children would be a burden.
Does this sound like many gays? It is also the masculine ideal purveyed by Playboy magazine to men since the 1950's.

The similarity between the Playboy and homosexual ideal is no coincidence. "The Kinsey Report" (1948) shaped current mainstream attitudes to sex. It championed unfettered sexual expression and became the manifesto of the counterculture. It inspired Hugh Hefner to start Playboy in 1953.
The Gray Conservative said...

The "Hip Hop is anti-feminism" meme is now clashing with the "Unmarried man over 30 is a Homo" meme.
50 Cent vs The feminist Police State
"Curtis Jackson - One of the last bastions of genuine masculinity left in America.
No wonder they hate Hip Hop. Everything else is gender blurred and punkified."
So which is it vis-a-vis Hip Hop?
50 Cent - P.I.M.P. lyrics
(Verse 3)
I told you fools before, I stay with the tools
I keep a Benz, some rims, and some jewels
I holla at a hoe til I got a bitch confused
She got on Payless, me I got on gator shoes
I'm shopping for chinchillas, in the summer they cheaper
Man this hoe you can have her, when I'm done I ain't gon keep her
Man, bitches come and go, every nigga pimpin know
You saying it's secret, but you ain't gotta keep it on the low
Bitch choose with me, I'll have you stripping in the street
Put my other hoes down, you get your ass beat
Now Nik my bottom bitch, she always come up with my bread
The last nigga she was with put stitches in her head
Get your hoe out of pocket, I'll put a charge on a bitch
Cause I need 4 TVs and AMGs for the six
Hoe make a pimp rich, I ain't paying bitch
Catch a date, suck a dick, shiiit, TRICK
Is Hop Hop "gay" DV, or is Hip Hop the last hope of the henpecked, emasculated male?
"He is fastidious about his appearance, his home and his possessions. He wants as much sex as possible and chooses sexual partners mostly on the basis of appearance. He is self-absorbed and doesn't want emotional involvement or commitment. He thinks a woman would stifle him and children would be a burden.
Does this sound like many gays?"
Sure‚ on paper it sounds like the reasoning of a gay dude, but it also sounds like the modus operandi and the general themes about relationships that you hear in the lyrics of a lot of rappers; some of which I've cut and pasted here. It's a huge leap in logic to suggest that the statement that "he thinks a woman would stifle him and children would be a burden" is indicative of a desire to be in a homosexual relationship. Just because Heff doesn't want to settle down with a woman and have kids doesn't mean he takes it or gives in the Hershey Highway.
Nobody complained when Big Punisher declared to the world that he wasn't a player and that it was simply a matter of him crushing a lot; nor do I recall anyone using his name and the word homosexual in the same sentence.
So here we are at the cross roads of pop culture influences in which it is claimed that Playboy, Sex and the City, the rabid feminists, secularism, and various other usurpers and enemies of the atomic family are slowly helping to bring about the demise of the traditional family and the masculine male, while on the other side it is claimed that Hip Hop, old time religion, and the institution of marriage are the last hopes of the American populace to combat these ills. Granted, those enemies of the atomic family are, in fact, anti-family and anti-male masculinity, but I'm not sure it's as much a Homo revolution as it is a general effort by elites to further enslave the general population.
A word about Hip Hop though: Some might read those 50 Cents lyrics and assume that I'm one of those rap music haters that lays the blame at the feet of rap for the breakdown of the family, but's that only a small segment of rap. Then again—if Henry's statement is taken as true—if Heff is guilty of warping sexual expression through his magazine, then surely rap isn't too far behind on the blame game train. If Playboy started it, then commercial rap is merely following in the footsteps.
So yeah, 50, Snoop, Jay-Z, et al, aren't exact putting a rubber stamp on the institution of marriage, but on the flip side of the coin I think R&B has been at least somewhat consistent in playing up the good aspects of marriage and romance in general. The situation isn't as hopeless as we'd like to believe. I distinctly remember people dancing to Jagged Edge's "Let's Get Married" at the end of night when I was still hitting the clubs regularly. In fact, I'd probably hold that song up as the general pop culture antidote to this "Homo Sexual Revolution" meme, even if I don't agree with the meme's conclusions or reasoning 100%.
So to summarize, 50 and Snoop are good at helping you be a masculine male but not a married man, while Jagged Edge promotes the idea of marriage while stopping just short of Babyface's bullshit about limp-wristedly catering to a woman "soon as he gets home from work". Seems fair enough to me.
I was gonna bash you man
until my heart softened up
and I figured ur prolly one of my fans
I cant help my reality wayne
Me lame?
Why? cause I playing
w All Stars and you scared to get in the game?
one question why lie?
I lied
two questions
Illmathematics,why try?
Call ILLmathematics a liar
sit down watch my show
cuz the I think the baby needs a pacifier
Wayne is perry cuomo frank sinatra
Ill is Nathaniel King Cole
ILL is the Wire
Wayne is a soap opera
If I was Lucas
you'd be the snitch for the copper
Big wayne is ping pong in hong kong
And Illmath is worldwide soccer
If you notice my bruva I m giving wayne his propas
I it's hard to relate tho
it gets harder and harder
ever heard of projection??
cuz big not lil Wayne
fucked HIMSELF in that last rhyme with no protection (dang)
I live with Niggas like Wayne every day
big and sensitive acting like mama
cuz daddy was away
I commend you for doing yo thing regardless
u got a ways to go
on this road
young lion cuz you are heartless
Im the arbiter of art
Ima say yo art is artless
No pizzaz, comical but basic
simple minded sass
cheap laughs gaffs guffaws and imbecilic typed gags
Ill will tell u something funny
IlI used to dim his light
cuz it made brothas like wayne feel insecure and emasculated and uptight
Id humbly walk up in the spot while Wayne rolls his eyes
as if already his girl gave me brains in exchange for fries (you psychic?)
I attempt to soothe your ego with a downward head nod
you tilt yours upwards just to show umbrage in your feeble facade
But I read blink by gladwell so Im free of that luggage my luggage you could NEVER lug it t
Im the the nail that sticks out
that hammer it pull out or budge it
I know your prototype wayne
no matter how cool Id be youz the ho type mane
you'd still be mad at me
not knowing that when I look at You I truly see Me
What I gotta lie for and I ain't gotta college degree Im talkin to scholars who got twice my vocabulary and Im quite sure theyre arent impressed thats why I feel free to speak honestly
this is Illmath's life
when my friends asked what I did that day I use to lie
cuz the truth would be I was kissing _______ from " The Dark Knight"
Niggas ask me how Im doing now I say "just trying to get by"
Cuz if I tell em they gon sayin Im name droppin or braggin
cuz they egos fall at rate they pants is saggin'
You can call me a liar but you only fueling the fire and making me aspire
gain momentum like a gang
in an economic spiral
You still my dude big Wayne
ur feelings are very normal for dealing with them I admire you.
And nothing 's wrong with internet porn once in a while dude. 60 percent intellect
40 Nigga wit attitude
If you could actually hear the flow it be that much better.. but really it's no need even if you approach it a basic big wayne pentameter it's still Ill..
the typos can be overlooked due to the fact i was typing like a mad man.....
Shot out to DV!!! where my props at fam??!! Wayne where you at?? You hibernatin or something you big bear???
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