"Look around "Assault On Black Sanity". We say things about white people that many of them may find just as egregious. How are Byrdeye's interpretations of events and history any more racist than blacks who insist all white people are racist and espouse "The Global System of White Supremacy" theory?"
The question is not whether it is egregious. The question is whether it true. So, DV. My question to you is: is what birdeye says true?
Denmark Vesey said ...

It is as true as is any other Group Think racial tit for tat football game designed by the elite to keep the masses at each other's throats over something as ultimately inconsequential as skin color.
Byrdeye said...
"My jury is still out on whether Birdeye is racist. I'm reading and thinking." RJesq
Thanks for taking the time to make a sincere evaluation. But again, that's still ultimately the WRONG question to be asking. Using "racism" as the first and final litmus test is a mind-control meme implanted to distract people from and discount the truth. Along with: "Hateful", "Divisive", "Destructive", "Anti-Semitic" Etc, etc
Too bad the only real counter here is missing: FALSE. But I guess if something isn't truly false, then you can't rebut it that way...
You see how the "racism" meme has gotten you to focus on the wrong things still? You can't even help it. It precedes all other questions in your mind. Because it is very sticky, and deep reprogramming, here. That has penetrated to your subconscious now and meta-framed your entire worldview into one between races...instead of for common truths. If race "doesn't exist"...then why are people so obsessed with it? Now, that's REAL racism.
You see, you have been Jew-washed into asking the wrong critical question when weighing an idea. Namely: "Is this racist?" ... instead of: "Is this TRUE?"
Which absolutely destroys ALL critical thinking of yours, BY DEFINITION. Anytime we stray from the truth, it's a slippery slope down into manipulative agendas and mind-control, my friend. Because the truth is your only real grounding point to reality. Let go of that and you're putty in someone else's hands...
White liberal guilt..
Black thug life..
White flight..
Proportionally over-committed but underreported Black-On-White violent crimes..
These are all real issues, anonymous homey. They may be taboo and rarely-discussed - but they do exist in reality.
And this is where the rubber meets the road. This is where the real problems fester and most angels fear to tread.
But the fact is - the truth is the truth, whether it's "racist" or not. And someone who tells the truth regardless of racial implications is actually as NON-RACIST as you can get!
You see, you have been Jew-washed into asking the wrong critical question when weighing an idea. Namely:
"Is this racist?"
...instead of:
"Is this TRUE?"
Which absolutely destroys ALL critical thinking of yours, BY DEFINITION.
Anytime we stray from the truth, it's a slippery slope down into manipulative agendas and mind-control, my friend. Because the truth is your only real grounding point to reality. Let go of that and you're putty in someone else's hands...
Now, I've read similar racial rhetoric on these Black identity blogs...but so what? Everyone is racist to a degree. But that's not the final criterion IMO. The final criterion IMO is if they are speaking the TRUTH.
Which is the value I find in DV's blog here. He is an incredibly astute observer of geopolitics and has a good handle on human relations. Game recognize game. We both peer beneath the surface layer of matters to recognize deeper underlying patterns...
Now, if you want to debate the specific issues I commented on - feel free to comment on those posts. The ultimate point of which is, btw, that the White man is ultimately victim of his own stupidity. Hell, we probably all are. All roads eventually lead back home, don't they? Which is what's so damn funny about it all, lol.
BTW, I attended a speech by Vernon Jordan once...
And I can guarantee you - that guys from his generation like MLK Jr. did NOT have "Fiddy Cents" in mind when they were fighting for a better future for their kids.
You have to really imagine what such Black leaders would say now when they watch BET or look at the stats in the wake of all their work. Sure, they did make some great gains - but at what costs?
And I ask feminists the same question. Didn't they create Britney Spears?
And what kind of legacy is THIS de-generation going to leave the NEXT one?
And who is going to gain the most from all this in the Endgame, huh?
Byrd Eye said "Recent cases do attest to such a double-standard when it comes to race-related crimes and punishment. Black crimes tend to get underpublicized and excused...while White-on-Black crimes get overexposed and rushed to judgement. Sort of a reversal from the old Jim Crow days..."
This is a LIE.
Also you left out Bird Eye's opinion about IQ and race. You've said many times you don't support Fisher's GSWS, do you support Bird Eye's view about IQ and race?
Also you ask "what's racist about all that?"
What's racist about this statement- "Woops, I guess they never warned her about common street thugs in her whitewashed MLK Jr pep rallies and Black History month! Doh!"
Or "Welcome To Da Jungle!"
Or "Africanization: Once a city reaches a "critical mass" of Blacks - Whites (and wealthy Blacks) flee to the burbs as the city melts down into Africatown. Coming soon to a highly-"diverse" inner-city near you!"
I don't need any white person's sympathy, I'm just calling Bird Eye out for what he is- that is a racist idiot.
Also I can't wait to hear Bird Eye talk about white pathology the way he does about the so-called white pathology.
Last are you defending Bird Eye's statements or his right to say such things? Because I'm not disputing Bird Eye's right to express his opinions.
DV. I am not the anon. You can take that picture down
anonymous - "This is a LIE" is not admissible evidence. Sorry, but this is not FAUX News, your name is not Bill O'Reilly and I am going to hold you to a higher standard of proof than that.
"My Negro Problem—and Ours" was written by a Jew back in 1963:
"The almost complete abdication of black responsibility and the commensurately total dependence on government engendered by so obsessive and exclusive a fixation on white racism has been calamitous." - Norman Podhoretz
And more importantly, is he right?
Do Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent street crime? Yes.
Why did the brutal torture-murder of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian get suppressed while the false rape of Crystal Gail Mangum got raised to Defcon 5? Race have anything to do with that, hmmm?
So, Black-on-White violent crimes are NOT underreported compared to the opposite? You sure about that?
White flight is a well-known FACT.
