Do I have to be a girl just because I think DV is brilliant and sexy?
Now as to your haranguing DV, clearly that woman did not mean what you said because she would have to have been talking about a black person. In fact, in Tiger Woods case she can't possibly be talking about black people because Tiger Woods is NOT BLACK. He is Calabinasian.
Michael Fisher, if you are are guilty of the accusation leveled against you then you are a most vulgar and corrupt creature. I've had my disagreements with you but I thought you were smart and honest. Now I am certain that you are part of a government entity whose purpose is to monitor the black blogosphere.
You need to take a hiatus. Find a new moniker and tone down the global system of white supremacy stuff. Because you and your handlers no longer have me fooled. My wife always teases me about being gullible and that Telemaque stuff really had me going. Please know that you have elicited my cold surgical gaze.
OH LAWD!!!!!!
How do you know?
How do you not know?
RJ, it makes sense. In the past, Fisher has described himself as a Yale grad practicing international law and establishing a multimillion dollar corporation. You don't rise to that level and hold the views that he does. My reading of history, and Fisher will confirm this, is that the most vocally combative of black partisans were usually collaborators.
Well, if it was you Mike, I'd say "pull up." Your insatiable effort to try and one-up DV is not a good look.
Submariner gottdayyum!!!
Hep me jeezus lawd, but you killin up in here with a ruthless elegance and efficiency unlike anything I've ever seen - outside my own reflection in a mirror - that is.
In taking that Hippocratic oath brah, you possibly missed your true calling as stone-cold media assassin.
My hat's off to you sir!
Your work is truly a thing of sinister beauty to behold...,
It is called a "punk-ass move".
Perhaps this explains why he was so fixated with the "color" of my ex's penis. :-) LOL!!!! Sad.
"Now I am certain that you are part of a government entity whose purpose is to monitor the black blogosphere"
"RJ, it makes sense. In the past, Fisher has described himself as a Yale grad practicing international law and establishing a multimillion dollar corporation. You don't rise to that level and hold the views that he does..
Ooooookkk, and what nuthouse did you escape from?
I set up a concert promotion company, not an international law company.
To state that black people can not rise to this level without government stoogism is...
But if I did have that kind of power... uuuuhhhh would you not want to watch what you say?
Moreover, if you think the "blackosphere" as represented by Nulan, "Denmark Wesey" or yourself is important enough to warrant "monitoring" by a black "government operative", you clearly drank too much of Nulan's Dopamine.
Whether I am "Telemaque" is not the issue here. Certainly I would not expect any such satire - if I am Telemaque - to remain "undiscovered" as all one would have to do is to implement a free tool such as statcounter.com (which I told Nulan about, by the way) to capture any IP addresses.
Be that as it may, the real question here is that "Telemaque" agreed with everything and aped everything DV proclaimed. Notice your boy DV has yet to contradict one of Telemaque ridiculous pronouncements. Not one!
Take you "submariner". You deride the poor guy for his "black supremacy" spiel and fail to even level the mildest criticism at DV.
Fact is, "Telemaque" caught DV with his pants down, blushin'.
"...in between..."
DV. I am very disappointed in you. You were my hero. Publish my IP address alright.
Moreover, if you think the "blackosphere" as represented by Nulan, "Denmark Wesey" or yourself is important enough to warrant "monitoring" by a black "government operative",
I didn't read "operative". I didn't read "monitoring". I did, however read "collaborator" as in snitch, stooge, punkazz...., and at that level the gubmint is clearly known to operate.
Whether I am "Telemaque" is not the issue here.
That you don't want it to be is patently obvious oh friendly angel of white supremacy....,
Hail, hail, fire and snow
Call the angel we will go
Far away, for to see
Friendly Angel, come to me
In Brother Mike's defense -
Telemaque was satire. Clever and funny satire. Yeah, it was a little weird Freudian and homoerotic, but other than that I believe it was in jest. And who's more deserving of jest than I?
So I applaud the brother for his literary invention and effort to illustrate a small point in a larger conversation.
There's room for art and theater.
Brother Fisher is invited to express himself as he pleases.
Be that as it may, the real question here is that "Telemaque" agreed with everything and aped everything DV proclaimed. Notice your boy DV has yet to contradict one of Telemaque ridiculous pronouncements. Not one!
