Thursday, May 08, 2008

Deconstructing The "Global System of White Supremacy"

Mike Fisher. Exodus Mentality. Is this man .. this "white" man ... a racist too?


? said...

I wonder what Obama woudl say about the GSWS?

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Loves it!

Michael Fisher said...


"I wonder what Obama woudl say about the GSWS"

Which Obama?

? said...

The private Obama

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

I would think that he would say that he is not unfamiliar with it.

Michael Fisher said...


"Mike Fisher. Exodus Mentality. Is this man .. this 'white' man ... a racist too?"

First this question. How do you know that he is "white", DV.

? said...

I would think that he would say that he is not unfamiliar with it.

I would think he would say he is not unfamiliar with white supremacy. However, if he believed in the all powerful GSWS he would never be where he is now and especially so if it actually existed.

Michael Fisher said...


"However, if he believed in the all powerful GSWS..."

Did anyone ever say that the System of Racism/White Supremacy is "all-powerful"?

...he would never be where he is now...

Why not?

...and especially so if it actually existed."

I seem to recall that you admitted elsewhere that the System of White Supremacy indeed exists.

? said...

I believe white supremacy exists on a global scale but from what I keep reading of your GSWS it's something else entirely.

Michael Fisher said...


"I believe white supremacy exists on a global scale but from what I keep reading of your GSWS it's something else entirely."

What does your concept of white supremacy on a global scale look lke?

? said...

White supremacy in this country, Europe etc. Wherever there are white folks you'll usually have some that are supremacists.