Monday, August 20, 2007

God Bless The Brothas & Sistas In The Caribbean


Anonymous said...

Absolutely! I talked to my dad early last week. He said he was going to Jamaica, didnt really pay attention to when he said he was leaving. I think he's there now and now I cant reach anyone on the phone. :-(. I'm sure he's fine though. No bad vibes!

Denmark Vesey said...


What happens when you try to call? Does the call get through at all? Are phone lines up in Jamaica?

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to call his cell phone and it just goes straight to voice mail. Unfortunately, I dont have any numbers for my family in Jamaica, just a few relatives that live in the U.S. I sent an email and text message and left voicemail messages. I will have to resort to calling my dad's girlfriend in Florida [LOL again!] to see if he's okay or if she's heard from him.

Denmark Vesey said...

Interesting Robyn,

It appears that all Jamaican men, have at least, one girlfriend - in Florida.

Anonymous said...

True indeed. :-).

Well calling Shelley will be interesting. It always is given past experience.

"Hi Shelley, this is Robyn, Derrick's daughter.

Oh Hi Raw-bin , how have you been? [nervous tone]

I just wanted to call and thank you for the pajama bottoms you sent me for my graduation from law school. You never can have enough pajama bottoms....with no top.

Well, I was concerned that you may not like them, your Dad said you would, but based on the last time I saw you I could tell your picky about your clothes.

Well yeah, but they were nice thank you. I really appreciate it. Well alright, can I speak back to my dad?


[puts phone down]

[my mom in a whisper - "Did she say what happened to the top?"]

We laugh hysterically.

[Dad picks up phone]

Hey babes. Whats so funny?

Nothing Dad.....

Denmark Vesey said...


Lord ha' mercy. I hope my daughter never has to call my "girlfriend".

It would be about as cordial as Yassir Arafat calling Ariel Sharon.


Yes baby.

"Is that woman sittin' on your head too?"

Anonymous said...

LOL. Exactly!

Anonymous said...

Talked to my Dad. Shelley gave me the number. All is well and according to him, the pics on the news are exaggerated. He and my grandfather are sitting on the patio.

BTW, when I spoke to my grandfather whom I havent seen since I was 5 or talked to since probably 12 or so, the first question he asked me was, "When are you getting married?!" Thought you'd appreciate that DV!