And are there statistical correlations with physical and mental traits between races? Well, IQ studies and the NFL and NBA sure seem to say so.
Ok anonymous...you've labelled me a "racist liar." Unfortunately, what you haven't done is factually disprove my assertions.
And the reason why is that you've already been pre-conditioned to automatically think: racial=racist=lie
Let me deconstruct the fallacy of this false logic, though.
Have you ever heard of a:
racial truth?
racist truth?
non-racial lie?
non-racist lie?
If so, then your little formula doesn't work, does it?
You see, this culture has a FUNDAMENTAL problem with HONESTY - and it starts with f'n SANTA CLAUS. Where a good lie > a bad truth. And this same GOOD LIAR mentality goes right on up to bashing MC Wright in adulthood. Which leads to neurotic contradictions like denying race...yet identifying with it politically. And a society that is self-destructing from our own web of lies.
Look, RACISM and TRUTH are COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT. They should never have been conflated, because that can only sully the purity of truth. Hell, be as racist or not as you want - all I ask is that you be TRUTHFUL (or at least honest).
"anonymous - "This is a LIE" is not admissible..."
Two questions for you birdeye.
(a) In your opinion, what is the reason for this aberrant black behavior?
and more importantly,
(b) In view of your answer to (a), what should be done with blacks?
"Look around "Assault On Black Sanity". We say things about white people that many of them may find just as egregious. How are Byrdeye's interpretations of events and history any more racist than blacks who insist all white people are racist and espouse "The Global System of White Supremacy" theory?"
The question is not whether it is egregious. The question is whether it true.
So, DV. My question to you is: is what birdeye says true?
Who cares what birdseye thinks? Like Gordon Brown, he is and insignificant dot in the sea of hummanity!
MF - a & b are EXCELLENT questions!
Which is the whole point of HONESTY. Only once you get past DENIAL can you begin to fix problems. If you just keep turning a blind eye, they will only progressively worsen...
Liberals shy away from this, and you can see how well it's worked for communities affected by them. Meanwhile, leaders who acknowledge and emphasize personal accountability like Farrakhan or Cosby get pummeled by liberals.
But when you get away from the liberal rhetoric and politicking - what do the real hard numbers, statistical metrics and community stories reveal about the real state of affairs?
Cosby had come to Detroit aiming to grab the city’s black men by their collars and shake them out of the torpor that has left so many of them—like so many of their peers across the country—undereducated, over-incarcerated, and underrepresented in the ranks of active fathers. No women were in the audience. No reporters were allowed, for fear that their presence might frighten off fathers behind on their child-support payments. But I was there, trading on race, gender, and a promise not to interview any of the allegedly skittish participants.
As Cosby sees it, the antidote to racism is not rallies, protests, or pleas, but strong families and communities. Instead of focusing on some abstract notion of equality, he argues, blacks need to cleanse their culture, embrace personal responsibility, and reclaim the traditions that fortified them in the past.
Race again came to the fore in 1997, when Cosby’s son was randomly shot and killed while fixing a flat on a Los Angeles freeway.
The crisis of absentee fathers, the rise of black-on-black crime, and the spread of hip-hop all led Cosby to believe that, after the achievements of the 1960s, the black community was committing cultural suicide.
He began by noting that although civil-rights activists had opened the door for black America, young people today, instead of stepping through, were stepping backward. “No longer is a person embarrassed because they’re pregnant without a husband,” he told the crowd. “No longer is a boy considered an embarrassment if he tries to run away from being the father of the unmarried child.”
“I went to Koreatown today and I met with the Korean merchants,” the minister told the crowd. “I love them. You know why? They got a place called what? Koreatown. When I left them, I went to Chinatown. They got a place called what? Chinatown. Where is your town?”
This is the audience that flocks to Cosby: culturally conservative black Americans who are convinced that integration, and to some extent the entire liberal dream, robbed them of their natural defenses.
“There are things that we did not see coming,” Cosby told me over lunch in Manhattan last year. “Like, you could see the Klan, but because these things were not on a horse, because there was no white sheet, and the people doing the deed were not white, we saw things in the light of family and forgiveness … We didn’t pay attention to the dropout rate. We didn’t pay attention to the fathers, to the self-esteem of our boys.”
Given the state of black America, it is hard to quarrel with that analysis. Blacks are 13 percent of the population, yet black men account for 49 percent of America’s murder victims and 41 percent of the prison population. The teen birth rate for blacks is 63 per 1,000, more than double the rate for whites. In 2005, black families had the lowest median income of any ethnic group measured by the Census, making only 61 percent of the median income of white families.
Most troubling is a recent study released by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which concluded that the rate at which blacks born into the middle class in the 1960s backslid into poverty or near-poverty (45 percent) was three times that of whites
a century ago, the black brain trust was pushing the same rhetoric that Cosby is pushing today. It was concerned that slavery had essentially destroyed the black family and was obsessed with seemingly the same issues—crime, wanton sexuality, and general moral turpitude—that Cosby claims are recent developments.
“The National Association of Colored Women, Du Bois in The Philadelphia Negro, all shared a sense of anxiety that African Americans were not presenting their best selves to the world. There was the sense that they were committing crimes and needed to keep their sexuality in check.”
Part of what drives Cosby’s activism, and reinforces his message, is the rage that lives in all African Americans, a collective feeling of disgrace that borders on self-hatred. As the comedian Chris Rock put it in one of his infamous routines, “Everything white people don’t like about black people, black people really don’t like about black people … It’s like a civil war going on with black people, and it’s two sides—there’s black people and there’s niggas, and niggas have got to go … Boy, I wish they’d let me join the Ku Klux Klan. Shit, I’d do a drive-by from here to Brooklyn.”
Cosby was born into a troubled home. He was raised by his mother because his father, who joined the Navy, abandoned the family when Cosby was a child.
Every problem ultimately starts at home. This applies to all races and all individuals. If you dig deep enough, you will find the root within YOU.
