Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mile High or Just High?

From the moment they boarded the plane, Trevor Blake and Nicola Fitzgerald had one thing on their mind.

They drank a few glasses of wine to calm their nerves and then disappeared into a lavatory cubicle together as flight BA2263 made its way across the Atlantic to Jamaica. After a few minutes they returned to their seats, red-faced and giggling, with their fellow passengers apparently none the wiser.

For many couples, joining the mile-high club would have been enough for one flight. But, fortified by more wine, the couple returned to the cubicle 90 minutes later. This time, however, they were not so discreet and complaints were made to the cabin crew.

Other passengers on the Boeing 777 complained that the couple were being rowdy and were makining too much noise during the inflight movie.

Later Blake, 44, threw balls of scrunched up paper at the stewardesses and flew into a rage when he was refused more alcohol. It is claimed he became so abusive and aggressive that he had to be handcuffed while the pilot diverted the flight to Bermuda. His girlfriend Fitzgerald, 28, became hysterical and was also handcuffed.

Fifteen police officers were waiting at Bermuda and the couple were put on a flight back to Gatwick where they were charged. Undeterred, they later boarded another flight to Jamaica where they got engaged.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious pic. I ain't mad at him. She's hot.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Yeah, but combine this post with the one below about the most infectious places and that's pretty damn nasty! LOL!! :-)

Michael Fisher said...

Big J...

"I ain't mad at him. She's hot."

She's hot? That's a "hot" woman?

Yep, To the chagrin of Coretta, MLK liked white women, too.


Anonymous said...

They look like low class british folk! Really low class... the sort that didn't complete high school, and that have had run in's with the law!

Anonymous said...


Men like women. Period. White or purple. She's decent, not a star, but you'd hit it.

Michael Fisher said...

"but you'd hit it."

I don't hit "its". I love human females. They tend not to be an "it". Would I have sex with this female? I doubt it, particularly when there are plenty of women around that I find much more attractive.

Anonymous said...

Um. She's average. They're wack.

funny story though.