Michael Fisher said...

How that has anything to do with Dopamine, and thus a "Dopamine Hegemony" is not shown here. Your theory remains a an unsupported supposition.
Furthermore, Sigmund Freud was born a few hundred years after your postulated origin of white supremacy which white supremacy you say is "an extreme syndrome within the more encompassing pathology of dopamine hegemony", based on a "cognitive error" by "white" people identifying "black" people as a different species.
Moreover, your argument postulates that there are biological factors for this supposed Dopamine System where there are "sleepers" and "creatives" or some such, whose ability to function as such is determined by Dopamine levels which are in turn determined by the lack or abundance of Dopamine receptors.
What you described in the above post is a run-in-the-mill supremacy structure which can be fitted on to any kind of theoretical construct: Class Supremacy, White Supremacy, even DV's Black Supremacy (Gangsta Hip Hop arguably having taken over Madison Avenue).
So that shyt ain't nutin' but an unsupported regurgitation of your cult leader' consciousness stream.
You gotta do betta.
I'm black yall!!! Word...
DV, you got me cracking up entirely too early this mornin'
Nah, Kimberly. That's brothers CNu and Mike Fisher.
They've both dropped some jewels.
"Dopamine and Fight Club"
And that would be proof of what beyond evidence of a "haphazard assortment of errors drifting across Nulan's stream
of consciousness" when it comes to your unsubstantiated assertion that "white supremacy is an extreme syndrome within the more encompassing pathology of dopamine hegemony"?
You gotta do betta.
why wouldn't "white supremacy" be "an extreme syndrome within the more encompassing pathology of dopamine hegemony"?
"Why wouldn't "white supremacy" be 'an extreme syndrome within the more encompassing pathology of dopamine hegemony'"?
I'm glad someone finally asked that question.
DV, sure the "Dopamine hegemony" could exist, but that would pre-suppose a number of things and those things needed to be proven both empirically and conceptually.
First, one would have to prove that there is such a thing as a "dopamine hegemony". That would first involve defining that hegemony conceptually and then providing empirical evidence that dopamine levels are correlated with rank within that hegemony.
Moreover, since white supremacy predates 1952 when dopamine was discovered (and white supremacy had been highly refined, or, according to folks like Cobb, basically erradicated), a historical empirical correlation of human dopamine levels and rank within the structure of this "Hegemony" would have to be provided and proven.
Nulan posits the origin of white supremacy in the reaction of the Virginia colony's power structure to Bacon's rebellion in 1676.
Basically we'd need not only empirical data as to the dopamine levels of the people comprising the power structure of 1679 Virginia (i.e. establish that a Dopamine Hegemony existed in the first place), but then we'd have to show how dopamine was the responsible for the creation of a system of white supremacy, rather than, let's say a system of "taking a pleasurable swim" supremacy. This, since dopamine is said to be responsible for the anticipatory pleasures in our brains.
So I'm not saying that the existence of this "Dopamine Hegemony" couldn't be the case, I'm saying there is no proof and that Nulan has been covering up that fact, which, if only a portion of his 187 IQ story is true, is obvious to him. Thus his steady stream of invective. (Nulan practices your operant behaviorism in reverse. He doesn't praise he derides.)
Thus, on balance, lacking empirical evidence for his supposition, Nulan operates in the realm of faith and religion.
Which is why I say that he worships Alan Carter who has been pushing this stuff. Nulan's very own white Jesus.
"Your exclusive purpose in life is to serve as a convenient recepticle for dopaminergic excretion via virtual vitriol...,
Now go flush yourself and wash up for your next use."
Nulan, the homosexual R. Kelly of the bogosphere?
I'm not afraid to say I still don't get this dopamine thing.
According to what I've been reading, more dopamine is better than less dopamine. Too much or too little is not good. Cocaine is said to increase dopamine levels. Does this mean we should all go out and get coked up? Get high but don't get too high? Is there some sort of monitor to determine when we've had enough?
And finally, because I know I'm not the only one thinking it, just the only one bold enough to say it, what's the practical application of this whole dopamine theory as it relates to making a change in present day societal problems? In other words, why should I care?
There ain't nuthin to "get", Dwight. It's a micro-religion, a cult with Nulan serving as his very own Spanish inquisition.
what's the practical application of this whole dopamine theory as it relates to making a change in present day societal problems? In other words, why should I care?