Anyhow, I will address possible solutions in a following comment...
"just an insignificant dot in the sea of hummanity"
My jury is still out on whether Birdeye is racist. I'm reading and thinking.
BUt here's the question that has remained in the front of my mine since he came over.
IS BIRDEYE IN FACT WHITE? I may have this one wrong but some of the things he's written, pardon me, the way they are written, dont have the skip-sievert-white-boy sound.
What yall think?
"My jury is still out on whether Birdeye is racist. I'm reading and thinking."
Thanks for taking the time to make a sincere evaluation. But again, that's still ultimately the WRONG question to be asking. Using "racism" as the first and final litmus test is a mind-control meme implanted to distract people from and discount the truth.
Along with:
Etc, etc
Too bad the only real counter here is missing: FALSE. But I guess if something isn't truly false, then you can't rebut it that way...
You see how the "racism" meme has gotten you to focus on the wrong things still? You can't even help it. It precedes all other questions in your mind. Because it is very sticky, and deep reprogramming, here. That has penetrated to your subconscious now and meta-framed your entire worldview into one between races...instead of for common truths. If race "doesn't exist"...then why are people so obsessed with it?
Now, that's REAL racism.
"Which is the value I find in DV's blog here. He is an incredibly astute observer of geopolitics and has a good handle on human relations."
Key word observer!
"Do Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent street crime? Yes."
Do Whites commit a disproportionate amount of white wall street crime? How about serial killer crime? How about mass school killings? Also, do Whites commit crimes and get off because law enforcement is not profiling Whites?
"And I can guarantee you - that guys from his generation like MLK Jr. did NOT have "Fiddy Cents" in mind when they were fighting for a better future for their kids."
What specifically is it about 50 Cents did former activist not have in mind?
"The crisis of absentee fathers, the rise of black-on-black crime, and the spread of hip-hop all led Cosby to believe that, after the achievements of the 1960s, the black community was committing cultural suicide."
What's your position on fatherhood, black on black crime and hip hop??
Again BryEye
"Recent cases do attest to such a double-standard when it comes to race-related crimes and punishment. Black crimes tend to get underpublicized and excused...while White-on-Black crimes get overexposed and rushed to judgement. Sort of a reversal from the old Jim Crow days..."
"Black thug life..
Proportionally over-committed but underreported."
This is a LIE. So much so that studies disprove this, but because you're focused on white victim-hood (reverse Jim Crow) you'll still support this baseless silly argument.
BirdEye- "Meanwhile, leaders who acknowledge and emphasize personal accountability like Farrakhan or Cosby get pummeled by liberals."
Farrakhan is mostly attacked by whites (liberals and conservatives)- where you do dig this cr@p?.
What's interesting is that each side of this debate keeps citing this study and that study as if "studies" are the TRUTH. This nothing more than a he said she said of favorite statistics.
Does this entire argument boil down to which set of studies one chooses to rely on? If he chooses the ones with conclusions we like, he's not racist. If he chooses the ones with conclusions we dislike, then he's a good White boy.
That really can't be the argument.
BirdEye considers it being political incorrect when one speaks of "black criminality" although whites have been doing this for hundreds of years. (BirdEye: "They may be taboo and rarely-discussed - but they do exist in reality.")
If BrydEye really wants to be "politically incorrect" he should talk about white criminality/ dysfunction...
Imagine him having a post titled: "The White Devils" and analyzing from his perspective would MLK would think of whites today.
Most of the discussion here is moot.
All humans are closely related. There are genetic mutations from diet and area but the actual genetic differences between humans is almost non-existant.
From recent research.....
Modern humans are often presumed to have originated in East Africa and then spread out to populate other areas. But the data could equally support an origin in southern Africa followed by a migration to East and West Africa.
"[The mixing] was two-way to a certain extent, but the majority of mitochondrial lineages seem to have come from north-eastern Africa down to the south," said Spencer Wells.
But other scientists said different scenarios could explain the data.
Dr Sarah Tishkoff, an expert on African population genetics from the University of Pennsylvania, said the Khoisan might once have carried many more of the presumed "East African" lineages but that these could have been lost over time.
"Although there is very deep divergence in the mitochondrial lineages, that can be different from inferring when the populations diverged from one another and there can be many demographic scenarios to account for it," she told BBC News.
She added: "As a general rule of thumb, when mitochondrial genetic lineages split, it will usually precede the population split. It can often be difficult to infer from one to the other."
The University of Pennsylvania researcher stressed it was not possible to pinpoint where in Africa the populations had once lived - complicating the process of reconstructing scenarios from genetic data.
The Genographic Project's findings are also consistent with the idea - held for some years now - that modern humans had a close brush with extinction in the evolutionary past.
The number of early humans in Africa.. may have shrunk as low as 2,000 before numbers began to expand again in the Late Stone Age.
After that expansion they spread out to the rest of the world.
So birdie boy... in the beginning your ass was an African.
One does not have to read studies to know that blacks are overly depicted as criminals/ thugs in the MSM (even in regards to interracial crimes) and that BirdEye is lying. When looks at it on a global level, whites are killing hundreds of thousands more blacks than vice-versa (but you won't hear the political incorrect BirdEye writing a post about "White Savagery".
And studies can/ do provide insight. What studies can BirdEye cite about his speculation about the underrepresented of black criminality- in fact scientific studies point to the contrary of what he is saying?
