Exodus Mentality said ...

And stop with the hating on Al already.
To insinuate that Al Sharpton or any Black man is somehow responsible for racial tension and animosity is the most craven statement I have ever heard. Are you a coward who would rape a woman and then claim she had it coming because she had on a short skirt? That bullshit blame the one who is being attacked for causing the attack is just weak. I won't disparge Telemaque for thinking you are brilliant, but I wonder if she is equally turned on by that coward stance you just endoresed. Al Sharpton has established a zero tolerance policy towards all expressions of racially biased behavior against his people. In other words, you want Al on that wall; you need Al on that wall. If Al makes you uncomfortable, it's more likely because you aint got the stones to step to anyone anywhere and dare them to say that type of bullshit to your face.
I'm almost positive you have a point here, and I'm even pretty sure I know what it is. but rather than continuing to guess at your meaning or putting words in your mouth. Why don't you just explain why it is you think Al and I are resposible for the continuing manifestations of Racism/White Supremacy that are a universally recognize reality of the world in which we live.
And don't think I didn't notice that you refrained from reprinting the portion of my comment where I shoved your necessary corollary of white supremacy right back down your throat. I understand that you do not have any rational rejoinder, I just thought you might actually admit that.
Ah well, continue to think of me as you will; weak, subservient, whatever. Just know that I think talk is cheap too. Don't let the smooth taste fool you. And don't ever get it twisted that I can be anybody's victim. That's a real good way for you to come up missing.
Mr. Exodus. Black people rule everywhere. Anytime it looks like they don't it is because we LET white people THINK that they rule us. In reality we live in a world of BLACK SUPREMACY.
Telemaque, do black people rule in China or Sweden? It's these kind of pronouncements that confirm you're out of your league.
Mr. Submariner, obviously do do not live in the real world.
DV agrees with me otherwise he would not have said
""We are in a superior position throughout the world. Black people rule wherever to look!" Telmaque
Get 'em Maque,
You got more heart than 6 GSWS haters in a Range Rover.
You understand that we become that upon which we focus."
Obviously black people rule Sweden and China, Mr. Submariner.
Plus why are you focusing on me, Mr. Submariner. Ask DV, he'll explain it to you how come black people rule Sweden and China in terms that all of you "Global White Supremacy" people can understand!
"Obviously black people rule Sweden and China, Mr. Submariner.
telemaque, name some black people who "rule China and Sweden".
Telemaque, the recently deceased Arthur Schlesinger Jr. once wrote that the great strength of democracy lies in its capacity for self-correction. It's quite apparent that you're in need of some redirection and I just wanted to help. I don't mean to hector you. Plus the reference to Patroclus didn't come with any sexual innuendo attached. Instead, it was meant to caution you not to become so enamored with the intellectual architecture of Denmark Vesey that you neglect to develop one of your own. Like I wrote earlier, take your time, learn why you think the way you do. Don't be content to say things just to be provocative or sound good. Set a foundation which commands respect. Nobody, DV included, has all the answers.
Sub, either Telemaque is satire or for real. Either way, he reflects DV taken to his logical conclusion. I'm with Telemaque on this one. I don't quite understand how you can come down on him so hard when you let DV's pronouncements go through as any more logical, intellectually developed, or any less clownish.
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