Monday, May 19, 2008

The Illuminist Bankers Warn The Peasant Peons

Governor of the Bank of England, warning of inflation and a possible recession for Britain over the next two years


J.C. said...

System no longer works. If purchasing power is destroyed (automation and extraneous energy) the system dAin't gonna be a recession.
The system is going to collapse between now and the end of June.

The soes not make a profit or grow. Productivity is measured in machine activity ... but humans real earnings (Price System class caste) are going down down down......

Technology destroy the price system.
Buckle up the countdown to chaos is on.
Hello Suckers ~!~

CNu said...


Hypertiger Wisdom is something you really ought to check out. Crushes your entire fundamentist guest list with one fell swoop. Very nice lady too. I think you'll be deeply, deeply impressed. Once you peep the hypertiger wisdom, my citation of Islam as the natural enemy of dopamine hegemony should make perfect sense given the Islamic prohibition against usury and idolatry. Both the Technate and the GSWS will be shown to be the parochial strugglings at explanation that their proponents have shown them to be, as well.

J.C. said...

Really Cnu... you are the blabber master.
While that stuff on that site is interesting... it in no way formats any alternative. They are blissfully ignorant... and just talk about the mess and dissect the mess.

It is hardly alternative.

Just a slightly more intellectual way of stating the obvious.
Really it is just bitching about the system.
The Technate design gets rid of all the crap that hyper tiger is yelling about.
The tiger is not privy apparently to knowing about a viable and creative plan of change.
You either.
Even when it is spelled in your face.

Really the tiger is on to something. Just does not quite understand a way out.

As far as D.V. what do you expect? As the tiger said... drone.

As the tiger is intimating.. the shit house is going down soon. Very soon.
Then some real god awful change is going to occur.

Anonymous said...

"Nesta Webster (World Revolution, pp.288-298) has shown that the Protocols are typical of many other Illuminati writings. It's true that the "Protocols" identify the source as largely Jewish. This may be a false scent, an attempt to scapegoat the whole Jewish people in order to protect a few bankers, their lackeys and allies. Historically the Illuminati is an occult secret society with strong aristocratic British, Aryan German, as well as Jewish financial and revolutionary elements.

If Jews became familiar with the history of the New World Order, we would recognize that Muslims are correct that "globalization" is a mask for a bizarre plot to enshrine the rule of the superrich under the aegis of Lucifer.

Islam is one of the last bastions of genuine God worship, the last major obstacle to pagan World Religion. The attack on Iraq is another step in the plan to destroy Islam, monopolize world resources and enslave humanity.

The cry of "anti Semitism" is being used to divert the world from this diabolical plot. By accepting the role of some apostate Jews, and their dupes, God-fearing Jews could unite with Muslims (and Christians) to bring the "blood sacrifice" to an end."

J.C. said...

Wow are you full of shit.

Where did you get your ideas?

or fast food word garbage academy?

The Jews learned their crap from the Babylonians and the Christians and the Muslims are brainwashed zombies.

god fearing huh?
What a fucking moron.

The so called illuminis invented religion to control people.

Religion was invented by political system.

The Jews did not invent the shekal.
It came from Sumer.

They did make up an interesting story though about a flaming sword that would prevent people from the tree of knowledge.

Now people like you hold the flaming sword because of ignorance.

But then not many people could read back then... and like the original Babylonian creation myth... that story also was an inside joke. Ha ha.

CNu said...

and so it goes anon..., the fundamentalist Skip Sievert yowls the same tiresome fifty page book man nonsense for the 99th time at DV's - and nobody is any the wiser for his screechings.

Methinkst if we follow the corporatist trail to its original evocation by John Dee, we can quickly enough suss out the original and continuing source of the several centuries old world order behind the inflationary and deflationary cycles and the pending global liquidation of exhausted bottom liabilities.

CNu said...

I think what we'll find is an absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise...

J.C. said...

Da... any body questioning that?

Cnu the problem you have with yourself is that you would not know if you were slapped in the face with a large trout.

You would try and explain it with some inane theory.

Really you sound like Rocky and Bullwinkle's fractured fairy tales.

CNu said...

Skip, you sound just like a jealous 7 year old...,

J.C. said...

You know my only opinion of you is that you appear always as a puffed up egoist with not a lot of real information... but lots of self important bullshit.

