Michael Fisher said... For byrdeye...
"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master."
I assume you know who gave us this piece of info.
So, byrdeye, that gives rise to two questions:
(1) are people with black hair white people or non-white people?
(2) are Jews white people or non-white people?
"Fundamentalists only ever argue..."
Well, is that so? Typical case of Snowflake calling the Unicorn white.
I've asked you to point to empirically demonstrable facts. No "dopamine" hegemony fundamentalist religion bullshit that can not be measured unless you dig into each and every human's brain and establish objective biological parameters.
So what's up, Nulan. Can't name 35? Try 30.
I'll do you one better.
Can you name 1 institution of real, true, power, "run" by whites?
Not 50, not 40, not 30, not 3 ... 1?
"Can you name 1 institution of real, true, power, 'run' by whites?"
The United States Armed Forces, the Russian Armed Forces, the Bank for International Settlements, the German Armed Forces, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bilderberg Group, the "Illuminati" and their "Illuminati Bankers"...
Want more?
the suggestion does have some merrit
Fisher's head continues its long and intractable sabbatical deep inside his monkey ass.....,
There's only one cultural and religious institution I need name to obviate the entirety of your childish "worldview".
Because it's obvious that a significant global culture war is currently underway, and the lines of demarcation are decidedly other than merely "white" and "non-white" one hoped that you might stumble - upon a clue from the general zeitgeist, thereby extricating yourself from the shame of your own myopic point of view - without having to receive such fundamental assistance. Problem is, it's not visual impairment that's got ahold of you MF, it's pure-dee-pure blindness.
So let me ask you a question, when your wife stabbed you, and still managed to take all your hard pimped loot in the divorce, was she trying to kill you, or was she just trying to help you free your mind?
Oh Snap!!!
WTF am I thinking?
It's Telemique, the former illustrious rap promoter who has personally witnessed numerous instances of fellatio backstage.
What would lead me to suppose that your village-idiot style racism would have anything to do with your wife trying to cut you, when Occam's Razor says there's 99.99% greater likelihood that she just up and caught you with some young buck's dick in your mouth!!!
After all, you're the man who explained to me in our very first telephone conversation that you made (and presumably lost) your fortune trafficking in black dick worldwide.
My bad Mike, it's got to be hella hard out there for a middle-aged, has-been, closeted homosexual pimp and purveyor of black dick. God bless you dood..., you no doubt doing the very best you can with what little you have left.
GSWS gets rejected by Islamists harder and faster than Telemique gets rejected at an ITLA get together...,
"My bad Mike, it's got to be hella hard out there for a middle-aged, has-been, closeted homosexual pimp and purveyor of black dick."
Very creative, Nulan.
In any case, Islam? That's all you could come up with? At the end of the day, who "runs" Islam, Nulan?
Aside from that, while I certainly never have claimed to be or been a pimp, homosexual or otherwise, you Nulan on the other hand, have found it necessary to pump up your non-existent academic and intellectual credentials. It wasn't hard to follow up your claims with a bit of investigative research.
The point here is not your fraud in and off itself, but that, as any such fraudster, you give aid and cover to white racists while claiming a "black partisan" mantle to in order to make your pro-white racist memes more palatable to the general public.
Your spurious elitism which purports to create two dopamineric races
, a superior "creative" and an inferior "non-creative" one (of which, of course you lay claim to membership in the "superior, creative", race), is no less foul than any the Nazis invented.
THAT's the point of my contention with you, Nulan.
Oh, by the way. Since you can't come up with 30. Maybe 25?
as any such fraudster, you give aid and cover to white racists
So if I am a "white racist" (per your claim), then why didn't he give aid and cover to me?
But in fact banned me from his blog after just 1 comment?
Either I'm not a "white racist," he doesn't really aid "white racists" or something else doesn't jive with your theory. Si?
Aside from that, while I certainly never have claimed to be or been a pimp, homosexual or otherwise, you Nulan on the other hand, have found it necessary to pump up your non-existent academic and intellectual credentials. It wasn't hard to follow up your claims with a bit of investigative research.
The point here is not your fraud in and off itself
Waiting now with bated breath to hear the details of ANY fraud I've every perpetrated Telemique?
Let's hear your litany of alleged claims so I can slap you down once and for all and deprive you of even these last imaginary vestiges of virtual masturbatory pleasure.
Fisher, you are a freakish disgrace and I have no further patience for you. Now that you want to change the subject, it's nation time you maggoty-eatin bitch.
"So if I am a "white racist" (per your claim), then why didn't he give aid and cover to me?"
Because despite Nulan's mental inadequacies, he recognizes an unsophisticated white racist when he sees one. He's into supporting more sophisticated ones.
As I said earlier, white racism is a science..
Your shit is amateurish.
"you maggoty-eatin bitch"
Never mind my alleged dietary habits. Let's get to the real meat of the matter. Since you can't come up with 20 such same institutions, maybe 15?