Because in looking at dopamine hegemony, you'll begin to discern the root cause of collective behavioral pathology Dwight.
White supremacy as practiced in the U.S. was a localized symptom (a local system of white supremacy) of finite duration whose time came and went decades ago.
In stubbornly and mistakenly conflating racism with what's really going on, you've confined your analysis to a symptom rather than the underlying cause.
"dopamine hegemony"
No evidence presented
White supremacy
no evidence presented
White supremacy as practiced in the U.S. was a localized symptom
no evidence presented
the underlying cause
No evidence presented.
The one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
"Pipi macha muss er
ja da kann er nit fuer,
pipi mache muss er
an de nobermann's tuer,
pipi mache muss er
an de nobamann's eck,
da kuet de nobamann
un nimmt den pipimann weg!
oh, nobaman, wann kann i min pipimann wider han,
noba,noba, noba., nobaman?"
"White supremacy as practiced in the U.S. was a localized symptom (a local system of white supremacy) of finite duration whose time came and went decades ago."
Tell me this, oh Wizard of The Sundry Dopamineric Errata Stream:
What is your definition of "White Supremacy"?
When did White Supremacy arrive?
How did White Supremacy arrive?
When did White Supremacy end? (Got a date?)
How did it end?
How would you know that is German, considering you don't even know latin?
Aside from all that, you can talk about "Schmuck" and "Recess Monkey" all day long and even hide behind DV, but you still have not answered very simple questions. Your arrogant ass advocates "The Dopamine Hegemony" so your errata stream ought to be able to deliver at least a conceptual proof.
Come on, Craig. Can you do it? Don't prove it to me, prove it to the fan club you think you possess!
Go flush yourself and wash up for your next use...,
An easy and basic primer on the modern mechanical underpinnings of global dopamine hegemony.
Hegemony (pronounced [hə.ˈdʒe.mə.ni (Amer.), hɪ.ˈɡe.mə.ni (Brit.)])(Greek: ἡγεμονία hēgemonía) is a concept that has been used to describe the existence of dominance of one social group over another, such that the ruling group—referred to as a hegemon—acquires some degree of consent from the subordinate, as opposed to dominance purely by force. It is used broadly to mean any kind of dominance, and narrowly to refer to specifically cultural and non-military dominance, as opposed to the related notions of empire and suzerainty.
The processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position: for example, the inculcation of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education, advertising, publication, etc. the mobilization of a police force as well as military personnel to subdue opposition.
As a practical matter, the local system of white supremacy as an overt American governance tactic ended when Madison Avenue curtailed its direct marketing and mass reinforcement operations.
This curtailment paralleled the launch of global hegemonic projection along universally human lines of influence.
White supremacy doesn't sell.
Dopamine hegemony OTOH - is international, worldwide....,
Nulan, propaganda mechanisms ("Madison Avenue") are as old as dirt, beginning all the way with the mythologies of the Ancients to the Bible, the Vedas, the Quran, the literature and poems of the European Renaissance, to "Birth of A Nation" to "Triumph of the Will" to Will Smith's "I Am Legend" and to the Ivory Soap Girl commercials.
How that has anything to do with Dopamine, and thus a "Dopamine Hegemony" is not shown here. Your theory remains a an unsupported supposition.
Furthermore, Sigmund Freud was born a few hundred years after your postulated origin of white supremacy which white supremacy you say is "an extreme syndrome within the more encompassing pathology of dopamine hegemony", based on a "cognitive error" by "white" people identifying "black" people as a different species.
Moreover, your argument postulates that there are biological factors for this supposed Dopamine System where there are "sleepers" and "creatives" or some such, whose ability to function as such is determined by Dopamine levels which are in turn determined by the lack or abundance of Dopamine receptors.
What you described in the above post is a run-in-the-mill supremacy structure which can be fitted on to any kind of theoretical construct: Class Supremacy, White Supremacy, even DV's Black Supremacy (Gangsta Hip Hop arguably having taken over Madison Avenue).
So that shyt ain't nutin' but an unsupported regurgitation of your cult leader' consciousness stream.
You gotta do betta.
White supremacy is an obstacle to the efficient global proliferation of the modern instrumentality of hegemonic governance.
