
Wesley Snipes called on famous friends to vouch for him, highlighted his clean criminal record and even wrote the government $5 million in checks — all in an effort to convince a judge that his conviction on tax charges should cost him nothing more than home detention and some public service announcements.
None of it worked. The "Blade" actor was ordered to do hard time.
Snipes was sentenced to three years in prison Thursday for failing to file tax returns, the maximum penalty — and a victory for prosecutors who sought to make an example of the action star.
Yet ... These NeoConArtist Bastards Who Lied This Nation Into A War With A Nation That Had Nothing To Do With 911 and That Has Cost This Country Trillions Of Dollars Have Been "Pardoned" and Free To Lobby For More War

Casper said...

Denmark Vesey said ...

Which is the fundamental problem of Go Along To Get Along Negros. It is also the root of what they hate about Hip Hop, which engages in the exercise of self-aggrandizement which the G.A.T.G.A. Negros see as a blasphemous attack upon the mythology of white power to which they subscribe.
Good post D.V.
What is the difference ? These NeoCons made special interest groups a ton of money.
Bad behavior is rewarded in a bad society based on the ``all mighty dollar ''.
They played by the queens rules. Every thing for me and nothing for you.
Chaos approaches.
Another American revolution.
The blind ignorant neo-cons in any kind of leadership ?
That is the Price System though.
This is the type of leadership we will have in this system.
Nah Skip.
It aint the "Price System".
That's just another boogeyman substitute for evil.
If it wasn't the "price system" it would be something else. Capitalism. Or Communism. Or Fascism. Or the Monarchy.
Euphemisms and distractions disguising the Satanic impulse.
Thesis v. anti-Thesis.
Good v. evil.
God v. The Will of Man.
The "NeoCons" are just the latest incarnation of the agents of evil, who have exchanged their souls for temporary worldly power.
Dig deeper into the scripture Skip. It would do wonders for your education, understanding and spirit.
There is one main scripture. That is the Shekal (money).
It is easy to read.
As far as the other scriptures.. they are a spin off of the original conspiracy.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims are victims of brainwashing for the power elites.
It all comes from the original Babylonian creation myth.
Our system is a pyramid.
Money is on top.
Captured wealth.. compound interest.. debt.. fake laws... a phony ''civil'' society construct set up for the power elite with religion as a mind controller.
Do those people understand it themselves ?
They are also victims. Brainwashed. Inculcated. Soldiers.
Reality bites though.
As debt is captured.. more and more class warfare.. caste warfare is inevitable.
Who protects Americans?
Hopefully the military.
Against who ?
The Politicians.
Who do they represent?
The Illuminis.
Really ?
Well you can call them that for lack of a better term.
Mostly they are ignorant stooges who have lost the thread of what they are doing any way.
It's one thing to operate as though you have power because you have greenbacks. It's another thing to have power because you are truly apart of the white male political powerbase in society. Snipes made a classical arrogant error in judgement... But a black man with high profile status should assume he has a target on his back. I do concur 3 years is a bit much. Don't do the crime if you can't do the(any)time!
I cannnot, for the life of me, understand how Wesley allowed this situation to deteriorate this far.
At some point you say, "Okay, how much can I put on it." "Can we make a deal."
What an idiot. Now he has to pay the money AND serve time. Doesnt he know that federal prosecutors are the most aggressive and overzealous of the lot?!
HipHop and music in general may be in some instances a method for citizens to voice discent with public policy. Not since Chuck "D" has it mobilized persons of minority status to actually do anything in mass. The "bling" phase, if you will, distorted the effectiveness of the genre some years ago. Primarily, the music corporations which also donate to the political process in mass helped to change the lyrical landscape. I personally believe that minorities have to change the course. We are not going back to Africa... which is not much better off... We need to do whatever it legally takes to control public policy DV. We need to have more skin in this global game of wealth and power. Oil Sultants (people of color) are displaying their power... It's done not with singing and dancing that's old and stale... But business! They are sending their sons and daughters to the very best institutions around the world then returning to build, develope and expand... While American military protect them. Now that's a model to follow!
That's where we differ. Enough singing and dancing... Years and years of entertaining in conjunction with begging for justice has not improved much for the masses of our brother's and sister's.
Wesley just don't like to give a system he deems unjust and racist his money.
The thing that saves us is that the evil deeds of others are housed totally seperate from the residual [energy] of our own conscious missteps.
This is also the thing [karma] that comes back to bite us in the ass.
No matter what some white men did.
Dam shame.
Help me out Kalena ...
Not sure I follow that one completely. But it sounds intriguing.
If Wesley changed his last name to Snipestein...you know damn well there'd be no problemo!
Why not change it to Sammy David Jr. then?
DV manages to get yet another blathering screed against the GSWS idea that was truly tortured and at the same time give a quick bj to hip-hop. DV may just be infatuated enough to believe Hip-Hop cats got so much inherent power that they can ignore tax laws or any other laws and get away with it. Dream on if you think that kind of Black power exists (see Clifford Harris on minstrel tour for the govt before taking his dumb ass to jail).
