Monday, May 05, 2008

See What I'm Sayin'? One Brother With Soul, Passion and Vision Trumps The "Global System of White Supremacy"


J.C. said...

This Babylonian devil worship advocate does not have soul.
He is a creation of the Illuminis Corporate Fascist control system.

This guy if elected will be rounding up your ass's for Fema concentration camps.
This is the great brother of hope?

You may as well elect McCain.

As chaos approaches with a collapsed Price System (google peak oil M. King Hubbert).. that will try to be controlled by the Corporate Fascists (Obama etc.) real social change will occur for better or worse.

This current system dooms us to being punks and pawns of special interests. Obama represents them.

He... Hillary... McCain are only that.
Do not be victims of P.T. Barnum.

As Americans are led to the slaughter.. they are convinced by the media that they are Lions and Tigers... so they are fearless ... and they are either ignorant or stupid.. and mostly brainwashed.

Our media is owned by the Corporate Fascist system. Wall street.

Wake up. Snap ~!~

G M said...

^ Totally agreed.

When I heard Bama sucking off Zionist-America, repeating neocon rhetoric like "the war on terror" and lambasting honest discourse from MC Wright as "destructive," I knew it was GAME OVER.

This tool hasn't just sold-out, he's SOUL'd-OUT.

America need to WAKE UP.

House negroes and skin color alone don't change shyt.

Did Clarence Thomas change anything?
Did Condoleezza Rice change anything?
Did Colin "WMD" Powell change anything?

Hell, even White leaders in the Whitehouse get murked if they don't obey orders - like JKF after he passed EO 11110.

J.C. said...

Birdie baby you are part right.. but please do not get so carried away with identifying these issues with one group or two groups (Zionists & Neocons).
Why ?
Because it is too easy to find ready scapegoats that may cloud the over all issue and that can divide and conquer people to not look beyond the outer appearance. Christians and Muslims are the same brand of bullshit really.. just clothed slightly differently.
All these groups were made up by the political system in antiquity.
Our Price System is the culprit.
All parties now subscribe to it.
There are other alternatives now available to this method which are much better for society here.
Research and education about real viable alternatives should now be stressed.
We are in a dead end system currently and that system is not subject to reform.
It is an antique only.
The American Political Price System TNAT info.

The North American Technate TNAT
Please take a look at this different reference point.
It does no good to punish people that are only being rewarded for behavior encouraged by our Price System.
Hence the reason to get rid of this system before it is too late.

Denmark Vesey said...

Although very well informed, my two favorite white boys don't understand something about Barack Obama.

He's armed with an intangible, invisible to the rhythm challenged.

Barack Obama's got soul. Even when he repeats a political lie, his voice resonates with truth.

Don't get me wrong. This has little to do with being merely black. Colin Powell doesn't have it. Congo Lisa Rice doesn't have it. Rep John Lewis doesn't have it. Mike Fisher doesn't have it. 90% of the planet, does not have the type of contagious irresistible soul that reverberates through their entire beings and echoes in the minds of those that encounter them.

He has that, which makes us more us, than I.

Each time he speaks, Barack Obama is feeding a nation of spiritually starved people. His Christ like meteoric rise to national prominence is not the product of elite sponsorship.

You can't manufacture his game. Barack Obama is a spiritual insurgent hijacking the hijackers. His weapons are truth, dignity and humanity. His enemy is the anti-Christ.

Barack Obama is a prophet.

Remember where you heard it first.

G M said...

Sounds like TNAT seeks to replace money with energy credits and rely upon science. Along with some liberal feminist rhetoric..

Not sure how much that really differs from what we have now.

We could fix our current system if:

1) We fixed our money by getting off the phony FRB fiat notes backed by nothing (but Mid East oil at the moment) and returning to real money backed by something real.

2) We all realized that we live in a consumer democracy - where we vote with our wallets, not ballots. Most of that corporate lobbyist money funnels up from US. Therefore, we have to make more conscious consumer choices.

Now, I'm sure some of the elite funds are also extra bills printed off at the FRB...but #1 would solve that problem.

G M said...

DV - Obama is a good orator - but so was Hitler, MC Wright and a number of men.