As a governance growth inhibitor, it outlived its usefulness. Those who fail to see this obvious fact, have likely outlived their usefulness, as well.
Craig, I appreciate your resonse to my inquiry. The video was entertaining. I think there is a lot of truth in what was shown. I also think you are way off base with your theory that this is the over riding power structure extant in our world. I am simply too tired to get into all the areas where I find logical fallacy.
Besides, Mike already beat me to several of them. The biggest one you need to consider is how exactly you can logically assert that Situtation A (W/S),can possible be a derivative, offshoot, or byproduct of Situation B (DH), when W/S existed before this Freudian meglomania came into being. Isn't it far more probable that the system of W/S adopted the tactics espoused by Bernays and Freud to futher it's own ends. And since Bernays and Freud were part of the power elite (and likely self identified as white) wouldn't that just be W/S helping itself to a new tactic?
"Moreover, your argument postulates that there are biological factors for this supposed Dopamine System where there are "sleepers" and "creatives" or some such, whose ability to function as such is determined by Dopamine levels which are in turn determined by the lack or abundance of Dopamine receptors.
"'Moreover, your argument postulates'
As yet, I've not stated it - and your projective speculations don't remotely resemble it, whatever the as yet unstated "IT" may be."
And who, pray tell, said this?
“All drugs of addiction (and addictive behaviors) and only these ultimately stimulate dopamine release or increase its activity in the nucleus accumbens, the same way electrical current in rats, monkeys, and humans does, and cause dopamine release throughout the brain, and produce the hedonic response. The hedonic responses to these addictors are: I like that, motivation, incentive stimulus, goal directed behaviors. Addictors stimulate dopamine release in nucleus accumbens and throughout the brain. Drugs that block dopamine block this response. Dopamine coordinates responses throughout the brain, especially the emotional and memory parts of the brain. It provides information about what’s important to the organism a well as feeling of well being. Dopamine does all this in all people, so why do only some people get addicted and most others don’t?
The organisms (animals and humans) that get addicted are the ones that started genetically with low dopamine activity to begin with.
This genetics separates people who get addicted and people who don’t.
These genetically low dopamine people have, by definition, addictive tendencies.
It is this low dopamine activity that causes these people to unconsciously seek out dopamine raisers, drugs and behaviors, and get addicted to them, all unconsciously, from the very beginning.” Craig Nulan
Since you are a lover of nursery rhymes: Liar, liar, pants on fire...
Ooops, I made an erratum.
Gratias tibi ago, Nulensius
"you couldnt find a single instance of the term "dopamine hegemony" among those materials if your empty shell of a life depended on it."
Well, aren't you gratified that, in addition to the stream of your fearless Caucasian Messiah, your sundry errata consciousness stream
has produced an erratum all on it's own.
DV, in all fairness, since you done put Nulan's "Black yo" mockery on the front page, you could at least put the two illustrations of the origins of Nulan's consciousness streams up there on the front page as well.
It's your house, and as a guest, I am obliged to adhere to your rules. That said, I ask that you please not act to moderate the recess monkey's obstinate struggles.
Not only will that diminish the instructive value of the exercise, but it will also deprive me of the modest practical value I obtain from observing his compulsive expressions." Cnu
Oh. Cool. No problem. Just saw this.
Do your thing.
"It's your house, and as a guest, I am obliged to adhere to your rules. That said, I ask that you please not act to moderate the recess monkey's obstinate struggles.
Not only will that diminish the instructive value of the exercise, but it will also deprive me of the modest practical value I obtain from observing his compulsive expressions." Cnu
Oh. Cool. No problem. Just saw this.
Do your thing.
Too late, DV. You done already asked the right question that got the ball rolling.
Clearly the one thing Nulan feared the most. Why else would he beg you to censor yourself?
Interesting collection of items to mock me with, by the way, Nulan. Me thinks I see a revealing pattern emerging. More on that later.
I also think you are way off base with your theory that this is the over riding power structure extant in our world.
Which part of "modern mechanical underpinning" did you not get Dwight?
Show me where this infrastructure is used in the proliferation of "white supremacy" on an international basis?
It's not. Rather, it's used in the proliferation of systems for the manufacture and "fulfillment" of desire.
As such, it's an amazingly efficient "modern" mechanism for proliferating hegemonic influence.
