Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Why They Really Fear Hip Hop

DMX Live Stuttgart, Germany

“There is so much we are entitled to, yet we’ve received so little. Because in this time of spiritual war we are comfortable, in the middle.”


J.C. said...

A total nut case.
Even to the point of blowing the goofy horn at the end.
Brainwashed with lies.

Divide and conquer. Show or tell just enough of the truth to leaven the shit so that it can be swallowed.

Mainstream religion really is the whore of Babylon, and its followers really 'devil worshipers'.

Part of the divide and conquer concept of keeping people in the dark.
Jesus was young and stupid.
Is there a difference between the Che T.shirt, and the cross ?
Hype and lies, and money scams, and hypocrites rule.
Real change is not connected.
Real change gets at the core, and changes the basic society into a different society.
Religion can never ever do that, because it is based on lies.

paul said...

Wish more "Hip Hop" with substance would get more air play.

Check this quote out, "We all look forward to the day when science and religion shall walk hand in hand through the visible to the invisible. Science knows nothing of opinion, but recognizes a government of law whose principles are universal. Yet any scientist who refuses to accept intangible values has no adequate basis for the values which he had already discovered. Revelation must keep faith with reason, and religion with law - while intuition is ever spreading its wings for greater flights - and science must justify faith in the invisible."

I understand you distaste of religion. It's been corrupted. But God, Allah, or Yahweh (or whatever name you give) does exist. You just haven't made that discovery. You sound like Moses saying there is no such thing as electricity. It's always just haven't discovered it yet. The most glorious, inexplicable organ of the body (brain) is also the least understood, yet it continues to do it's magic even though we have very little knowledge how.

Denmark Vesey said...

Damn P. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout young boy.

You back.

Had me worried for a minute.

Anonymous said...

Paul, is that the woman who will soon be your wife?

paul said...

Yea Robyn, and before you ask, she's Black...ha ha. Both her parents are Black and both sets of grandparents are Black.

Denmark Vesey said...

Marry that girl P. She's beautiful and obviously in love with you.

Later for all pre-Nup paperwork from Babylon.


paul said...

Thank and I hear you DV...I'm working on that.

Anonymous said...

Paul, I wasnt going to ask. I know a Black woman when I see one! I am well aware that WE come in all varieties (that's why I pains me when people feel like their needs cant be met from within..... but I digress).

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Invite us to the wedding. :-)

paul said...

Robyn, don't you have origins in Jamaica? I plan on getting married on the beach there.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Paul. My dad's from Kingston. You never know, you two may be a good excuse to take another trip.

paul said...

cool ;)

J.C. said...

PD, man, let me lay this on you...

How is it one can equate science as a belief system ? A belief system is supported by nothing more than an opinion. --- Science is nothing more than the prediction of the next most probable.--- Any belief system is supported by nothing except imagination, while the next most probable is supported by observation of some phenomenon that can be recreated under the same conditions by anyone, at any time and the result will be the same. This is science. This is how fact is established.--- One can imagine anything, however it can only become Science when it can be measured i.e. detected either directly or remotely. Failing this it simply does not exist.

paul said...

Skip, "...detected either directly or remotely. Failing this it simply does not exist."

Do you think dark matter is a falsehood? Does not exist? Your belief sets the limit to a demonstration of a Principle (God) which, of Itself, is without limit. So deoxyribonucleic acid did not exist until it was discovered? What you fail to realize is everything can't be explained and defined by science. Do you "believe" the universe does not really exist until it is observed? I guess you're one of those people who say a falling tree in a forest, where no one is around to hear, makes no vibrations. There is a universal Truth that exist whether you know it or not.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


Drunk Uncle Mike says...

Your bride is beautiful and has the most charming and sincere smile. You seem very happy and proud of her and so is she of you.

It looks like you are great friends and lovers.

Get a pre-nup so you can always remain great friends and lovers.

paul said...

ha ha....I got the metaphysical and metaphysical in each ear.

Uncle DV, I hear you. Marriage is not a union defined by the courts, It's defined by God.

Uncle Mike, I hear you. I'm not saying she's a gold digger but she ain't messin' with no broke nicca.

J.C. said...

Good luck sucker.

paul said...

Mind your business. I see you didn't answer any question that was asked.

J.C. said...

You were not listening.

You want to control another human with a civil contract.

You want a slave.
You did not ask any real questions, just made some statements.

God does not care what you do.

paul said...

Marriage had nothing to do with the question at hand. I did ask real questions. Apparently you do realize God exist. Thanks for answering the questions.