As contrasted with black racism, which is run-of-the-mill fundamentalism spouted by sour old bwattymen who've been thrown out of one-too-many gay bars along with their very own house and home...,
Look at you Telemique, always and everywhere trying to get at some meat...., hasn't that proclivity cost you more than enough already?
Nulan, whether I am gay or not has nothing to do with the subject matter at hand. The fact that you find it necessary to seek refuge in some gay-baiting shit iinstead of confronting the objective facts as requested, speaks volumes in itself.
And lo and behold...
There you go, having accused people of being monkeys and black apes.
Thus it's quite entertaining to see you running up and down your little cage foaming at the mouth in rage and rattling at the little bars that keep you ensconced in your dumbamineric fantasy land.
Who is acting like a little monkey now, Nulan?
You happily dish this shit out but you can't take it.
(((shaking head)))
My suggestion: Stop covering for white racism, Nulan.
your non-existent academic and intellectual credentials.
The point here is not your fraud in and off itself, but that, as any such fraudster
Because despite Nulan's mental inadequacies, he recognizes an unsophisticated white racist when he sees one. He's into supporting more sophisticated ones.
And our liberal hero corners himself into yet another self-contradiction...dun dun dun!
First, he must discredit CNulan as an academic/intellectual fraud for his own purposes.
But then, he must credit him with intellectual sophistication...for other purposes of his own later.
Listen man, this ain't Amateur Night. You are suffering from a severe case of paranoid liberal delusional dogma, tunnel vision and confirmation bias. That immediately DQs you everytime you step up on stage.
BTW - As far as your institutions of power - are you talking about only in the US? Because, then you would have to normalize it to the White population here - which is a 70%-75% majority. Therefore, they would be expected to have at least that degree of representation in incorporated power. Which would only show proportional representation, and not an imbalance.
"BTW - As far as your institutions of power - are you talking about only in the US? Because, then you would have to normalize it to the White population here - which is a 70%-75% majority. Therefore, they would be expected to have at least that degree of representation in incorporated power. Which would only show proportional representation, and not an imbalance." Byrd
You know Byrd. That's a damn good point.
I haven't finished reading your blog, but I've never thought of you as a "white racist".
And even if you were, I wouldn't give a fuck. So what?
I'd take a racist ass David Duke discussing US Foreign Policy before I'd take a condescending ass Tim Wise gassing Negros up about some shit that happened 200 years ago - any day of the week.
One of the benefits of an over-inflated ego is you don't need mufucka to like / feel sorry for you.
I'm 'pretty pro-black as you can see. I have no problem with a Chicano being pro-Mexican or an Englishman being pro-British. Or a white cat being pro white.
Actually, I prefer it. I can't stand a punk ass apologetic race faggot.
"But then, he must credit him with intellectual sophistication...for other purposes of his own later.
No, byrdeye, sophisticated enough for your stuff.
""BTW - As far as your institutions of power - are you talking about only in the US?"
GSWS stands for Global System of White Supremacy.
I haven't finished reading your blog, but I've never thought of you as a "white racist".
And even if you were, I wouldn't give a fuck. So what?
Exactly. We click because you also place truth before race in your ethical hierarchy as well. Which is the only way diverse groups can find true common ground. When someone speaks the truth - they unite all political bedfellows. That's why White nationalists, young independents, Constitutionalist patriots, Libertarians, soldiers, minorities and diverse people alike of all ages showed mutual support for Ron Paul.
And you are also perfectly free to agree and disagree with me line-item by line-item. It's not an all-or-nothing thing as some here try to force.
Just because you agree with X, does not mean you necessarily agree with Y. Yes, you can separate the message from the messenger...and one message from another. It's really...not...that...tuff.
Now I freely admit, I worry about the truth before any tribal identity. And the truth is, race does have some bell curve correlations to it. But, if I am "racist," it would only be because the truth then is "racist" in such cases. And to deny that would be both racist and dishonest.
As I've said before, the real racists are those that put race before the truth. And would tell a non-racist lie before a racist truth. Like a patronizing Tim Wise, etc.
(That said, I don't personally self-ID as a "white racist." I don't frequent Stormfront or belong to any of those groups. Although, I also don't feel that a small, natural amount of tribalism is bad, either. In fact, it's probably healthy. Why are White power groups any worse than the Black Panthers, NOI, AIPAC or N.O.W.?
However, again the "racist" label is rather subjective and a red herring anyways - because the real significant question is not racist/non-racist but true/false.)
GSWS stands for Global System of White Supremacy.
Um, where are most of our products made then?
What country builds most of our hi-tech cars and electronics?
Are the Chinese, Japanese & Koreans part of this GSWS too?
"As contrasted with black racism..."
Oh, I just saw that one.
Define "black racism" Nulan.
"Um, where are most of our products made then?"
Your point being?