I'm actually baffled as why you think I would "contradict" your homoerotic alter ego.
Like, I'm supposed to ... argue ... with those voices in your head.
Now .. who's asking? Is it you Mike ... or is it you Telemaque?
The friendly angel of white supremacy surfs and posts from a range of IP addresses...,
Any "contradiction" by DV would presuppose that Telemaque actually made a substantive statement. He didnt -- was too busy flouncing around with his hand on his hip.
All morning, I've been trying to think if I know any man that would act like a fag to prove a point. Still cant think of one.
He didn't " act like a fag" he just created a fag like persona to try and trip DV up.
I thought it was rather funny.
But thats the point, Accra. Trip DV up in what way? How exactly does it trip DV up if Mike acts like a....excuse me....creates a fag like persona.
This guy has Whittaker Chambers written all over him.
"This guy has Whittaker Chambers written all over him."
Oh, you're a Communist?
"The friendly angel of white supremacy surfs and posts from a range of IP addresses...,"
That would indicate that, following Nulan's usual modus operandi, DV is chasing a supposition with a theoretical hypothesis in order to "substantiate" an accusation.
Oh snap...,
Now RJ done put Hanzo steel in play...,
That would indicate that
1. You got more than two gateway routers assigned to your account
2. You get an IP from a wi-fi cloud with more than one access point (like in an apartment building)
3. You're a dial-up user....,
"But thats the point, Accra. Trip DV up in what way? How exactly does it trip DV up if Mike acts like a....excuse me....creates a fag like persona."
If I had created the character "Telemaque", I couldn't think of a more appropriate persona to create.
DV's reasoning is usually logically flawed. But that doesn't matter, because he has set up an effective reward and punishment system.
DV operates mostly using a very old, but effective technique - something B.F. Skinner called operant conditioning.
He regularly publishes his "most intellectually aggressive of the Month, week, or what ever" of the day quotes when someone takes a position he likes and thereby uses flattery to the nth degree.
Note, by the way, that this proved very successful with a certain blogger who let us know early on that he scored an IQ level of 187 as a kid (which of course, he says is without consequence)and even now advertises that his blog is rated "Genius Level".
In other words, DV is extremely skillful at manipulating human vanity. Conversely DV uses sneering derision pretty successfully, too, skillfully manipulating another human fallacy - the fear of embarrassment. Though is reward system is much more effective.
Then question then becomes, what happens if that technique - praise and flattery, is used on DV?
If I were to create a "Telemaque" character I'd have to make him look gay. We all know what contempt DV has for homosexual activity.
The experiment would be: How would DV react when his own technique of operational conditioning of hyperbolic flattery is directed at him?
Well, we saw that result.
Next, what if the hyperbolic flattery is delivered by the type of person he despises the most? An effeminate male?
There was a bit of initial hesitation, but then DV overcame his aversion to effeminate men "You got more heart then... go get 'em Maque".
Interesting, and funny.
So "Telemaque" is nothing but a logical extension of the DV persona - taken to cartoonish levels.
That's of course if "Telemaque" were nothing but my creation.
"1. You got more than two gateway routers assigned to your account
2. You get an IP from a wi-fi cloud with more than one access point (like in an apartment building)
3. You're a dial-up user....,"
Nope, neither of the three.
I've got both of your IP address ranges. I've been on your site often enough that you should have my IP address.
So, try again.
"Did you hear that one about Michael,
some say he must be gay,
I tried to argue but they say if he was straight he wouldn't post that way.....,"
LMAO CNulan. That was good!
I've got both of your IP address ranges. I've been on your site often enough that you should have my IP address.
I don't have address "ranges" Michael. I get an IP lease through the same gateway router every single time - and switched ISP's from the time I began posting at the assault to the time I finished.
Thanks for volunteering that you're coming through a cellular wireless card...,
"1. You got more than two gateway routers assigned to your account.
Nope, neither of the three."
I see you still have problems with logical thinking, Nulan.
How about not more than two routers?
Either way, it just shows, DV and you are chasing an assertion with a supposition.
Poor Telemaque.
Though I am a bit flattered that you would think of me being creative enough to create this character if the guy is not real.