A number of recent investigations have concluded that news programs often systematically misrepresent Black Americans as the perpetrators of crime and Whites as the victims of crime. For example, Dixon and Linz (2000a, 2000b) examined the portrayal of Blacks and Whites in crime reports and tele-vision newscasts in the Los Angeles area. Blacks were overrepresented as perpe-trators on television news (37%) compared to arrest reports (21%). Similarly, Blacks were underrepresented as victims on television news (23%) compared to
crime reports (28%). These findings are in stark contrast to the ways in which Whites were portrayed on television news (Dixon & Linz, 2000a, 2000b; Romer et al., 1998). Whites were underrepresented as perpetrators on television news
(21%) compared to arrest reports (28%), and were overrepresented as victims in news stories (43%) compared to crime reports (13%). Furthermore, Whites were
overrepresented as officers (69%) on news programs compared to employment records (59%; Dixon & Linz, 2000a).
Dixon, T. L., & Linz, D. (2000a). Overrepresentation and underrepresentation of
African Americans and Latinos as lawbreakers on television news. Journal of
Communication, 50, 131-154.
Dixon, T. L., & Linz, D. (2000b). Race and the misrepresentation of victimiza-
tion on local television news. Communication Research, 27, 547-573.
Romer, D., Jamieson, K. H., & de Coteau, N. J. (1998). The treatment of persons
of color in local television news: Ethnic blame discourse or realistic group
conflict? Communication Research, 25, 268-305.
Entman, R. (1992). Blacks in the news: Television, modern racism, and cultural
change. Journalism Quarterly, 69, 341-361.
Entman, R. (1994). Representation and reality in the portrayal of Blacks on net-
work television news. Journalism Quarterly, 71, 509-520.
Gilliam, F. D., Iyengar, S., Simon, A., & Wright, O. (1996). Crime in Black and
White: The violent, scary world of local news. Harvard International Journal
of Press/Politics, 1, 6-23.
Studies are not truth. They are funded and disseminated by people who like to distract the masses with fodder such as the game of ping pong above.
Does your citation to studies obsessing about White violence make you a racist? If not, then why does his reliance on studies pointing to Black violence make him one?
Especially when Casper dedicates an inordinate number of comments on this blog and another to studies purporting to establish a causal relationship between rampant violence among Black youth and hip hop. Does that make Casper anti-Black and racist for citing them?
"a & b are EXCELLENT questions!"
Well, birdie. They may be excellent questions, but you still haven't answered any of them. All that verbiage you quoted didn't answer jack. So let's go at it again:
(a) In your opinion, what is the reason for this aberrant black behavior?
Lemme help you out a bit. In a society in which everyone, including us black folk, has easy access to "white" values and dictae for "white" behavior (which "white" behavior is not, comparatively, aberrant as that displayed by blacks) what is the reason Blacks do not grab hold onto these values?
Maybe we lack the genetic intelligence to do so?
If not, what else could be the reason?
and thus
(b) in view of your answer to (a), what should be done with blacks given our (if your answer to (a) reflects this) genetically determined corrosive impact (which causes white flight)on society as a whole?
And please, don't quote anyone else. State your answer in your own words.
For starters, I doubt that you honestly believe that all studies are untruthful. The links that I posted are rather objective, it simply looks at the overall amount of crimes committed by blacks and white and looks at the overall amount of time the MSM spends on addressing the crimes with regards to the offenders'/ victims' race. Blacks are disproportionally depicted as criminals, white are overwhelming portrayed as victims , and black-on-white crimes are likewise exaggerated.
I'm not obsessed about white violence, in fact I write nor talk about any such thing as White/ Black Savagery that would be BirdEye. And BirdEye is a racist in that he honestly believe there are pronounced biological differences between different "races" to the point that it effects our so called "IQ".
If you have an issue with Casper then deal with him. I simply pointing out that BirdEye information regarding "black criminality" as depicted on MSM is false and anyone with two eyes and a brain knows this without any studies. If you wish to defend him/ prove me wrong, continue on....
In fact when I went back and read this: "Studies are not truth. They are funded and disseminated by people who like to distract the masses with fodder such as the game of ping pong above." I honestly had to laugh.
Some studies are fodder, some aren't... but I'm sure you know this already.
It is impossible to know what studies are "truthful". They are often crafted to affirm the "truths" the funders and authors want to prove. So it's hard to take studies particularly seriously.
I'm not trying to defend Byrdeye or prove you wrong. That's not what these discussions are about or should be about. What exactly are we supposed to learn from this discourse other than Birdeye might be a liar or a racist?
That anyone who believes Black on White crime is underreported is a racist?
Once again you don't read
BrirdEye is a racist in that he believes there are pronounced biological difference between the races so much so that it effects our IQ. Much of the junk about black criminality is built on this belief.
Actually it is possible to know what studies are truthful- when you brush your teeth, eat healthy food, exercise, etc its a confirmation that certain studies are true or at least more true than others. The studies I linked are quite objective- it compares the amount of time the MSM spends on the reported crime rate of blacks/ whites.
You said- "I'm not trying to defend Byrdeye or prove you wrong."
Actually you're trying to discredit what I'm saying.
You said- "What exactly are we supposed to learn from this discourse other than Birdeye might be a liar or a racist?"
If BirdEye might be liar/ racist? ...He is a racist and liar, which thus makes everything he says (at least relating to race) suspect. My concern is DV's and/ or any black person support of a rabid racist… seems illogical to me. What you may feel about BirdEye- I could care less.
"Mike, it is as "true" as is..."
Stop jivin' Negro. Is what birdeye says true (without quotation marks) or not?
BirdEye states: "But the fact is - the truth is the truth, whether it's "racist" or not. And someone who tells the truth regardless of racial implications is actually as NON-RACIST as you can get!"
To begin, BirdEye doesn't even tell the truth.
He then goes on- "You see, you have been Jew-washed into asking the wrong critical question when weighing an idea. Namely: "Is this racist?" ... instead of: "Is this TRUE?"
More distraction.
BirdEye states- …"Black thug life…Proportionally over-committed but underreported. Black-On-White violent crimes. These are all real issues, anonymous homey. They may be taboo and rarely-discussed - but they do exist in reality."