Where and who produced most of the cotton in the United States in the 19th and most of the twentieth century?
More importantly, what are the producers of these products you cite paid with?
The concept of "race" negates any possible truth value one might otherwise profess.
Dismissing a racial "realist" of any stripe is thus qualitatively no different than dismissing an ineducable fool with an enormous hole in his/her cognitive bucket.
American Blackness is not a "race". It's an intentional culture formed in opposition to persistent, ineducable American foolishness, period.
"More importantly, what are the producers of these products you cite paid with?" MF
uh ... ultimately ... oil.
From dark brown Arabs and Africans mostly.
Define "black racism" Nulan.
Look in the mirror Fisher.
It's the hateful, ego-damaged old faggot staring back at you.
Where and who produced most of the cotton in the United States in the 19th and most of the twentieth century?
More importantly, what are the producers of these products you cite paid with?
Right, so Whites secretly own Toyota and Sony? Those are really just slave companies to the GSWS?
They are paid with...um, money?
"They are paid with...um, money?
Yeah, also known as US Dollars, Euros, and British Pounds.
Who creates this "money", what does it consist of, and what is the actual intrinsic value of the same?
"The concept of "race" negates any ..."
That isn't a definition of either "race", "racism", "black", or, and most importantly, your operative term, "black racism".
Please define "black racism".
"uh ... ultimately ... oil.
From dark brown Arabs and Africans mostly.
Nope, DV. They are paid in currency. In turn they may (are allowed to) exchange that currency for oil.
Now what currencies would that be, DV?
"Look in the mirror Fisher.
It's the hateful, ego-damaged old faggot staring back at you."
Just saw that one as well.
I don't see where this qualifies a definition of "black racism". Now you may want to say that a "hateful, ego-damaged old faggot" is the definition of a "black racist", but that would appear to be an inadequate definition even of that term.
So, define "black racism", please.
By the way. If you can't cite even 15 same such institutions, maybe you can cite 10?
Yeah, also known as US Dollars, Euros, and British Pounds.
Who creates this "money", what does it consist of, and what is the actual intrinsic value of the same?
Uh, "money" has been around since people used to trade universally-valuable commodities like grain for other goods.
As far as current US FRB Jewbacks...they are fiat toilet paper that used to be de facto-backed by OPEC oil...but have been losing value as Mid Easterners stop selling their oil in it.
Anyhow, money has as much "intrinsic" value as a stock.
But, fundamentals are only one part of its "real-world" value. It's "real world" value fluctuates on a number of "non-intrinsic" factors - but is ultimately determined by its universal buying power. Although this value does correct to its fundamental value over time.
Anyhow, the money supply is its own topic. What's your point?
byrdeye, I asked you a three part question.
(1) Who creates this "money".
Your answer: No answer.
(2) What does it consist off?
Your answer: No answer.
(3) What is the actual intrinsic value of the same?
Your answer: "money has as much 'intrinsic' value as a stock."
Since the value of stock (I assume you mean company shares such as traded on the New York Stock Exchange) is measured in terms of money, your answer stated thus: "The intrinsic value of money is money."
The content of this statement is redundant.
That is, you have not answered a single part of the question.
Now is that because you are amateurish or is it because you are obstinate?
1) Various corporations and countries.
2) Groupthink consensus, faith and the law of supply & demand.
3) It is very much like a stock. What determines the value of a stock? Ultimately, a mutual consensus between the buyer and the seller - based upon micro-supply & demand...regardless of its "fundamental" value based upon "hard assets." We see this with IPOs all the time.
However, as I said, the value does generally correct towards its "fundamental" value over time.
Byrdeye, clearly you have no knowledge of banking, central banks, and the like. Maybe if you take the time to watch this short educational video which deals with some of the rudiments of the matter, we can continue our exchange.
Oh, and by the way, byrdeye. Consider the phrase "This Note Is Legal Tender For All Debts Pubic And Private" and ponder the significance of the same.
So, Nulan. If not 10, maybe 5?
Five should do it Nulan. Come on, cnu.
Fisher is a tenacious little shit isn't he?
He's the kid on the basketball court, lights already out, players went home and he's holding the ball looking for someone to play.
No one wants to play Fisher. Put down the ball and go home.
Well, you oh so courageous anon, hiding behind not even an avatar, why don't you come up with the information?
For byrdeye...
"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master."
I assume you know who gave us this piece of info.
So, byrdeye, that gives rise to two questions:
(1) are people with black hair white people or non-white people?
(2) are Jews white people or non-white people?
One for Michael Fisher!
Sorry Cnu you lost this one!
Mike kicks ass. White supremacy is real. DV you live in a fairyland.
1) It means they are anywhere from 0%-87.43651% White.
2) Is Microsoft found on Dell or non-Dell computers?
You are confusing the platforms with the coding...
The real key is how much "Jewish" hardware and software people contain. Which may vary.
Kicked some arse here I see...
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