"I get an IP lease through the same gateway router every single time - and switched ISP's from the time I began posting at the assault to the time I finished."
No you didn't. Every day you religiously come and lurk around the Assault about every hour or so. At all hours in the day, mind you. Starting about 4 am in the morning at times. Do you sleep at all? Well, recently it's dropped down to every two hours or so.
Though I am a bit flattered that you would think of me being creative enough to create this character if the guy is not real.
"Creative" is not among the adjectives I've seen applied to you and your alias Michael.
But by all means, please carry on with your unintended self-disclosures...,,
The answer is no, Fisher. Do you have a daughter and is she an active blogger? She made an appearance during your debate with Cobb but I've never heard from her since. Hmmm.
Ummmmm, can someone explain to me what the hell is going on here? LMAO!
The Global System of Denmark Vesey Supremacy
Now that's funny, DV.
"'Creative' is not among the adjectives I've seen applied to you and your alias Michael.
But by all means, please carry on with your unintended self-disclosures...,,"
LOL. By the way, Nulan, have you ever had your Dopamine level checked? Maybe your R4 or whatever receptors in that "category 187" brain as well?
It might help give you an empirical underpinning for your Dopamine Hegemony supposition.
Oh, I forget, you can't. You'd have to get your brain sliced and diced in order to find these Dopamine receptor things, or? How do these things work?
Wouldn't anything like that make you brain dead?
On second thought...
I guess you did have them do that research.
Aight Aight Fisher ... Now THAT ... is funny.
I'm going to give it up on that one.
That's good stuff man. I'm glad to see you still got it.
Cuz you had me worried for a minute when you went all Left Field yesterday.
But anyway ... forget all that. Yuck.
You bounced back with that one.
voice in head-
[[Don't listen to him Mike! He's doing the DV Mind Trick! Selective Praise!! He'll put on you the front page!!!]]
snake to the left,
snake to the right,
then chop the air!!
Jealous thoughts cause trouble
Yapping all the time
You know you're listening for rumors
So that you can drop a dime
snake to the left,
snake to the right,
then chop the air!!
Nulan, thanks for serenading me, and Timex Social Club is real cool, but you might want to tone down on that "jealousy" thing a bit. You are beginning to make this sound as if this is a spat between two ex-lovers.
And since I, (no offense to Telemaque), don't go that way, I'd rather not that people get that impression.
Nothing but a logical accompaniment to the Telemique persona - taken to appropriately cartoonish levels...,
And since I don't go that way, I'd rather not that people get that impression.
You're a bottomless well of unselfconscious revelations and unintended impressions.
"My wife always teases me about being gullible..."
You might've noticed by now, sub, that DV was fibbing when he claimed to have identical IP addresses for poor Telemaque and Moi.
Gullible, indeed...
(((shakin' head)))
Michael Fisher, you may think you're funny or cute but what you did is a shameful thing. Different people can look at the same thing differently. I accept that. What I couldn't stand about the Telemaque character was how someone could be so devoid of authenticity and prostrate themselves before another being in a democratic forum. And you never did answer my question. Do you have a daughter and is she an active blogger?
"Michael Fisher, you may think you're funny or cute but what you did is a shameful thing."
You still don't get it. DV put one over on you! There are no "IP addresses". Anyone could have been Telemaque. Including you.
And you never did answer my question. Do you have a daughter and is she an active blogger?
And what business of yours would that be, submariner?
"What I couldn't stand about the Telemaque character was how someone could be so devoid of authenticity and prostrate themselves before another being in a democratic forum."
Well, that ain't nuthin. You shoulda read what a certain acerbic blogger (who shall remain unnamed)with 187 brain cells did before a nerdy metrosexual whiteboy.
As for this specific aspersion, Telemique's been jealous and mad for some time now because I give no props to unfalsifiable chindribble from oxygen thieves and unsparing props to those from whom I've learned and with whom I've collaborated over time. Add to that fact that Alan's British, and you can only imagine how that must make Telemiques pointy little racist head explode?
As you yourself have observed, dood has played himself on every single blogospheric forum he's polluted with his oxygen thieving noise. If he had anything useful to contribute anywhere (beyond unintentional clowning), surely by now we would've all seen some faint sign of it at the assaultonblacksanity or assaultonblackpowerlessness blogspots?