Bunch of bs. Notice his focus on the so called "black thug" life that according to him is underreported. This blog is nearly dedicated to the neo-con (predominately white thug life) that goes underreported by MSM everyday. The media would rather bombard by the so-called "thuggery" of Michael Vicks/ rappers.
BirdEye states: "These are all real issues, anonymous homey. They may be taboo and rarely-discussed - but they do exist in reality."
Right… rarely discussed…. Another lie. Taboo? Another lie, MSM been reporting on black thuggery since the founding of America and still does today with its Vicks/ T.I. "news".
BirdEye states - "But the fact is - the truth is the truth, whether it's "racist" or not. And someone who tells the truth regardless of racial implications is actually as NON-RACIST as you can get!"
The key word is TRUTH.
This guy is a fool.
"Stop jivin' Negro. Is what birdeye says true (without quotation marks) or not?" MF
LOL. Look Mr. Global System of White Supremacy (What's more jive than that?)
I don't jive. Nor do I suffer from your race based inferiority complex.
Was it true ... or "true" ... when you said "whites" tortured a "black" woman in West Virginia?
crickets ....
deflection ...
another screen name ...
No answer.
"True" is as relative as is "Good".
I bet you and your ex-wife would not agree on whether certain events are "true" or not.
I don't play your homo / racists perpetual domestic argument game:
1)All white people bad.
2)All black people good
Nor do I believe
1) All white people are victims and 2) All black people are criminals
From what I've read of Byrdeye - that is not the impression I took from what he is saying.
My interpretation of Byrdeye's commentary is that there exists a media disparity in the way crime is covered.
He appears to feel just as much a victim of the power elite and mass media machine, as do you and your cadre of Professional Negro Victims who amateurishly characterize all power as "white".
True or not, it's a lame hustle with a limited future.
Ah, now we can start to have an honest conversation when it's JUST ABOUT THE FACTS.
Anonymous - you didn't read me carefully. Instead, you projected your own stock claims onto me.
I did not claim that neocons weren't mass-murdering. In fact, I rant about them all the time on my blog and here!
Nor did I claim that Black crime was underreported in the news. It may or may not be - I haven't researched that specifically so I dunno. But if it IS distorted (surprise, surprise), then it's certainly worth calling out and I would support you in that. In fact, media spin is one of my repeated themes..
My interpretation of Byrdeye's commentary is that there exists a media disparity in the way crime is covered.
(But our Jew news is so gone down the tubes by now that it's basically a lost cause at this point. I simply don't even watch it anymore. And if we ALL starved it out - the problem would be halfway solved.)
Anyhow, what I claimed was that Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent street crime and Black-on-White crime is underreported relative to White-on-Black crime. Both FACTS, like it or not.
Which you decided to avoid and tried subbing in a red herring instead. That was a jack move, bro. If you can't play fair and answer the questions directly and truthfully, then don't play at all.
All deception starts with self-deception.
And all self-deception for self-gain is ultimately self-defeating.
Well, Friday's here and I'll answer more questions when I get to them. Enjoy. :)
Never mind what I said or not said. I didn't ask you about that. Let me repeat.
"Is what birdeye says true (without quotation marks) or not?
Bird- "Nor did I claim that Black crime was underreported in the news. It may or may not be - I haven't researched that specifically so I dunno. But if it IS distorted (surprise, surprise), then it's certainly worth calling out and I would support you in that. In fact, media spin is one of my repeated themes.."
BirdEye stated-
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Has White Guilt Given Black Men A Free Pass In The "Anglosphere?"
Certainly, the former "Pax Britannica"
" Recent cases do attest to such a double-standard when it comes to race-related crimes and punishment. Black crimes tend to get underpublicized and excused...while White-on-Black crimes get overexposed and rushed to judgement. Sort of a reversal from the old Jim Crow days..."
These are your own words form your own blog. So I guess with evidence pointing to the contrary of what you stated it's worth repudiating your former claim.
A better title needed for your next blog entry dealing with the media, crime and race...
"Never mind what I said or not said. I didn't ask you about that. Let me repeat.
"Is what birdeye says true (without quotation marks) or not? Yes? No?" MF
Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes? No?
Look, Byrdeye says many things. As do you. I find him no more or no less true than I find you.
He is stating his opinion. He is expressing his perspective.
He is ridiculing yours as you attempt to discredit his.
Truth, with our without quotation marks, has nothing to do with it.
Byrdeye says: "the truth is the truth, whether it's "racist" or not. And someone who tells the truth regardless of racial implications is actually as NON-RACIST as you can get!"
I find that statement closer to "da truth" than when you say "ALL white people have power over ALL black people."
Other than that ... Mike, what's your point.
I'd really like to better understand where you are coming from.
Lets face it D.V. likes this guy because D.V. although he hates the Jews (NeoCons etc.) is a brand of a Jew.. being a Christian type as he is. All Christians are Jews... as are Muslims... and ultimately not even Jews .. but Babylonian devil worshippers.
Back to the original conspiracy and who tricked who with religious bullshit to become human sheep.
Does that sound convoluted ?
Both Birdie and D.V. are into hair brained theories about certain control groups... and instead of calling a spade a spade (which they can not recognize a spade from a heart)... they scapegoat one group or another.
""If BirdEye might be liar/ racist? ...He is a racist and liar, which thus makes everything he says (at least relating to race) suspect. My concern is DV's and/ or any black person support of a rabid racist… seems illogical to me. What you may feel about BirdEye-''' '''I could care less.''' Good point Anon.
"Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes? No?"
I believe violence has no place in any male/female relationship. I live by that. Thus I never have or ever will beat a wife, girlfriend or any other female. Besides, I'd be stupid to do so and then expect to wake up th following morning next to any such woman with my dick still attached.
Now that I've answered your question, let me repeat.
"Is what birdeye says true (without quotation marks) or not?
Anyhow, what I claimed was that Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent street crime and Black-on-White crime is underreported relative to White-on-Black crime. Both FACTS, like it or not.