But are we electing the best Toastmaster here, or the best leader?

Or if this is a soul contest - Prince or any musician has a hella lot more soul than Obama - so should they get the bid? Prez Prince - now there's a thought...

I think too often we vote for the man with the most charisma or media hype. That may be fine for Hollywood, but I think that has backfired a lot in the Whitehouse and many corporations as well.

G M said...

BTW - I'm going to add that it's obvious why Bama really went to Wright's church. He wanted to tap into that large voting constituency as well as pick up notes on evangelical orating from one of the best.

Kind of like Elvis listening in at Black gospel churches..

I know someone who was in one of his university classes years ago. he said he normally talks "just like a White man."

J.C. said...

O.K. Birdie boy you have confirmed my suspicion that you are an ignorant person... I am not willing to say stupid yet.
''As Americans are led to the slaughter.. they are convinced by the media that they are Lions and Tigers... so they are fearless ... and they are either ignorant or stupid.. and mostly brainwashed.''

D.V. is convinced Obama upholds the right and good of soul which is laughable. But we knew that and can forgive him.. because he has some other good points working for him. are typical. Either stupid or ignorant.
Your language gives that away as to your presentation of your thoughts which are not only not original.. you are parroting all the Libertarian bullshit from A. To Z.

Do you believe in Ayn Rand also? Ha ah.
Really you should be in a Ron Paul chat room.
Adam Smith economics do not work any longer and will not work in the future.
Mechanical energy has replaced human energy as to ''work''. Productivity is measured in machine power not human. Humans then are displaced as far as their ability to consume.
Purchasing power is therefore destroyed.
Technology destroys the Price System.
We are in a historically unprecedented time.
The very basis of our culture is going to change for better or worse shortly.
You are about a mile behind the trend event... so don't bother to debate me .. or I will chew you up into little pieces and spit you out sideways
Or let me put it this way. Do as you please.
So take your ''democracy'' ... Ha ha ha.
And shove it up your rear end sideways.
As Americans are led to the slaughter.. they are convinced by the media that they are Lions and Tigers... so they are fearless ... and they are either ignorant or stupid.. and mostly brainwashed.

G M said...

Uh, you still need humans to run machines. I don't read Ayn Rand or go to RP chatrooms for my ideas. I can come up with them on very my own, imagine that...

But I think perhaps you have been reading too many sci-fi comics.

Machines have been replacing slave labor for over a century now. And we are now bigger consumers than ever before! Hell, Americans physically WEIGH more than ever before!

Are we already a tech-based society with money increasingly becoming more and more digital and virtual? Yes.

So, how is this all different than your TNAT utopia?

Maybe you need to "dumb down" your point for me more, because no I am not getting it.

J.C. said...

Technate - An Idea For Now Stephen L. Doll.
Some introductory material. Thanks for your interest.

G M said...

"So why, one may ask, is the average North American working six more hours per week than in 1976? Why do we endure poverty in the midst of such potential? Why do we see record numbers of murders being committed? Why do our prisons house a greater proportion of inmates than any other nation? Why do we destroy food or leave fields unplanted as people go hungry? Why have we fouled our air and water? Why do we fritter away precious natural resources on shoddy or non-essential goods, or on the needless duplication of production in the name of "competitive enterprise"?

The answer lies in our slavish adherence to the outmoded monetary structure, or Price System. It is the Price System, and our diehard efforts to preserve it regardless of the cost to human society and our physical environment, that accounts for the vast majority of the social and environmental stress we are witnessing.

It is the adherence to this Price System, the forced shortage of supply in order to keep up prices, or value, that is the root cause of the inequity in distribution that gives rise to a great many of our social problems: crime, poverty, wars, stress-induced drug, alcohol, child and spouse abuse, bribery, political corruption -- even the dissolution of the family structure, as both parents are forced out of the home into the workplace in order to make ends meet."

Wow, talk about over-reductionism. I think I've read about enough of that 1-dimensional viewpoint..

People are working more because this nation is spending a hella lot more since WWII. Gov has gotten HUGE. We are not just paying for our massive infrastructure, but at least $35 billion in black budget annually, billions in Iraq and untold amounts paying the interest on all the funny money the FRB loans us. Just for starters. That's why we're in $10 trill debt.

