How else account for the vehement and "irrational" prohibition against weed consumption in dopaminergic society?
Yet it happens despite the grotesque penalties and hazards imposed on it and that "sub-culture" with its own priorities and sensi-bilities roughly abides within and alongside the normative dopaminergic throng.
Fighting that Global System of Weed Supremacy for the better part of a century!!!
What's worse is that the fight for psycho-cultural supremacy is directly contrary to national energy security.
Mofos would rather fight than switch....,
Read that post CNu. Fucked me up.
Makes "ethanol" look like a Haliburton product.
Is what I'm tryin to tell you magne!!! There's a ready made supply of oil, fibre and nutrient rich biomass capable of growing in no-till local settings, fertilized with human and animal waste - in perpetuity.
Won't even exhaust the soil. EROEI positive consuming a fraction of the biomass itself.
But the normative political and social consensus just says no...,
So ... we beggin a lot of quesitons here. If this shit is a solution. Why mofos sittin on it. Ultimately alternative sources of energy are in their interests too.
Why would mufuckas act against their own self-interest?!?!
CNu, Peep:
Ultimately The Conspiracy Is Against God
I thought this was a post about green? Back to the issue at hand..ha ha.
Cnu nu, I'm not going to try and loose people in jargon so let me give it to you straight. The "irrational prohibition" of cannabis has nothing to with your serotonin gov't conspiracy theory. If that's the case, anti-depressants would be outlawed. Green was outlawed in the US to put Mexicans in jail...simple and plain. I don't know too many laws that generate money for the gov't that are changed no matter how irrational they are.
Actually Paul, to deport 400,000 mexicans during the height of the Great Depression. Beyond that, to preserve the economic interests of forestry and cotton.
Hurst ran the devil weed story back in the day like it was going out of style.
As for the contemporary maintenance of the Hemp and Cannabis prohibitions - I think you are obliged to look elsewhere - since Mexicans are NOT being deported as during the Great Depression, cotton and timber are not threatened, instead the need for cellulosic biomass is critical.
So you tell us all, why are the federal prohibitions still intact and being sharper teeth in the U.K.?
I wholly agree.
Hemp is a miracle plant.
It is far less thristy than cotton and grows MUCH faster...like a weed.
It is a very strong fiber and can also be used for fuel and oil. Hemp oil has the ideal balance of Omega-3 & -6 fatty acids...as well as Gamma-Linolenic (GLA) acid.
With peak water and oil coming up, hemp is the perfect alternative to cotton and overseas petro.
Now, have corporate-Zionist puppets, Obama or Hillary even talked about legalizing hemp?
So, who has?
You guessed it...RON PAUL. The most progressive, forward-thinking candidate out there. The TRUE prophet.
BTW, the Presidency is like marriage.
People don't get better once they get in - they only drop their act and get WORSE.
So, don't expect no about-face from Obama when he gets in.
I can already see him now, putting on the "serious" Colin 'WMD' Powell-face when propagandist pre-planned shit hits the fan and "courageously" sending Blackwater troops in to keep the peace and restore order to the NAU. Homeboy will be posing like Giuliani at 9II. But, he will be a believable actor to Middle Americans...which is why he was chosen to begin with. Who can deliver their pre-scripted messages with the most effectiveness and believability?
Doesn't matter who it is, as long as they can preach to the choir and do as they're told.
Nah nah nah Byrd ...
You don't get Barack yet. But I'm working on you.
See, aint a bigger Ron Paul man on the planet than your boy DV. That cat is the truth.
EVERY ONE OF HIS POLICIES IS RIGHT ON THE MONEY. Ron Paul has all of the answers.
Problem is ... America needs more than answers. An administrator can't get the job done. The world does not need a mechanic.
Global Warming and Peak Oil are merely acne compared to the spiritual cancer that is devastating this nation.
The only chance the world has is a galvanizing force, compelling enough to appeal to the best which is in us and charismatic enough to make what we have in common overshadow our differences.
The world needs a prophet. The world needs the 17th Crucified Savior.
Ron Paul is one hell of an economist. A tremendous thinker. A man of action. A doer. But he aint da Messiah.
Cats like Ron Paul can be hired.
Cats like Barack Obama are born in mangers.
Yeah yeah I hear ya skip:
'Price system this Babylon that ... Barack is the devil, only the "the Technate" can save us, energy coupons today, energy coupons tomorrow, energy coupons forever!!'... yada yada yawn
Just cuz you can't hear the beat, don't mean it aint thumpin'.
America needs more than answers
America doesn't even have the answers it needs right now. So, it does desperately need those answers, nothing more, nothing less.
Let's not talk about more than answers, when we don't even have the right answers implemented yet. Only guy doing that is Ron Paul.
And Obama ain't bringing the answers. Just more problems. He is a neo-Pharisee tool just like MLK, Condoleeza & Colin Powell.
Just another cheerleader. He's pumping up the crowd, but he's not getting us any actual yards. And it's already 4th down, we're 10 trillion behind and the clock is running out.
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