They aer making an example out of Blade. It's dead ass wrong and they know it and they don't care. Blade must have believed as does DV that he was above and beyond the reach of any pitiful white man and his pathetic control systems. That kind of ignorance does not lead to freedom. It usually leads directly into the clutches of the very control systems you disdained to give any credibility.
Feel free to misrepresent this position as an abject fear of the total and complete dominance of the white folks over my po ignant Black self. That seems to be about as far as you can think on this subject.
uhhh ... Exodus Mentality.
Let me see if I can decipher your little burst of disproportionate bitterness. (aka Lynn aint your wife is she? I'd hate to inadvertently insult Mrs. Exodus. If so I extend an apology.)
Are there any white men serving time in prison for failure to file income taxes in the United States?
Are they too victims of a "Global System of White Supremacy"?
well, well, uhh, well, look, now, wait a minute, but, but, dat's different, huh?
Dey "Superior Victims!"
So the victims of this power system are both black and white. I see. But the white victims benefit from intra-prison privileges the black victims are denied access ... I see.
It's just always better to be white, aint it Exodus?
That sounds more like a Plantation Mentality.
aka Lynn is not Mrs Exodus, and I do pity the fool who insults her, as she has wrath of god-like qualities.
Very salient points. But you continue to half step my brother. There are some reasonable differences you failed to mention. I shall do you the service of not stuttering as I point out only the most glaring of them. The prosecutor straight out said that Snipes was being made an example. Not very many white boys in JAIL for tax fraud can say the prosecutor put that kind of statement on the record.
At a very basic level you continue to misunderstand me and you incorrectly assume the exception disproves the rule. No part of my theory of GSWS requires that all white people be absolutely free from any consequence for unlawful actions, nor does it require that all white people benefit equally, proportionally, or for that matter at all from the workings of a system of white supremacy. If you think my understanding of GSWS requires those things and therefore your debunking of those obvious facts debunks everything that I know about GSWS, then you are slower than I thought.
Step past the obvious. I was a police officer for several years. I arrested and beat down numerous white people during that time. Does that discount everything that I know about GSWS? In your mind it does because in your mind, if GSWS existed, it would have to be all-encompassing in its scope and power, and I would not have had the privilege and pleasure of those beatdowns. It's far more subtle than that, but not nearly so subtle that you can pretend not to see it.
Just like I am not so blind as to not see that there are white people in jail every day, you are not so blind as to not see that the racial makeup of the prison population does not mirror the larger society. You are aware that Blacks are far over represented being a much higher percentage of the prison population than we are of the general population. I hope you are not one of those ignorant Negroes who thinks that Blacks are in jail more because they commit more crimes. Not with the evidence that at least one very high profile Black man is headed to jail as an example. That is a manifestation of the GSWS. Not all powerful, but certainly extremely damaging and if allowed to operate unchecked in such a fashion quite possibly disastrous for Blacks.
{{It's just always better to be white, aint it Exodus?
That sounds more like a Plantation Mentality.}}
There's more, but let's just work in small pieces right now; hold your head up before you crawl if you get my drift.
Now that I am on record about white people, yet again, I must say that as a rational person I have no wish to become part of a group psychosis. As an individual, I have no wish to exploit anyone or anything. I firmly believe we have to work together to find ways to adapt and grow in harmony with each other and our environment.
Do you get it's always better to be white from that? Free your mind, and realize that much of what you think you know is simply incorrect or outdated.
Exodus, that was an awful lot of verbiage avoiding the fundamental issue at hand, namely, that when you fail to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's - Caesar's minions are going to be all up in that ass.
Former Gov. Elliot Spitzer had his IRS mediated day in the sun just half a hot minute ago. Maybe it would prove instructive to follow how or the extent to which he's made an example of by Caesar?
Spitzer phukked up and exposed himself to the operations of the tax law enforcement machine, without mind you, ever having sought to avoid taxation, rather, trying to avoid scrutiny of his other dubious proclivities.
Tax protesters, on the other hand, are always singled out for Caesar's special love. A celebrity tax protester is bound to be given special consideration. As one who has watched the system operate from the inside out, there's nothing whatsoever special about what's happening to Wesley. Just as there was nothing special about what happened to Ron Isley.
This here piece of particularly piquant bullshit;"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance," Snipes said. He said his wealth and celebrity attracted "wolves and jackals like flies are attracted to meat." He called himself "well-intentioned, but miseducated."
warrants a special punishment all unto itself because it's such flagrant bullshit. Bottomline, if you intend to flout Caesar, you better come correct and profoundly well prepared.....,
Screw Caesar.
People have been sucking up to Caesar ever since Christ Jr (Mr.god supposedly) told the dumb ass brainwashed Jews that it was their duty.
Shekal worship culture must maintain proper Shekal worship.. right?
Lets get back to the Neo Cons and not Cnu explaining what flagrant bullshit is. No matter if he is an expert at that.
How about the neo cons.. sons of bitches that are arm in arm and laughing their way to the bank with billions and billions ?
What Snipes did was chump change.
He did not bomb people... kill over a million.. make over 3 million homeless... destroy the infrastructure of a whole country.. lie to millions of people... and threaten to start world war three.
