And I don't think there's anything offensive about any variation of faggy, faggotry, faggot, fag. It's a schoolyard taunt. It means -- it means wussy.
It means, you know, Hillary giving a speech in a fake Southern drawl -- that's faggy. A trial lawyer who weeps before juries is faggy. Lifetime-type TV, faggy.
The State Of . . . said...
I don't like this ho but I get the sentiment.
I was in a meeting yesterday with about 10 people, one of whom is openly gay. The person leading the meeting cracked a joke about "Senators doing funny things in bathrooms" and the gay dude got all offended. I felt like pausing the meeting and holding a discussion on whether its "offensive" to tease someone caught in a bathroom trying to have gay anal sex with a stranger.
Totally agree..... many words have more than one meaning or use.
I don't like this ho but I get the sentiment.
I was in a meeting yesterday with about 10 people, one of whom is openly gay. The person leading the meeting cracked a joke about "Senators doing funny things in bathrooms" and the gay dude got all offended. I felt like pausing the meeting and holding a discussion on whether its "offensive" to tease someone caught in a bathroom trying to have gay anal sex with a stranger.
My gay roommate in law school got completely bent out of shape when I was listening to Sublime and the end of the "Date Rape" song played through.
They have learned the drill though. Self-righteousness through perpetual victimization.
what does the word "ho" mean? am I right in thinking that it comes from the word whore?
Yes Accra.
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