Hegemonic influence is less about medieval or plantation coercion (your GSWS) than it is about manufacturing and then catering to desire.
When you think "manufacturing and catering to desire" - then you begin to approach the "system" by which the power structure rules.
How exactly you can logically assert that Situtation A (W/S),can possible be a derivative, offshoot, or byproduct of Situation B (DH), when W/S existed before this Freudian meglomania came into being.
Simple Dwight. This was the fundamental point of embarcation for this theme five months ago - where I wrote;
"But to the above, I think it would make one helluv'n interesting historical narrative to attempt to reconstruct/survey the collective effects and motivations arising in the old world from the introduction of mass quantities of sugar, caffeine, nicotine, etc...,
We know at least one of the major effects this addiction had on our own history;
However, a much larger scale production of sugarcane shifts across the Atlantic to America with the introduction of sugarcane to Santo Domingo on Columbus' second voyage in 1493. Eventually, America will surpass Mediterranean sugarcane industry as huge plantations will spread to Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. Sugarcane also made inroads with indigo in the Portuguese colony of Brazil. In conjunction with industrialization in Europe the habit of sugar consumption with coffee, tea, and rum will become a drug-like addiction involving sugar, alcohol, and tobacco. Europeans and eventually the world, as it industrializes, will, without much alarm or perceptions of dangers of abuse, feed one of the largest cash crops and food businesses in the world. Cacao like tea and coffee contains a stimulant and is combined with vanilla , milk products, and sugar to produce a sweet with supposed aphrodisiac properties called chocolate this is only one aspect of sugars impact and importance.
The initial labor for sugarcane plantations in America will fall on Native Americans, but by 1600 95 % of Native Americans in the Caribbean and Atlantic Coast populations will be dead, mainly due to disease and labor. African slavery will replace the Native American slave labor and by 1888 9.5 million African people will be enslaved in the Americas. The Caribbean plantations will dominate in sugarcane and slaves, but Portuguese Brazil will always be a strong competitor to the Spanish and other Europeans in the Caribbean. The Southeastern United States in colonial times and as part of the United States will also operate plantations dominated with sugarcane and sorghum production of sugar. The cruelty and exploitation of these slave plantation systems will, driven by unprecedented greed, bring the entire African slave trade aspect to a halt by the late 1880s. In the case of French Haiti (called Saint Dominique) 450,000 African slaves will be persecuted so that a bloody fifteen year revolt will result in the only full take over of a colony in America by African slaves."
Historically, it is a trivial matter of fact that the process of governance through manufacturing and catering to desire, addictive desire preceded the implementation of african slavery and the local system of white supremacy used to coercively enforce the same.
Your allegedly "global system" of white supremacy was an anomalous and temporary means to a definite economic and governance end.
Like its proponents, it outlived its usefulness and was rendered obsolete.
I also think you are way off base with your theory that this is the over riding power structure extant in our world.
I hadn't addressed the over riding power structure Dwight. Just the modern means to the end of its efficient global proliferation, a means that has enabled the power structure to abstract itself in greatest measure from the costly and labor intensive methods of naked physical coercion.
The over riding power structure extant in our world is the corporation.
The Elizabethan magus John Dee basically invented the construct of the corporation, (read this article very carefully - along with Nathan's companion article on Corporate Metabolism) and with that, contributed in HUGE measure to the economic renaissance of formerly impoverished and nativist England.
Actually, the notion of evocation runs quite true to the original cast of corporate form. Alchemical advisors to the British Crown during the 16th century appear to have set the stage for creating the first corporations. Their esoteric work focused on a place called the Royal Exchange of London, with the intent of establishing (read: evoking) a contemporary fiction called the "Brytish Impire." Much to the contrary, as of the 1560s the Brits were perpetually broke, let alone anywhere near to becoming an "empire." Nonetheless, certain royal advisors needed cash to be able to keep buying lots of occult books, among other things. Up popped a new belief based on the glory of England, rallying ’round their Virgin Queen, a new hope based upon a fiction – the "Brytish Impire" – printed in manuscripts that were adorned with engravings of the Empress surrounded by alchemical symbols.
Now then. It is possible to read American history as the struggle of Africans in America against a local system of white supremacy. It is equally possible to read American history as a lengthy internecine altercation among warring european feudal houses. It is equally possible to read American history as the evolutionary struggle among warring systems of governance (power structures).