What's the difference between street violent crime and regular violent crime??... Any one with an objective brain and CNN would think twice of these numbers... For these numbers are created by the same entities who's policies are setup to stop and delay minorities to the tune of 500,000 reported stops with no arrest in NYC in 2007 alone. So those so called facts are severly questionable. If a white person commits a violent street crime but no cop is their to report it... Thus did it not happen?... Just because the cop wasn't there and it's a FACT that racial profiling exist still to this day. Pass the blunt!
Birdshit has been exposed as a liar and racist. hehe
Skiiiiiiip ...
LOL. Cute little conspiracy theory.
Come on man. For a God hating atheist fanatic, you sure are a jealous bastard aren't you?
What's the matter? You mad because you aint the smartest white boy on the blog any more?
You hate Byrdeye because he refused to join your little Technocracy cult. Admit it.
How's that "Movement" coming along BTW?
What ... ya'll got 6 or 7 members now worldwide?
Skip ... Radical Secularism is a religion. It simply substitutes the ego for God.
All your technology schemes to achieve salvation with machinery is laughably ecclesiastical.
But we've been through this before. You want God in your life. That's why you're here.
Don't worry. I'll show you the way.
So you decided you're not gonna answer a simple question.
DV, you're an intellectual coward.
Jesus D.V. you are in dreamland.
You think you are going to wake up on the right hand side of god one day.
In this life you may never know better.
You are blissfully unaware that you are a devil worshiping minor soldier for the Babylonian cult gods.
So be it.
That's cool.
Raise a false dilemma about this and that... if it makes you feel better.
As you attach your little ego to that brand of happy horse shit it if feels good do it.
I understand.
You are not capable or to severely brain washed.
Some one hooked up your brain upside down and backwards.
Am I in competition with a somewhat retarded rascist ? Hardly.
You continue to fantasize about my skin color.
Black crimes tend to get underpublicized and excused...while White-on-Black crimes get overexposed
Well, the hyperlink on "Black" did actually go to an interracial crime chart, but I have nonetheless explicitly clarified that statement on my blog. Happy now? :)
What's the difference between street violent crime and regular violent crime??...
Nothing really. I as just trying to distinguish between violent crimes (assault & battery, rapes, muggings, car-jackings, drive-bys, shooting, stabbings, etc), as oppposed to non-violent crimes like shoplifting or jaywalking. Saavy?
What ... ya'll got 6 or 7 members now worldwide?
DV is, as usual, on point about Skip. Who remains butthurt that not everyone chooses to worship Science like him - and anyone who does otherwise must be a Bible-thumping Christian. Lol.
More to come...hang on, MF.
Quick interjection:
I think the title of this post sums up the problem today, btw. This is beating a dead horse for me, but the prevalence of its occurrence everywhere really underscores the depth of this manipulative mind-programming.
"Anonymous" Accuses Byrdeye of Being A "Racist"
Again, the accusation is NOT of FALSEHOOD here, but of NEO-TRIBALISM.
IOW, it doesn't even MATTER if what I said is true or false - as long as it's not "racist."
Let that criteria sink in for a minute...and think about the longterm implications for a society built upon that.
Jews have thus redefined the cardinal sin from falsehood to tribalism (racial/cultural identification).
And in the process, excused any and all lies needed to promote a homogeneous state free from any such tribalism. Because any independent tribes directly threaten their one future tribe - the NW0. Anti-racism is thus actually anti-cultural preservation and cultural destruction.
IMO, tribalism is good in balanced doses. Isolationism creates genetic drift and the amplified expression of certain traits. This allows humanity to achieve new heights in specialized areas. Whereas diverse cross-pollination can also introduce "new" ideas or reintroduce "lost" ones back. So, both are good in appropriate doses.
And there is no need to take either to an extreme.
The elimination of ALL tribalism is just plain unnatural. Extreme unification is unnatural. That is why liberals can give that it all the lip service they want - but when they go home, still seek shelter and find comfort in their own identity politics.
I remember skimming through arch-liberal Jew, Al Franken's book - "Lies (And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them)." While he preaches buzzwords like "diversity" on every other page...he also admits to sending his own son to a private Jewish school. And his entire research team for the book was all Jewish and White, and about 90% male.
Well, so much for "diversity" in the REAL WORLD... And that's where lies always inevitably lead. Hypocrisy, self-contradictions and a foundation made of sand.
Why do you think Jews were always wandering around the desert without a homeland? Because their own self-destructive ideology always caused their society to collapse under its own weight. As well as that of every host culture they infected.
birdeye, why aren't you answering these two simple questions?
"(a) In your opinion, what is the reason for this aberrant black behavior?
Lemme help you out a bit. In a society in which everyone, including us black folk, has easy access to "white" values and dictae for "white" behavior (which "white" behavior is not, comparatively, aberrant as that displayed by blacks) what is the reason Blacks do not grab hold onto these values?
Maybe we lack the genetic intelligence to do so?
If not, what else could be the reason?
and thus
(b) in view of your answer to (a), what should be done with blacks given our (if your answer to (a) reflects this) genetically determined corrosive impact (which causes white flight)on society as a whole?"
''"In retrospect, the six-pointed star was an Egyptian occult symbol which KING SOLOMON adopted when he went into idolatry and witchcraft and built an altar for Ashteroth (star). It was seen in Arab associations with Jews (and these were obviously cabalists) till the 16th century and the influence of the Cabalist Isaac Luria to the 17th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer used it on his door. Then he changed his family name to Rothschild...incorporating it into his family’s coat of arms. Finally, it became the insignia for ZIONISM."''
Uh oh. Nut case alert... beep beep beep ....
Tin foil hat drill.
"Again, the accusation is NOT of FALSEHOOD here, but of NEO-TRIBALISM." Byrdeye
Um. Yup.