And yet they want to put this guy in a cage.
cnu, I was forced to learn all those SAT words so now you are doomed to be on the receiving end of this verbose explosion.
And I was exactly on my point, though perhaps I did gloss over the very true issue that Wesley put his own dumb ass in the sling. Even if he is as ignorant and unsophisticated as he would have us believe, and I really have no problem at all believing it, the brother still should know enough as a Black man in America to be especially careful in matters pertaining to the law.
My point is that I have no problem believing that former Gov Spitzer knew exactly what he was doing when he unlawfully avoided his tax obligation, but that kind of character judgment is far too often applied to people of color. The same thing happened when those cops got off in New York. Those officers (and yes I know that some of them were Black) got off because the judge didn't trust the Black men that were not agents of his system. This is a propensity of the GSWS and just one of many subtle manifestations.
That's my only contribution to this thread. Can't let DV get away with pontificating disinformation about GSWS too often or he gets unbearable.
LOL. Exodus ... Exodus
"The same thing happened when those cops got off in New York. Those officers (and yes I know that some of them were Black) got off because the judge didn't trust the Black men that were not agents of his system."
2 "black" cops + 1 "white" cop get acquitted of murdering 1 "black" man = A "Global System of White Supremacy".
That equation = A "Global System of "Cop" Supremacy.
Fisher is smart. He avoids EVER attempting define GSWS, and sticks to Socrates Says ... so he can keep his Hush Puppies out of his mouth.
Ex, how many exceptions to this philosophy of yours (that you have had a cult like adherence to for "decades") are you going to make before you admit "whiteness" was not the wisest of predicates to establish your Supremacy theory?
Just not a good look.
How a brother can put himself in a position to argue the existence of WHITE Supremacy is comical.
You must feel like Bob Johnson getting out of bed in the morning to support Hillary.
rotflmbao, whew......,
How you ever got around to thinking I support the GSWS is yet another of your attempts to avoid MY points. I don't support it. I understand it, and I try to minimize it's affects and get others to understand why things are the way things are and what is needed to fix things.
And yes, there are any number of Black people who are part and parcel of the institutions that are an integral part of the system. And house Negroes were often a big part of the control mechanism when the GSWS manifested itself as chattel slavery in the Americas. And NO I don't see this as an exception to anything that I've said about the GSWS. You are the one who seems to think I am talking about a world where every white person is the supreme being (talk about a ridiculous scenario) and then you ascribe that idiocy to me.
Nah, bro. I don't think so. If I have a cult like adherence to anything it is logic. I like things to make sense. And you very rarely do on this issue.
"Fisher is smart. He avoids EVER attempting define GSWS..."
Actually, I'll be happy to give you a definition. I like this one:
"White Supremacy:
(1) The direct or indirect subjugation of all “non-white” people by white people, for the basic purpose of “pleasing” and/or serving any or all “white” persons, at all times, in all places, in all areas of people activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War."
Frances Cress Welsing uses this definition:
"Racism (White Supremacy) is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war), for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth - a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as nonwhite (black, brown, red and yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people".
Logically, the first definition is a more succinct definition which encompasses the one here.
"The thing that saves us is that the evil deeds of others are housed totally seperate from the residual [energy] of our own conscious missteps."
We are not held responsible for the evil doings of the NeoCons, only our own. Their karma is their own, ours is our own. Positive energy we've put out often keeps us afloat when the shyt hits the fan as a result of the powers that be.
"This is also the thing [karma] that comes back to bite us in the ass."
However, our own 'dirt' has the power to take us under.
Wesley Snipes allegedly slapped the shyt outta Halle Berry to the extent that she lost hearing that ear.
He knew what he was doing with these tax returns as well.
Yes, the NeoCons deserve prison, death, to be hung by their toenails and everything else, but in this instance Mr. Snipes had to face the music in his own little universe. "No matter what some white men did."
When Black people realize that we are subject to a totally different 'justice' system than everyone else, that there is in fact a different set of laws that govern us and them, we'll be in a lot better place as a whole.
It's not fair but it is what it is.
''justice system'' is a fancy way of saying vengeance system.
A good system does not have ''tax laws'' because a good system does not use money and does not have laws per se.
We do not have a good system... but one based on controlling people with money.
In a good system you eliminate 95% of crime simply by getting rid of property ownership and money.
I agree with your assessment that a good system gets rid of money. I believe that all members of a society can achieve "wealth" and value via a system where goods and services (based on individual skills and talents) are exchanged.
But can you clarify the absence of "property ownership?" Are you suggesting that all property be "public domain" and you live wherever you break ground or pitch your tent?
Feeling a little slow today. lol
As a social activist I advocate a different type of social system than we have presently.
In that system money is not used and in essence every thing is free.
It is based on using energy accounting instead of money.
That system was an invention by some Americans back in the early part of the 20th. century.
We are still around and still advocating this idea which is super creative and gets us out of the current bind we are in.
The North American Technate TNAT
Feel free to read through some of our files... and if you resonate with this material get involved.. help make it known to others.
There is a viable way out of this nightmare we call a culture.
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