Sadly, the great sucking sound you hear wherever Telemique holds forth tells the tale of the tapeworm when it comes to this parasitic nincompoop.
All breath and britches and clearly nothing to write home about in either one of these categories.
Failure in business
Failure in marriage
Failure in life...,
Remember though, it's the GSWS - and not his toxic, dishonest, uncreative, and utterly useless persona that's keeping him down.
At the end of the day, the still quiet voice in his head has already told him that he has no skills beyond running his mouth. (and yet never manages to say anything useful or instructive!)
Having met his match repeatedly in the "text as talk" department online - and - having made a laughing stock out of himself in the process, he ain't even got that to fall back on anymore.
Telemique is extraordinary only in the exceptional and repeatedly demonstrated extent of his nothingness...,
Hail, hail, fire and snow
Call the angel we will go
Far away, for to see
Friendly Angel, come to me
"All breath and britches and clearly nothing to write home about in either one of these categories.
Failure in business
Failure in marriage
Failure in life..., "
LOL, this is actually fun.
As you are trying to imply that I failed in these endeavors, I believe you meant to say either "clearly something to write home about"... failure in ...
or "clearly nothing to write home about"... Success in...,
Get them 187 brain cells workin', or did they land on that Dopamine research petri dish as well?
What is your Dopamine level, by the way? No, fo' real...
Stupid we already knew, but now you're working on your ignorance creds too?
When you find yourself in a hole, maybe it's time to stop digging.
Thanks for the reference, Nulan.
Now Nulan, let me explain it in terms that you hopefully understand (read slooowwwwllllyyy):
"nothing to write home about:
something that is of no significance"
Thus when you say: "telemique's failure is nothing to write home about" you are saying that Telemique's failure is of no significance. That is, it is not that big a failure, if at all.
I would've thought you meant to say that my business endeavors, marriage endeavors, and life endeavors resulted in a significant failure.
However, if you'd say, "Telemique's success is nothing to write home about", you'd say that Telemique's sucesss is of no significance. That is, it is not that big a success if any success at all.
So rev up that Dope brain of your's and try out that logic thing.
And, again. What's your dopamine level? I'd really like to know. Do you know?
Let me parse this for you Telemique and you read it s.l.o.w.l.y, OK?
All BREATH and BRITCHES and clearly nothing to write home about in EITHER one of these categories. PERIOD
Meaning, you ain't shit in the breath or britches department wherein you've previously imagined yourself to excel. Now had you had the benefit of a good, downhome upbringing, you might've heard one of the old ladies use that expression as it is common colloquial reference to a philandering jackleg preacher of little or no substance.
Fisher, it wouldn't be my business but after this torrid mess that you unleashed you have no credibility in this forum. I recalled you had a debate with Cobb at Maxambit and someone claiming to be your daughter made an appearance. She was never again heard from by me. After what happened here I'm wondering if that was an alter ego of yours. And throwing me into the list of potential suspects just make you go from bad to worse. Shameful. I won't ever bother with you again.
Guys all that ego huffing and puffing, trying to put down and out do one another is quite a bit of a bore !
Cnulan, must you always deride and insult people? Does it somehow give you a false sense of superiority?
"Fisher, it wouldn't be my business but after this torrid mess that you unleashed you have no credibility in this forum."
Let me break it down for you if you would permit me.
(1) You use an anonymous moinker as I do not believe that you expect us to believe that "Submariner" is your real name.
(2) I use my real name.
(3) Who has the credibility prolem here?
(4) DV has asserted that I am Telemaque, but, contrary to his assertions, he has not proven any such thing.
(5) Even if Telemaque was not a real person and even if I had created the character, it still doesn't make it your business whether I have one daughter, ten or none.
This is virtual reality, submariner. All that count here, are ideas and plenty of them don't count all that much.
"Accra said...
Guys all that ego huffing and puffing, trying to put down and out do one another is quite a bit of a bore !"
Du hast schon recht, aber lass mich halt noch ein kleines bisschen meinen Spass haben.
Cnulan, must you always deride and insult people?
I never start it, but once it's on, I have nearly boundless enthusiasm for finishing it.