I wouldn't give a fuck if Byrdeye was the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
I'm going to have to agree with that.
"Jews have thus redefined the cardinal sin from falsehood to tribalism (racial/cultural identification)."
Um. Yup.
The GSWS Negros don't even realize that all that black v white ... white v black yackety yack is just another flavor of tribalism.
"And in the process, excused any and all lies needed to promote a homogeneous state free from any such tribalism. Because any independent tribes directly threaten their one future tribe - the NW0. Anti-racism is thus actually anti-cultural preservation and cultural destruction." Byrdeye
Ahhhh ... I don't know about that one.
I don't believe the goal is to create a genuinely homogeneous state. The goal is Balkanization. The goal is to divide the majority into smaller, easier to manipulate, extraneous competitive groups who expend their resources in perpetual warfare and endless distraction, incapable of responding to that which truly threatens them.
Thus, what was once, a Christian nation of Americans has been reduced to working class whites, urban blacks, Latinos, Gays, Women over 40, Men under 30, Catholics, Conservatives, Liberals, Evangelicals, Atheists and Jews.
These groups have formed a hierarchy with a priestly class of Jews and Gays at the top, poor whites, blacks and Latinos on the bottom.
Discussing the power struggle in terms of "black" v. "white" is exceedingly simple minded, corny and in 2008, border line busta ass.
Come on man this guy does not give a shit.
He just got brainwashed by Ron Paul and thinks the world is controlled by a secret cabal of Jews and Ultra Born Agains like Bushco.
You could hold up a cross in front of birdie and he would probably throw his cape in front of his face and cite Adam Smith economics and the constitution.
He believes in all the angels and demons claimed by our brainwashed washed tin foil hat society fringe groups.
You can bet that if they do start dumping people into Fema concentration camps they will pick his ass up on the first wagon when he starts yelping those things.
I mean really. Why scape goat so oddly. The shekel was not invented by the Jews.
I am not defending that group.. they are just religiously impaired Babylonians like the others.
Just another group that plays by the queens rules... but they certainly did not invent them...
Ha ha. Lets get him to cite some paragraphs of the Elders of Zion.
This guy is a raging anti-human.. rape fantasy and all.
"Ha ha. Lets get him to cite some paragraphs of the Elders of Zion. " Skip
Um um um. Interesting.
You know Skip. You hurl insults at people who are ... well ... simply better educated than you.
What, pray tell, would be the problem with citing the Protocols of Zion?
I mean ... who is the author of the meme that The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion ... are automatically out of bounds in a serious conversation?
LOL. Even our resident God hating atheist, demonstrates religious devotion to Zionist dogma.
They tell him something not in their interest, is counterfeit ... and he not only believes it's counterfeit, he blindly enforces the ban.
LOL. Skip. Mr. anti-Religion, is a religious nut.
Not really D.V.
Go ahead and defend that unmitigated bullshit though.
I know your identity is conflicted.
You hate the Jews in a way... but you are one sort of. You worship one that never in a million years was interested in starting a new so called religion. Ha. Too bad you can not dance your way out of that one like Sammy could.
Nah. Off base yet again. Skip.
You see. You've been trained. Conditioned. Taught to accuse anyone who challenges Zionist dogma, of "HATING JEWS!!!!"
Like a well trained pit bull terrier, you don't even realize it when you do it.
Hate Jews? LOL. Not even close.
Do people who resist the mechanizations of the mafia ... hate Catholics?
The fact is you don't know shit about the Protocols. You've been conditioned to reject them summarily.
Just like you've been trained to reject scripture and religion. (Religion that worships God that is. You are wide open to secular religions that worship man, machinery and "energy coupons")
Here's a Jewish writer. Read what he had to say about the Protocols. Better educate yourself. Come back, hurl your typical Turrets like litany of insults to disguise your ignorance, and then let's discuss it.
Ultimately you are a smart cat, I'd appreciate your take.
But like all religious zealots, you can be a bit of a bore, unless you are talking about your brand of religion - Technocracy.
Stop proselytising for 5 minutes and expand your sphere.
Huh ?
''The Illuminati worship Lucifer "the bringer of light." The Illuminati originates in the Babylonian mystery cults, Jewish Kabala, the Templars, Freemasons and other interests dedicated to Satan worship and absolute power.''
This is simply voodoo.. Ju ju..
There is not a god like the middle eastern god that you believe in.
It is true that the original conspiracy of how to develop a class/caste system goes back to that area of the world in a myth and a set of ''laws''.
It is true that Jesus said he came to fulfill the law.
Thats Jewish law... not Christian law. Hence Babylonian law.
Jesus was a Satanist according to your definition. Ha ha.
Jesus said others would come that were greater than he.
Jesus was young and ignorant and got caught up in a kind of belief system nightmare.
As far as the protocols ... who cares ? People write nonsense all the time. I read them a long time ago.. as well as Hitlers book out of curiosity.
How about Hillary Clinton writing an auto bio like Hitler did or Obama has... and people buying it and making her rich ?
It may be true that people want to believe what she is saying.. but most of what her or a McCain or Hitler or Obama is saying is utter bullshit designed to make some nonsense point.
Our whole society is like that. That is the Price System.. which does indeed come from Babylon.
Remember that there never were any 12 gods in the first place... it was an inside joke from the scibes ,, king.. and some priests and early sociologists.. a gimmick to control people into work gangs and fight wars.
An interesting crackpot made up the story in the first place. It was such a ridiculous story that for some reason people started believing it and passing it on.
The more ridiculous the story the more likely people are to believe it.
It steam rolled. Now we have a situation where people are fighting it out over made up nonsense.
By masking and scape goating groups such as the Masons or Jews or who ever it becomes pointless to debate things. It is much better to understand where the original bullshit came and realize that these different groups are also VICTIMS themselves because they are merely soldiering as the brainwashed.
Religion was never more than an inside joke that got out of control.