As far as all the social decay - goes back to the Jewish Power Movement in the 60s.

J.C. said...

Pardon, but I am going to put you in the stupid category pretty soon.
Energy Accounting
You are rather idiotically relating this to Jews and money.
That is just plain stupid.
The Jews did not invent the sheckle dummy. That happened in Sumer.
You apparently do not know your intellectual ass from a hole in the ground.

J.C. said...

People like you like to blame (African Americans)(Gays)& (Jews.. who are just another bunch of crack pots like the Mormons) or (Mexicans etc)... take your pick.. from a revolving redneck choice... for any bullshit they do not understand.. as to their own lack of education and bigotry.
You do not know shit of the actual dynamic of how this society operates.
The Jews are a bunch of brainwashed religious cranks.. that is all. Same as the Christians... same as the Muslims Hindus etc.. All these people are descended from the middle eastern god bullshit concept from Babylon.

By scape goating you are just a soldier for the Illuminati yourself.
Yes I am talking to you Mr. Bird.

You give this group of people (Jews) way to much credit. This group is unaware just like you. They are just being rewarded like Bush for making money for the system.
Bush killed over a million people and made about 3 million homeless... and he has been rewarded by the system which must ''grow'' financially.
The war made the system grow.
That is what happens when people play by the Queens rules in the Price System.
Look in the mirror.
You are the cause.
Ignorant scapegoaters that have not a clue as to what is going on.

Go back to the original conspiracy if that is what you are interested in.
Babylon circa 2200 BC.
That is where our system comes from.
That is when the Political system invented the religious system as we know it. That is the origin of the Jewish.. Christian .. Muslim. Hindu... etc. system.

G M said...

Register on a continuous 24-hour time period basis the total net conversion of energy, which would determine (a) the availability of energy for Continental plant construction and maintenance, (b) the amount of physical wealth available in the form of the total population during the balance load period.
By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load period.
Provide a continuous 24-hour inventory of all production and consumption.
Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, size, etc., of all goods and services, where produced, and where used.
Allow the citizen the widest latitude of choice in consuming his individual share of Continental physical wealth.
Distribute goods and services to every member of the population.

Every adult above 25 years of age will receive as his share of purchasing power an equal part of the total net consumed energy, and from birth to the twenty-fifth year every individual will receive a maintenance allowance.

Wow, so digital tracking, gov-issued "credits" and gov distribution of goods?

What is this - Marxism v3.0? Or NW0 Beta version? Wow, do we get to sport cool verichips too?!!

You seem intent on divorcing humans from the machines and systems they create. Pitting man as victims against his own creations.

I'm getting a queasy feeling from your crackpot theory. The more I read about it, the queasier I get. Sorry, not buying it or your mindgames at trying to sell it to me by implying I'm "not advanced" if I don't bite.

Would Technocracy put an end to private ownership?

Yes except for personal belongings

Technocracy proposes to replace money with a non-fluctuating medium of Distribution. Goods in a Technate would possess a measurable energy cost, and would be distributed on that basis. Thus the total cost of all goods and services produced would be the total amount of energy used in their production. The total currency is a certification of the total net energy available to consume. The income of the individual in a Technate is arrived at by dividing the total adult population into the total certification of consumed energy.

Wow, this is actually worse than Communism. Get everything by doing nothing! And everyone gets the same no matter what!

Well, aren't you a clever snake pushing a Draconian world agenda?

CNu said...

rotflmbao, whew.....,

J.C. said...

Whew indeed.

Listen you cretin Birdbrain. You should go back to remedial reading class.
You have to have a brain to engage though.
You are a victim.
Most people are.
Go ahead and soldier for the powers that be.
I don't care.
You may want to remove your point of view lens that interprets what you look at.
But that would spoil your false sense of being ''smart''.
End of conversation.
As said. No debate please.
You stupid.

Denmark Vesey said...

Now Skip.

Come on bra. You might disagree with Byrd. But stupid?

The cat aint stupid, by no means.

He's white, and Mike Fisher will even admit the cat aint stupid.

Peep his blog. That's not the blog of a stupid man.