It is of course best, to read and understand all of these competing threads of historical development, particularly as they continue to unfold all around us.
Stay with me here Dwight. Comes now a question for you - which seeks not to change the subject - but is instead intended to probe the structural and operating nature of the current over riding power structures - which you contend are white supremacist and utilize racism as a primary instrumentality of hegemony.
Is the ongoing invasion of Iraq to appropriate 112 Billion barrels of proven reserves of Iraqi, sweet, light, crude oil and a suspected 112 Billion barrels more - unproven at this time - an instance of "white supremacy", or, is it something completely different from that?
Are the efforts to provoke an enlarged altercation with Iran - the literal cradle of Aryan civilization (and which also happens to coincide with yet another 112+ billion barrels of proven oil reserves) - yet a further instance of white supremacy, or, has the power of this arch-parochial analysis met its waterloo when applied to the exigencies of the present situation?
That is some of the most illogical dreck I done ever read.
All commodities produced for human consumption by definition are produced to give pleasure. That includes cotton being biggest cash industry period produced by the "localized American white supremacy".
As far as I recall, no one ate cotton.
What you described above is once again nothing but a run-of-the-mill description of economics as the root cause of slavery.
What that logically has to do with a "Dopamine Hegemony" where a social structure is determined by dopamine levels is not shown.
However, if you are trying to use "Dopamine Hegemony" in the sense of "Dopamine is King" as in "Cotton is King" (Cotton Hegemony), "Sugar is King" (Sugar Hegemony), or "Tobacco is King" (Tobacco Hegemony) or even "Cocaine is King" (Cocaine Hegemony), that is that the entire manufacturing system of chattel slavery was geared towards producing human pleasure (Pleasure Hegemony), then you said something exceedingly pedestrian, namely that "Commodities is King" (Commodity Hegemony).
Once again, Nulan:
All commodities produced for human consumption by definition were and are produced in order to give pleasure or create a means to to such production (tools and weapons for example). Otherwise no one would buy them.
(((shakin' head)))
Corporate Metabolism
By 1600, a group of merchants gain the Crown's approval to launch the East India Company.... It colonizes parts of SE Asia and eventually (albeit reluctantly) controls India. The firm becomes an essential key to establishing the military industrial complex called the British Empire.
King Charles I granted a charter to the Massachusetts Bay Company in 01629 to colonize New England.
The colonist specifically rebelled against British Corporate control.
Corporations were severely restrained within the new republic. They could only be authorized by an act of legislature in one specific state, and not at the federal level. They could only exist for a single purpose serving the public good and only then for a limited period. State legislatures (a callback to the House of Commons) held the power to revoke corporate charters, and voter referendum could initiate that process. So far, so good — so what went wrong?
(various things went wrong. the US needed money, the concept of a corporation was unstoppable and slowly eroded any legal impediments)
The Civil War was in large part a battle of State's Rights and Corporate/Anti-Corporate power.
The South was Anti-Corporate.
In 1864, President Lincoln sent a letter to Col. William F. Elkins, apprehending the (Civil) war's true nature and eventual outcome: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, ... and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
...the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution established "equal protection" under the law for all persons. Within two decades, in 1886, the infamous Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad (118 U.S. 394) case invoked the 14th Amendment to protect corporations as "legal persons" which in turn acted as agents and property of "natural persons".
Question #4: How much did the 14th Amendment actually get used to benefit African Americans?
Writing fifty years later in 1938, US Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black echoed Lincoln's eleventh-hour realization: "...of the cases in this Court in which the Fourteenth Amendment was applied during the first fifty years after its adoption, less than one-half of one per cent. invoked it in protection of the negro race, and more than fifty per cent. asked that its benefits be extended to corporations.."
But you should read it in full to get the slime molds and the theory of sublation.
That's all I feel like giving away at the moment Dwight. With these additional data points under your belt, you should be reasonably well prepared to deal with the more detailed elaboration of the complete theory I'm spelling out at my leisure at Subrealism.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nulan keeping on with the trivialities.
Corporate structures (from the Latin corporare "forming a body") in an of themselves are ancient forms of organizations of actual persons which later were given specific legal rights of fictional persons.
So what?
You have asserted the existence of a "Dopamine Hegemony" a Dopamine Social Structure.
