Byrdeye said...

If any of you have ever been in court or faced our legal system...all they will tell you is that the law is the law and they don't give a damn if it makes any sense or not. You and they are both "powerless" to change that, no matter how unjust.

Therefore, I see no reason why any Man would choose to put himself in that compromised position anymore - with no tangible benefits. Which is why marriage rates are now dropping like it's hot...
Richie said...

Chances are, any woman that is going to marry you is not the kind of femenist to take that stand. Furthermore, if you are dating that kind of woman, and it isn't to your liking and you don't agree with her ideology, then don't marry her.
Are you cats single? Old and single? Half way don't even like women? I don't get it. I don't get you. And I get most people and most ideas. What the hell are you going to be? The old man in the club? The old guy with the combover or the recently shed toupe like Steve Harvey, trying to be supa fly at 50? Chasing young broads with no brain that you have nothing to share or talk about? Did you not get enough ass and learn enough about women in your early days? Gat damn. My first day back to the blog and I gotta see Skip and Birdeye spew this stupidity. Damn y'all grow up. Women aint that bad.
"Byrdeye Says FeManists Have Reduced Marriage To A Trap Designed To Ensare Men, Usurp Their Power And Ultimately Alienate Men From Women"
Well said, buddy.
Thing is, in the larger picture:
Fatherlessness and divorce create deep emotional traumas in kids...that they retain as adults. But, there are no male or kids' lobbies to counteract these self-centered feMEnist lobbies like N.O.W. who could care less about anyone else but themselves.
When the adults act like spoiled-rotten kids...what happens to their kids?
Ergo, feMEnism is an extremely childish, adolescent-rebellious, myopic, egocentric movement that is causing massive damage to others in the long run. Kids in particular.
It's a widescale memetic WMD and even womyn are suffering some blowback from it now...
And the only way to adapt to their strategy change and veto feMEnist legislation (to some degree) is to say no to marriage with them.
Yeah why own a cow when you can buy the milk?
Civil society is designed for automatons.
Contract society is strictly a Babylonian invention.
Do as the Eskimos.
Divorce is throwing the persons stuff out side.
Yeah ...
I hear ya'll about marriage.
What you say has some merit.
Marriage is not something I would recommend to a man who's hold on his woman could be weakened by something as abstract as "society".
No. Most cats shouldn't get married. Particularly not men of this generation who have been drinking the secular Kool-aid for so long they would capitulate and allow their woman to be psychologically kidnapped.
Nah. Marriage aint for you.
On The Other Hand.
If you got some soul. If your woman feels you. If you can bond on a level that no mere "femanist" is a threat: What God has joined together let no man put asunder.
But when the secular / liberal / illuminists suckered you into walking away from God - you became vulnerable to all of their mechanizations.
Being separated from women is like being separated from God.
Yeah why own a cow
Except in this case, the cow owns you...
Seriously, stop and think about the ludicrosity of this for a minute.
A Man gets down on bended knee to give his woman a high-priced rock...and BEG her to...accept half his wealth.
No wonder women love getting married and divorced like a merry-go-round. It's all fun & games with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Isn't something wrong with this picture? (For Men.)
DV - I am not against a "spiritual marriage." However, what's legal financial contracts got to do with that? Sounds like something legislators just piggybacked on at a later date...that has now been hijacked by rabid, man-hating feMEnists.
Yes I think I follow you.
Kind of like that petty t-shirt homily :
If you love someone set them free... and if they do not come back ... hunt them down and kill them.
Well religion is a kind of program that allows old man control... and of course the women go for it... for the highest bidder... or if they get phucked good and the other has an income.
Okay, you cats have lost your minds. What in the world are you talking about "Marriage has become a legal feMEnist trap now"?
Chances are, any woman that is going to marry you is not the kind of femenist to take that stand. Furthermore, if you are dating that kind of woman, and it isn't to your liking and you don't agree with her ideology, then don't marry her.
Are you cats single? Old and single? Half way don't even like women? I don't get it. I don't get you. And I get most people and most ideas.
What the hell are you going to be? The old man in the club? The old guy with the combover or the recently shed toupe like Steve Harvey, trying to be supa fly at 50? Chasing young broads with no brain that you have nothing to share or talk about? Did you not get enough ass and learn enough about women in your early days?
Gat damn. My first day back to the blog and I gotta see Skip and Birdeye spew this stupidity. Damn y'all grow up. Women aint that bad.
Amen, Richie. The oppresion of women at the hands of men far outweighs any feminist inpired discomforts that men may endure. Next we'll be talking about Lolitas taking advantage of unsuspecting older guys as dramatized in Hard Candy.
Hi Richie. You a troll for a Los Vegas wedding chapel or something?
Why equate people with a different view than your societal view as somehow not so ''well rounded'' like you yourself ? Ha ha ha.
I hope you are comfortable with your contract of faith and belief.. because if you even twitch wrong that wonderful women will take you to the cleaners.
Good luck.
Charming antique idea marriage.
Sign on the dotted line.
You are now under contract.
Welcome to the Babylonian civil society control mechanism.
Birdseye and Skip, why so jaded?
Was mummy mean to you? Is that why you hate women?
Think you got me confused with someone else.
I like women.
Especially ones that are not anon. and petty.
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