J.C. said...


G M said...

Thanks DV.

Well, if you can't debunk the message, then you must attack the messenger...

Ad hominem attacks are - essentially a sign of ideological defeat of the attacker.

So, I'll take my victory lap and endzone jig now.

Look Skip, when nobody owns anything...the State owns everything. See Communism.

Now, I wish your Technocrappy was just a bad parody of Communism, but you really seem to believe we can all just sit back while machines do all the work for us?

You know, if it were really that easy - don't you think private business would have already done this by now? There'd be plants full of "employees" just sitting around watching their machines make products and money for them?

Besides, what your small-brained scientists don't realize is that humans and Nature are the most ADVANCED and HIGHEST science known to man. So, their whole premise is based upon a false separation.

Big promises, no substance. HUGE, GAPING theoretical holes. Again, just like Communism - the most spectacular ideological failure in modern history (or success for those who used it as a WMD). Your idea is not only plain STUPID, but dangerous. There's no free lunch, my friend. Wake up.

J.C. said...

There is no correlation to Communism.
That is your filtering buffer process that views the world a certain way.
You are completely clueless as to the information you looked at.
That is fine.
There is no law against that.

I can not debate a soldier or a cartoon though.
Bye bye birdie.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Besides, what your small-brained scientists don't realize is that humans and Nature are the most ADVANCED and HIGHEST science known to man. So, their whole premise is based upon a false separation." Byrdeye

Whew ....

That's one hell of a point.

You see Byrd. You have arrived at the same place in this conversation with Skip as have I. His cult like zealotry regarding "The Technate", you will notice, is nothing less than religious fanaticism.

His fatalistic intolerance ... of other religions ... is no different from a radical Islamist or a Zionist fanatic.

He thinks because the belief system to which he subscribes is camouflaged by the euphemistic term "science", it is somehow less a belief system.

Skip is a High Priest of the "Technocracy Movement" whose Moses and John The Baptist are Howard Scott and Willard Gibbs.

You see Byrd, Secularism is the new Christianity.

G M said...

Woops, meant:
"most ADVANCED machines and HIGHEST science"
But thanks!

Great minds do think alike...

I agree, Skip has checked out and is pissing electric Kool-Aid already. And his Technocrap science has ironically become his religion.

And just like braindead Christians - if you ask them a question - many can't answer it for themselves and will just refer you to the Bible. Similarly, he can't explain technocrappy himself in his own words, either - but just cuts & pastes a link each time. And then when I challenge him toe-2-toe on line-item points from those links - he can't answer, so proceeds to project his own complexes onto me.

"I'm a stupid, ignorant, cartoon soldier."

Yes, you are Skip.

G M said...

Woops, meant:
"most ADVANCED machines and HIGHEST science"
But thanks!

Great minds do think alike...

I agree, Skip has checked out and is pissing electric Kool-Aid already. And his Technocrap science has ironically become his religion.

And just like braindead Christians - if you ask them a question - many can't answer it for themselves and will just refer you to the Bible. Similarly, he can't explain technocrappy himself in his own words, either - but just cuts & pastes a link each time. And then when I challenge him toe-2-toe on line-item points from those links - he can't answer, so proceeds to project his own complexes onto me.

"I'm a stupid, ignorant, cartoon soldier."

Yes, you are Skip.

CNu said...

Dayyum..., this has been one of the most elegant digital ass-whoopings I've EVER witnessed.

The lesson for today.

In order to take out a Technaton, you have to shoot it directly in the eyes. The rest of its body can take unlimited amounts of punishment, but straight to the eyes gets the job done.

Denmark Vesey said...

CNu. That link scared the shit out of me.

Man. You gotta warn a cat ... (excuse me. I mean "a black person") before you bombard him with such demonic imagery.

CNu said...


That movie is a CLASSIC.

I'll take CCH Pounder in an ecclectic ensemble cast anytime, and with the added bonus of Jada running around in her draws covered from head to toe in blood towards the end - what more could you ask for from a made for teevee scary movie?

J.C. said...

How is it one can equate science as a belief system when...
a belief system is supported by nothing more than an opinion.