Does it somehow give you a false sense of superiority?
Just because it's virtual, doesn't mean it's false. Besides which, it's a lot less wrenching than the alternatives. I have an equally boundless level of enthusiasm for the alternatives, as well...,
"Meaning, you ain't shit in the breath or britches department wherein you've previously imagined yourself to excel. Now had you had the benefit of a good, downhome upbringing, you might've heard one of the old ladies use that expression as it is common colloquial reference to a philandering jackleg preacher of little or no substance."
See, rev up that brain, and you can do it. Now this makes what you were trying to say earlier much clearer. Atta boy. I'm proud of ya!
How's that Dopamine level thing coming? Do you know where you fit into the Dopamine Hegemony yet?
I never start it,"
Virtual "reality", indeed. Which planet are you from again?
Uebrigens, Accra. Vielleicht krieg Ich den Nulan dazu, dass sein Kopf platzt. Der kocht ja vor Wut.
See, rev up that brain, and you can do it.
On second thought, I'm gonna have to take that back. Looking at your statement:
All BREATH and BRITCHES and clearly nothing to write home about in EITHER one of these categories. PERIOD
That would mean one category cancels the other category out.
Thus, still illogical, Nulan.
My bad. Sorry to have raised your hopes. I apologize.
In the meantime:
Have you found any empirical evidence for your Dopamine level yet, or anyone's Dopamine level for that matter?
It really would help to give your Dopamine Hegemony thing a little bit of credibility. Though only the a little. 'Cause you do know what the next step would have to be. Right?
The Assault on Black Folks Sanity for Dummies.
a Michael Fisher dopamine ritual-addiction production.
That's genuinely funny, Nulan.
Now what about the Dopamine part. Anybody?
Ok. Since we're having fun here, lemme do a video
, too.
Here's Nulan and his Massa Alan in a Programmer's Stone production of the "Good Negro".
(note Alan slapping the Dopamine outta Nulan).
How we coming on with those Dopamine levels,Nulan? Got that empirical proof yet?
No? What, a whole world view, and no facts?
Tsk, tsk.
Maybe a cognitive error in play here?
"Do" a video?
You ARE that video.
Goodbye Uncle Tom is the cornerstone of what passes for your identity.
Without that movie, the empty husk shuffling around in your clothes would've collapsed in on itself a long time ago.
Keep digging though, you're in that hole past your eyebrows. No point in stopping now....,
Measuring Dopamine levels in Nulan's brain...
"Fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) detects changes in electrical current that result from chemical changes in molecules deep within Nulan's brain.
The key to FSCV is a microscopic probe roughly 10 millionths of a meter (10 µm) in diameter--one-tenth the thickness of a human hair. ...
To explore the role of the neurotransmitter dopamine in rats during drug-seeking behavior, UNC-CH investigators inserted FSCV probes into the Nulan's nucleus accumbens. ...
Dopamine molecules in the region of the probe tip are oxidized (give off two electrons) when the probe has a positive voltage and reduced (retrieve two electrons) when the probe's charge shifts to negative."
Editorial comment:
Of course, we are all aware that billions of humans are running around with these probes inserted into their brains (the nucleus accumbens region thereof), thus providing some empirical underpinnings for the Dopamine Hegemony biologic/genetic determined social construct. While there remain problems in defining social position within the Dopamine hegemonic social structure and correlating the same with Dopamine levels, billions of probe measurements have been made going back all the way to Virgina's Bacon's rebellion in 1676. The scientific electronic measurements of molecular changes within the nucleus accumbens, having been conducted for some 332 years (by aliens from Alpha Centauri) have lead illustrious thinkers such as Craig Nulan, faithful disciple of Alan Carter, to conclude that "white supremacy is an extreme syndrome within the more encompassing pathology of dopamine hegemony" .
The aliens from Alpha Centauri concur. (though those from Sirius do not, but who the hell would listen to some 'ole aliens from Sirius?)
I concur, too!
Don't get all upset, Sub, that telemique person at 3:32 was me. Just a joke.
To explore the role of the neurotransmitter dopamine in rats during drug-seeking behavior, UNC-CH investigators inserted FSCV probes into the Nulan's nucleus accumbens."