You are talking about everything else but. Now you are talking about "Corporate Hegemony".
Trivial and pedestrian once again.
The question was, Nulan,
"Why wouldn't 'white supremacy' be 'an extreme syndrome within the more encompassing pathology of dopamine hegemony'"?
Establish you "Dopamine Hegemony" social structure and the proof thereof already!
"There's an interior dialog taking place in Telemique's pointy little head that will compulsively erupt on any comment thread in which I participate."
Once again re-writing history, but no matter.
Point is, Nulan, you've proven nothing beyond the fact that your insufferable arrogance is based on pure, let me use your favorite term, stupidity.
Me wonders how, if at all, you actually finished MIT. Did you?
Michael Fisher...., surrounded by bones but utterly incapable of taking the next step on his own.
Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me, I'm gonna have to address that revealing collection of supposed insults at a later time. Let me just say this in anticipation: Freudian indeed.
neverending convulsions and paroxysms of antics....,
"Nothing Freudian about it recess monkey. When I set the hook, I always set it extremely close, deep, and smooth."
The use of the imagery involving these supposed insults is what is revealing.
You contention is that I am stupid and weak minded.
The images you associate with this notion and thus attempted to insult me with are
(1) A black male victim of crack addiction (which I would consider an illness of desperation) whose illness is so encompassing that he tries to sell a bag of hamburgers in order to get his next fix and, failing that, in his desperation offers to "suck" another man's "dick" and, instead of being helped gets shot to death.
To think that this scene is either funny or an appropriate use to denigrate someone shows a lack of compassion with the black victims of this illness. That you chose this particular scene of black desperation and black-on-black murder as a vehicle of an "insult" of a black man is telling and, I would contend, borders on the pathological.
(2) The next
visual aid that I recall you using and that you associate with "stupidity and weakmindedness" is Alan Payne's (actually Nelson George Chris rock's) skit about the conscious rapper who proudly proclaims that he is "black and blacker than black".
That is, "Black Nationalism" as stupidity. Again, an interesting and telling choice.
Contrast that "insult" with DV's approach which would be to accuse me of the exact opposite, namely of being a fearful Uncle Tom (Plantation Negro), i.e. DV would argue, that I am not black enough. Thus equating stupidity and weakmindedness with the lack of blackness. (Note that DV says about himself exactly what Alan Payne says: He's the Blackest man on the planet.)
The only interpretation that allows is that you equate declarations of blackness with stupidity. Again, a telling notion.
Next the two clinchers.
(3) "Recess Monkey".
I would assume that you are fully aware that rhesus monkeys look as lsuch
Nonetheless, you chose (repeatedly) to associate stupidity and weakmindedness with black
and then with the Apes of Planet of the Apes who the filmmakers clearly meant to represent Black people.
The message is clear. Michael Fisher is stupid and weakminded and this can best be illustrated by associating "stupidity and weak mindedness" with "blackness" via the most favored and time-honored of white racist devices: the black man as ape and monkey.
Bottom line, Nulan, given that you are supposedly black, what would Freud say?
In any case, I'm tired of trading insults. It tends to distract from the real issue. namely that your "Dopamine Theory" is not only bunk, but a device to deny the existence of racism and it's effect on black folk in general, thus disarming them.
This combined with you clearly demonstrated loathing of "black" (see your choice of insult imagery) and your knee fall before the very much white Alan Carter and his micro-religion in demonstrates that you are not the "black partisan" you hold yourself out to be. Far from it.
In closing, I suggest we cease the mutual insults and agree to minimize contact.
Minimize your unwelcome virtual contact with me, my ideas, and my name - and you've got no worries.
yawn...Doesn't this own going feud with Michael Fisher get old?
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Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of troubles when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never thought that there weren't any need in big starting capital.
Nowadays, I feel good, I started take up real money.
It's all about how to choose a proper partner who utilizes your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, and shares the profit with me.
You can get interested, if there are such firms? I have to answer the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them:
[url=http://theblogmoney.com] Online investment blog[/url]
Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of troubles when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in large starting capital.
Nowadays, I'm happy and lucky , I started to get real income.
It's all about how to select a correct partner who utilizes your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real business, parts and divides the income with me.
You may get interested, if there are such firms? I have to answer the truth, YES, there are. Please get to know about one of them:
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