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The Most Courageous Man In America.
"The Holocaust Has Proven To Be An Indispensable Ideological weapon. Through It’s Deployment, One Of The World’s Most Formidable Military Powers, With An Horrendous Human Rights Record,Has Cast Itself As A Victim State.
And The Most Successful Ethnic Group In the US Has Likewise Acquired Victim Status, Considerable Dividends Accrue From This Specious Victimhood - In Particular,
Immunity To Criticism, However Justified." Professor Norman Finkelstein
THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY - Norman G. Finkelstein
These organisations frankly, bring to mind an insight of my late mother, that it is no accident that Jews invented the word "chutzpah". They steal, and I do use the word with intent, 95% of the monies earmarked for victims of Nazi persecution, and then throw you a few crumbs while telling you to be grateful. It is very hard to sink much lower than to turn the colossal suffering of the Jewish people during World War Two into an extortion racket.
"Informing Finkelstein's analysis is a universal ethics... He, and not the Jewish organizations he criticizes, is following the example set by the great Jewish prophets." - The Nation
"...clever, explosive, sometimes even wryly funny." -
"... his basic argument that memories of the Holocaust are being debased is serious and should be given its due."
-- The Economist
The Jews are the most famous group of liars that have ever existed in some peoples estimation.
One reason for their fame is that they even lie to their own group to reinforce the silly brainwash stories that they mostly stole from their neighbors originally and spun to various purpose for various reasons.
--- It is estimated that about 60 million people died in World War two.
That includes 5 to 6 million people that identified themselves as Jews.
Interestingly a certain Jewish rabbi who was young and stupid got mixed up in the wild assortment of lies that the Jews spun.
His name was Jesus.
All Christians are Jews.
Christ never in his wildest dreams thought about concocting a Christian church.
He was a rebel and a reformer, but only within the context of Judaism.
They say "a little education is a dangerous thing".
Skip, your historical perspective is clouded by your spiritual narcosis.
The people who call themselves Jews today are quite different from the Jews who produced Jesus.
The Rabbinical / Talmudists / Pharisee Jews couldn't be more different from the Jesus who was a product of a tradition of Essenes and the African Mystery religions that trace back to ancient Egypt.
Jesus was about as much a Jew as I am.
Keep reading and catch up.
fuck you.
An old bitter ass atheist.
Not really asshole.
You do not know shit from shinola.
I refer to people like you as devil worshippers.
You believe the bullshit, and are willing to make an ass out of yourself for the bullshit.
You be the real Babylon if you believe that Jesus was any thing other than a young and stupid person.
You think someone that does not believe in the fake middle eastern god is an old bitter atheist. Fuck you.
You think someone that does not believe in the fake middle eastern god is an old bitter atheist. Fuck you.
Nahhhhh. Wrong, yet again Skip.
I don't believe in God anymore than I believe in sunshine. I just bask in it and get brown.
However, I do get a kick out of pseudo-educated spiritual midgets who project their arrogantly ignorant misconceptions about God onto me.
What you "believe" matters about as much as what a German Shepard believes.
So stop pretending to be tough with all the "fuck you's" and what not.
If you really didn't believe in God you wouldn't be here.
Relax, open your heart, and learn something.
"However, I do get a kick out of pseudo-educated spiritual midgets who project their arrogantly ignorant misconceptions about God onto me."
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
I can spot an egoistic blatherer.
You are ignorant of history.
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