Science is nothing more than the prediction of the next most probable.
Any belief system is supported by nothing except imagination, while the next most probable is supported by observation of some phenomenon that can be recreated under the same conditions by anyone, at any time and the result will be the same.
This is science. This is how fact is established.
One can imagine anything, however it can only become Science when it can be measured i.e. detected either directly or remotely. Failing this it simply does not exist

Forget about debating in a rhetorical polemic of picking a side.

That is an absurd point you are making.

Please use a little reason and logic.

"There is no community of atheists, since not believing in some specific thing implies no common belief. "

The word "atheist" shouldn't even exist.. We don't create words for 'non-alchemists' or 'non-astrologers' ... If you believe something to be true -- and further organize your life around that truth -- you are obliged to have reasons (i.e. rational) for holding the beliefs. In every other area of discourse we hold people to this standard... However, when we discuss religion we give people a pass on the most ridiculous concepts (like, "religion is the basis of morality" -- yea? Someone needs to show me). In science, we simply formalize the process and say not only do you have to have reasons for believing something, you have to prove to me they are very very good reasons.

Those who don’t have good reasons for believing something are usually labeled insane or at least not taken seriously (depending on what they believe: e.g. – Elvis is still alive, Jesus is coming back to earth, Joseph Smith spoke to the angel Micah about 100 years ago).

These rhetorical word games are such a complete waste of time (i.e. – “faith in science”)… There is nothing taken on “faith” when you ask people to have good reasons for believing something. That is the essence of science – and of reasonableness.

If you replaced "faith in science" with Faith in arithmetic, it would be more obvious that this is an attempt falsely to equate reason and objectivity with baseless conjecture.

Faith in science does not make Science - or arithmetic - a matter of faith. It's a false equation as well as a false dilemma.

Take the algorithm we use to derive Pi - it closes endlessly in on the number but never reaches it. That doesn't make it unreliable opinion or an alternate form of faith.

Faith can only start and end at the same place unless observation and confirmation take place and then it ceases to be religion and becomes reason. Religion must and always does assume a conclusion and use it as an untested, untestable first principle.

Really that people are still arguing this is proof positive that our schools simply don't teach anything. It's all been argued and settled long ago, but as each increasingly ignorant American generation emerges, the religious try it over again.

Fallacy of fallacies, sayeth the prophet. . .not ~!~

But it has been established by anyone with a brain that Cnu no nothing regurgitated Gurdjieff stupidy and D.V. and now this new no nothing bird brain are in good company with themselves. So be it.

Ignorant soldiers do not make good intellectual sparring partners.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Science is nothing more than the prediction of the next most probable." Skip

What? Like the Metric system?

Or massive drug recalls like Heparin? Or Genetically Modified Food?

Skip, you are confusing pure science, which is nothing more than predictions about NATURAL phenomena, and which God is the ultimate scientist - with that man made belief system masquerading as science, which promises spiritually bankrupt secular fanatics like you a little customized version of heaven, complete with rules, regulations and energy coupons.

CNu said...



G M said...

Ignorant soldiers do not make good intellectual sparring partners.

You're right, you don't. But this isn't a sparring match, it's a free tutoring class for you.

Look, intuition is a creative tool.
Science is an analytical tool.

And when you really study our greatest "scientists" like Tesla, Bohr, Einstein, microchip designers, Nakamats, etc etc - you will find out that these guys found all their inspiration from psychic abilities, Eastern philosophy, Zenlike meditation or even LSD. All things that YOU would probably consider as "unscientific" as one can get!

Then in the early 1990s, leading lights of the US computer industry began admitting that many breakthroughs in Silicon Valley in the 70s and 80s had been inspired by regular psychedelic drug use. Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis, and founding father of Microsoft, Bob Wallace, reveal on camera the psychedelic influence on their creativity.

So no, they didn't make breakthroughs by orderly, scientific extrapolation means, buddy. These guys were essentially neo-shamans gazing at ripples in the oracle pot.

And therein lies your misapplication of science as the foundation of society. You have overcredited its utility. Yes, it's good for analysis of existing ideas...but not great at formulating new ones. And a society without new ideas becomes an incredibly stagnant one.

J.C. said...

Ha ha.