When questioned why he would insert probes into Nulan's brain in order to explore the role of dopamine in rat brains, Dr. Mark Wightman, professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, explained: "Rat brains are somewhat complicated structures. In order to obtain a valid falsification we needed to measure the reactions of a bit simpler structures. The 187 cell brain structure of the Nulan proved just perfect."
You spent nearly an hour and three self-correcting revisions to produce some shit that lame?
Keep digging...., get that hole deep enough, and maybe it'll cave in on you and put you out of your misery.
Fisher, you should know my given name. I sent you a personal email several months ago and I believe I have forwarded an occasional article of interest to you. If you took the time to read my brother's bio and discerned that I was of Haitian descent then you will have read my name in the entry as well. With all the back and forth between you, Craig, and DV, the greatest cruelty has been inflicted upon you by yourself. Your reputation is in ashes and it's all your own doing. Again, shameful. By the way, my interest in your personal life had to do with the Maxambit exchange and determining if that was a Verbal Kint masquerade.
Does it somehow give you a false sense of superiority?
"Just because it's virtual, doesn't mean it's false. Besides which, it's a lot less wrenching than the alternatives. I have an equally boundless level of enthusiasm for the alternatives, as well...," CNu
LOL ...
ahhhh .. that boy got style.
"Your reputation is in ashes and it's all your own doing."
Sub, the minute I am concerned about my personal reputation among folks like Nulan, the "Dopamine Hustler" and various other personages (though, for some reason not DV with whom I mostly just have fun), I'll go and hang myself.
The level of outright inanity, and illogic which prevails among these folks is without precedent.
As to you, Sub. When you made that inane "CFR" attribution you lost all of my previous substantial respect for your intellect.
"You spent nearly an hour and three self-correcting revisions to produce some shit that lame?"
An hour? My how time flies.
Fact is, Nulan. That lame "shit" is yours. Or do you have an alternative way to measure dopamine levels? One going back to what you claim is the time of "origin of white supremacy" in 1676?
You have at no time given a shred of proof of your Dopamine Hegemony supposition. Instead you cover up your intellectual inadequacies with epithets and and weird verbal stylings.
These are the signs of extraordinary intellectual weakness and cowardice. And no, they do not show any particular intelligence. In other words: not too swift. Moreover, folks that let you get away with this bullshit, ain't too swift either.
Now you refute that "lame shit" above, and I'll take what I said back. However you won't because you can't and thus if you say anything at all it will, once again be vitriol.
This thread is about YOU Telemique and the traumas culminating with your recently disclosed episode of multiple personality disorder here at Denmark Vesey.
Subrealism is about dopamine hegemony and sundry errata drifting across my stream of consciousness.
Read slowly, comment respectfully - wash, rinse, repeat...,
Before long - even you may begin to dimly grasp what I'm talking about. In any event, it'll be a blessed reprieve from the silly shyte you're peddling at the assault.
Like I said, vitriol.
"Subrealism is about dopamine hegemony and sundry errata drifting across my stream of consciousness."
As to "subrealism" (apt name) there is not a shred of evidence for your dopamine hegemony supposition presented there. None. Basically you've been publishing regurgitated versions of other people's intellectual creations and research. That's all. That don't take much, Nulan.
Like I said. Not too swift.
"...errata drifting across my stream of consciousness."
Being a yellow one (intellectual cowardice), the stream apparently originates in the lower portion of your body.
Especially since you done admitted that you've got "a haphazard assortment of errors" ("sundry errata") drifting ("drifting" lol) across that stream.
You must have one hell of a sewer bill.
Nulan. Get your Latin up to speed, or stop pretending. Actually, get your English up to speed.
Nice video with Alan Payne, though. I'm definitely black yo. No argument there.
@ Cnulan
"Just because it's virtual doesn't mean its false"
I don't get your point what is the link between virtual and false?
On whether its false or not, I guess that depends on who is making that judgment. You may truly feel superior, but that doesn't mean that others feel that way about you.
and your judgement is meaningful to me because......?
"...errata drifting across my stream of consciousness."
Dang, I had forgotten about that idiotic verbal styling.
Dumb mofo trying to demonstrate his "correctness of thinking" by citing the eclectic collection of errors drifting across his dumbamineric semi-consciousness.
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