CNu said...

Skip, on the societal balance sheet, you're a simple liability whose impending liquidation is all but certain. One doubts you'll be clacking your keyboard when the garbage collectors come round to pick you up....,

J.C. said...

For sure I will not be dancing around like a Gurdjieff puppet.

Really your site is juvenile.

Your attitude is slavish.

Your outlook so in the box.

Recycled bullshit your specialty.

Even being slapped in the face with a trout does not make you think.

Repeating creative thought is not so creative.
How do you think Gurdjieff captured many of his creative ideas?
Contact with us in NewYork.
He was doing the best he could do.
Contact with us made him what he was partly.
Stop being an intellectual piker... or continue.
Your choice.
No more debate please on your intellectual pissing contests.

CNu said...

Contact with "us" made him what he was partly. Stop being an intellectual piker... or continue.


The other 5 technocracy devotees don't claim you tramp.

Make sure you don't keep that garbage man waiting....,

J.C. said...

Cnu... don't tell me.. you in real life are a garbage truck driver.. and that is why you have fantasy's about trash?
You are a worthless troll though on the internet?
Or you just play one?
The trash on your so called website is rather funny.
Egoistic and really childish.
You are grooming yourself as Gurdieff Jr. Ha ha.
No more debate please.
Troll for the spiritually confused.
Feed some spiritual bullshit.
Your type is legion.
Comical really.
Keep in mind that I know more about the subject you are confused about than you do.
Pseudo Intellectual tramp.
Regurgitate tramp from recycled ideas.
You have missed the mark in general and really do not even get Gurdjieff.
No doubt he would put you to work in garden... or give the treatment he gave to ''spiritual'' witch posers.
You really disgrace the good things he managed to do.
Dumbing it down with your silly and pontificating ego.
Now go away.
Or stay.
I do not care Mr. Negative.

CNu said...

Generic definition of a tramp: a tramp is anyone who is incapable of completing any undertaking in life, and who always abandons what they have begun.

J.C. said...

Yeah... I know... and I know where you got your definition.

I hope you and A. Crowley enjoy your time together.

CNu said...

So DV, did you check out my girl Hypertiger? She bad as hell magne. Breaks it all down in the most accessible possible manner - with no delusions of escapist activism - just calm overview and a meticulous retrospective sweep unlike any I've come upon elsewhere.

I'm frankly far more impressed with Cheryl-Lynne' than I am with myself, and, she even has a blog that specifically caters to Skipco....,

J.C. said...

Just curious Cnu... is being a troll a full time occupation with you ?

Denmark Vesey said...

Hey CNu.

Nah man. I'm tardy as hell. Let me peep now.

J.C. said...

Hyper Tiger is not her blog by the way. It is the other team members blog.

Denmark Vesey said...

ROFLMAO ... That's funny man. I like this chick too.

CNu said...

Putting Hypertiger Wisdom together with James R. Maclean makes for a might powerful explanatory combination, but broken down for straightforward and comparatively easy assimilation.

Bofe-of-em looking at the same thing with the latter doing some useful outlining and the former doing some deep explaining.

CNu said...

Did you see how your man Ron Paul put foot to ass on Bernanke in December? One wonders if it's possible that a sufficient density of information could be disclosed from multiple points to enough people such that the TOP could be forestalled from implementing their endgame liquidation of the BOTTOM for just a few years longer.

Some folks think the endgame may be only a few more months away.

Michael Fisher said...

"...US consumers are the source of US Dollars...China is not selling all that stuff produced with child slave labor to the FED."

That Hyper Tiger character ain't too swift either.

J.C. said...

Still trading paper Fisher?

Michael Fisher said...

Skip sievert...

"Still trading paper Fisher?"

Not even that. Just computer blips on some bank's servers.

Feeds me well, though, thanks for the inquiry.

J.C. said...

I have just stuck with the suggestion I made to you at the time we were discussing that.

I still think the dollar will be the last currency standing at the end .. which may be near.
The credit collapse wipes us out but in the end we have the resources and we hung the paper on them... (Chinese etc.).

Still a good time to go for that certain commodity I mentioned.

Michael Fisher said...

skip sievert...

"I have just stuck with the suggestion I made to you at the time we were discussing that."

I don't recall. Please refresh my memory.

J.C. said...