It is time to run out of scapegoats.
You will find out more from this file than all the fake conspiracy stuff put together.
Origin of the Political/Price System TNAT TheNorthAmericanTechnate
a) Most scientists now agree that human behavior is at least a combination of biological and environmental factors…
Of course, any “genetic” aspect is a tough pill for Jews and their loyal flocks to swallow. Although again, they have a typical contradictory liberal double-standard there as well. Where when it comes to “races,” any genetic basis for differences are adamantly denied in complete favor of environmental and societal cues.. But when it comes to homosexuality, the exact opposite becomes true. Environmental factors get downplayed in favor of “irresistible” biological influence.
Funny that, eh? :D
Anyhow…immediate environmental and biological bases are often related, anyways. A kid’s most immediate environment is his family. Well, thuggish criminals (of any race) often come from r-strategy backgrounds. Where families are typically broken or absent. At its extreme, this is typified by gangs – roving groups of daddyless, feral kids adopting their own substitute-families like hungry packs of wolves.
Now, with regards to Black family structure:
r-strategy polyamory broke up the African family.
The slave trade broke up the Black family.
And so has liberal Jewish social-re-engineering now.
Fact is, r-strategy is absolutely horrible for creating a stable, highly-functional family…or society, by extension. What this strategy does do instead is accelerate development up front in a drag race to hit the ground running and survive long enough to breed abundantly. Life fuel is burned up fast in order to hit top speed ASAP. These are sprinters, not marathoners... R-strategists thus tend to physically mature faster, have higher hormone peaks earlier, breed younger and more…and die earlier. Their motto is: Live fast, breed tons and die young.
Now, in a Darwinian sense, this is not “wrong,” per se. “Wrong” is simply whatever doesn’t work for the survival of the species. So, this strategy has obviously worked. It just leads to different results than K-strategies.
Now, r & K strategies are all relative to a degree. Blacks are r compared to Whites, as a whole. This is evidenced by their far higher single baby mama rates – 70% vs 30%, etc. And within Blacks, you also have more conservative, stable “K” families vs. what Chris Rock refers to as “niggas.” Those would be the Black “r-strategists.”
Of course, “nigga” r-strategies are now being disseminated by Jews to Black, White and all American youth via “r-strategist” gangsta rap culture (mass media indoctrination). So, we have seen a dramatic multiracial shift towards r-strategy in this country...and globally too. Meanwhile, we are now outsourcing more to K-strategy areas like Asia who are quickly outpacing us with higher, longterm collective investments and returns.
Anyhow, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. So, if you are playing the r-game, you can’t expect K-results…or vice-versa.
b) If Blacks (or anyone else) want more “White” K-results, they DO simply have to adapt more “White” K-strategies. The choice is ultimately each of ours. You reap what you sow. Point-blank.
Water seeks its own level. And when Man tries to artificially level it all with complicated Goldberg schemes of dams & levees…he only delays the inevitable and one day ends up with a catastrophic Katrina.
So, what should be done? Maybe the better question is, what shouldn’t be done?
I believe that these strategies should be clearly explained to people and then the choice left up to them. They should be taught the consequences of their actions – and then held accountable for them. They should be free to choose what they want, but must be also allowed to reap what they sow, as well.
But by artificially granting K-results to r-strategists (via LBJ’s Great Society welfare state, quota-based Affirmative Action, etc), you are only enabling r-strategies and even forcing the rest of society to adopt them as well (otherwise, why go K if all your hard work will be redistributed to r-strategists, anyways?). And now we see the Jewish transformation of America from K to r…
So, there’s a perfunctory answer for you. Behavior, genetics and environment are all related here. And it is certainly more than just the “GSWS” at play. Of course, a lot of your latent gene-phobia is due to fear of biological determinism, a genetic inferiority complex and ignorance of modern genome science. But a lot of old assumptions and Jewish propaganda about genetics are being overturned now with modern genome research. While commoners may believe they are immutable, science is discovering that they are in fact, not. For example, epigenetics now show that they can even be affected by lifestyle and diet! So again, the hard line between genes and environment gets blurred again. And that’s just the tip of this iceberg…but a whole ‘nother topic in itself.
Of course, as usual, the peanut gallery here has already descended into the typical pre-programmed Jewish memetic rhetoric and petty trash-talk that serve to deflect from the actual facts. I guess that's why the NOI calls them the 5%rs...
DV - I think we're both right.
You have to Balkanize to destroy the old hierarchy first...before you can implement the new one.
Deconstruct, before you can reconstruct.
Jews always foment class warfare to do this. Marx created class conflict between the "proletariats" and "bourgeois." And tooled the former to overthrow the latter. And after they battled it out, united them all under Communism.
See the same pattern in the US? Jews tooled Blacks & women (neo-proletariats) to overthrow Whites (neo-bourgeois)...and are now uniting us all under...dun, dun dun.
Remember, Obama's whole message is UNIFICATION. And he is the perfect biracial, globalist messenger for that. Because that is exactly the stage we are at now. Where we need to be united into the NAU...and NW0. Obama will bring national unification into supernational unification into global unification. One world..uuder Zion! :)
Only in your brainwashed dreams.
These people are on automatic pilot.
They are victims such as yourself that employ the divide and conquer method of mind control.
Looking through an odd ball lens things are distorted.
There is no sense in fantasy about punishing supposed wrong doers.
Changing the system makes sense.
Not giving the system... Fascist Globalism any credit it does not deserve.
After all it will be tumbling down soon.
Then real change may occur.
But not with a bunch of conspiracy theory religious cranks and scapegoaters.
Where when it comes to “races,” any genetic basis for differences are adamantly denied in complete favor of environmental and societal cues.. But when it comes to homosexuality, the exact opposite becomes true. Environmental factors get downplayed in favor of “irresistible” biological influence." Byrdeye
Damn good point.
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