The yellow metal and cold hard cash.

Mostly the yellow metal.

It may be a good time just to retrench and watch.

Even those two things could become worthless.... All money is originally based on the Barley measure from Babylon society... and as chaos gathers so called money does not replace friends and food... as the most important things in life.
Wild times ahead. I suspect gld. will double .. perhaps in the next year... but... as said mostly all the financial stuff is ultimately illusory. My opinion.

Michael Fisher said...

Skip Sievert...

"The yellow metal and cold hard cash."

Well, at the end of the day neither is worth anything. I can't eat gold. What maintains the value of any medium of exchange these days is the state. As in organized violence that is, the threat thereof. You know: "legal tender for all debts, public and private".

Thus as long as organized violence is still proficient in delivering on its threat, possession of any of these various exchange media is relatively secure. Mark the relatively part, though.

J.C. said...

The Barley Standard

In case it’s not obvious, this meant that during hard times one could literally eat the family savings.

The early Mesopotamians used a weight of barley as their first currency. It seems important to point out to the modern reader, accustomed as they must be to the way modern currency works, that this money was different from the money of today in some very important ways.
It was an actual edible commodity that could be used to make soup, bread and beer, for one thing, and for another, it was prone to decay: pests ate it, it tended to rancidity if kept for too long, and so on.

Consider the staying power of a pure service (gone immediately), a loaf of bread (can be held for a couple of days), a pot of barley (a year or two), a suit of clothes (a few years), a bronze plow-blade (a decade or more), and, at the extreme end of the durability continuum, the land itself (seemingly eternal at the time).

This latter property of the currency was shared with most goods in the economy, all of which fell somewhere along a continuum of impermanence. The impermanent nature of these goods is linked to the underlying ecosystem from which all value ultimately arises; everything that wasn’t made of sand (pottery) or metal (tools and jewelry) was the direct product of sunlight and bio-mass, and consequently subject to unavoidable near-term wear and decay.

The harmony between the nature of the goods in the market and the nature of the currency meant that — although incomes were far from equal — no one could get very rich because their money would lose its value within a couple of years.

This storage problem was carefully studied by those with high incomes, particularly the Priest Kings who — though a small hereditary minority — received a tithe from every producer in the community. Their surplus income was so large that they were unable, even with the technologies of beer and cheese, to store all the commodities they received.

Literally “barley weight” in Akkadian; it was both a unit of currency and a unit of weight, just as the British Pound was originally a unit denominating a one pound mass of silver.

The modern currency of Israel is also called the shekel. This word is originally from Sumer and meant a weight of barley.

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that the idea of taking a smaller cut didn’t occur to the ruling class of ancient Mesopotamia. Instead, some time between 3,000BCE and 2,500BCE it was decided that temple taxes would only be accepted in the most expensive and durable commodity known at the time: silver.

They chose silver for this purpose because, unlike barley, silver doesn’t spoil. These new silver weights, called shekels, were the prototype for the other currencies of the Ancient Near East.

stone weights were used to measure one mina (60 shekels) worth of silver (c. 1300BCE).

Abstract Value

Interestingly, similar arm-band money was used in Africa until the 1940s.

Metal currency at least 2,000 years before Croessus of Lydia.

Silver’s practical value to the ancients was essentially nil, but — rather like the peacock’s tail — the ability to expend resources on adornments was an important status marker.
Silver’s value was derived entirely from its uselessness and scarcity.

As if to make the wealth-status connection as obvious as possible, the Sumerians — who never minted coins — pioneered Bronze Age bling in the form of spiral silver armbands in even multiples of the shekel.
Actual Barley was still used as small change during this period.

Silver quickly became the primary currency of the rich, who could now “store value” indefinitely.

We should pause here for a moment to make very clear the problem they were trying to solve and the nature of the solution. A small minority controlled such a large share of the society’s resources, so much more than they could consume, that they were forced to waste excess commodities, thus they sought to overcome the natural limitations of ecological productivity using a mixed metaphor in which short-lived organic commodities were “converted” into long-lived metallic ones.

Any way... some historical aspects of money. Gold by the way can now be extracted from sea water in an industrial process... so as a Libertarian pipe dream that is also ultimately an illusion.
Oil also can be manufactured from carbon material... so the basis of the dollar ''value''.. really oil... is not really real any more either.