Friday, February 13, 2009

When did it become fashionable for black people to hate black men?

Among the many cries for the Crucifixion of Michael Vick this week, there was a particularly strange phenomena. The voice of the outraged Negro rising above all others to condemn a black man yet to be tried.

Notice that every other week or so, the corporate media parades a brother in front of the cameras to become the national object of hatred and scorn. If it's not Terrell Owens, it's Kobe Bryant. If it's not Kobe it's Isaiah Washington. If it's not Pacman Jones it's Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson. Next week it will be somebody else.

Yes the news pundits always have a good argument / accusation, and brothers are not completely without fault. Yet the venomous hatred that bubbles just beneath the surface, the hyperbolic mob justice and group think that chants for the blood of these often strong, typically heterosexual and more often than not, rich black men - is uncanny and revealing.

The latest trend is to position ... Negros ... at the front of the mob to cast the first stone of condemnation. Apparently corporations have learned that it is more effective to have a Negro like Oprah or Stanley Crouch or Russell Simmons serve as the face of their collective scorn than Rush Limbaugh.


Michael Fisher said...

Check out my series on feminism/black womanism over at the Assault beginning with this post, and you'll find out when and why.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

This way they can say, "see, we're not racist. Black people feel the same way about [fill in misc. Black villain of the week here]."

This is how the dichotomy between "good" Blacks and "those" Blacks is created - not just in the minds of White people but, more importantly, in the minds of Black people.

The colonial master has been using this technique for centuries. It is a shame that the victims of it do not learn from history.

J.C. said...

"Notice that every other week or so, the corporate media parades a brother in front of the cameras to become the national object of hatred and scorn."

Brother my ass.

Denmark Vesey said...

"God is an asshole" Skip

"Brother my ass" Skip

Spiritual bankruptcy is a bitch, aint it?

J.C. said...

I never claimed to be spiritual.
I don`t use god as a measurement of pain.
Bankruptcy is a money term.
Your god indeed is an asshole.
Apparently your god does not care about torture and pain as regards other animals other than human.

Anonymous said...

"Apparently corporations have learned that it is more effective to have a Negro like Oprah or Stanley Crouch or Russell Simmons to serve as the face of their collective scorn than Rush Limbaugh."

let the congregation say, "Ouch!"

Anonymous said...

When they have it all and do stupid shit.. Thats when!

And you know what I will bash my brother if he did some stupid shit too. You see I don't support nor tolerate immature behavior. That's the difference between me and you DV.


Denmark Vesey said...


Allowing the media to distract you with Manufactured Villians and to exhaust your analytical energy and intellectual outrage on a 23 year old man REMOTELY connected to a problem as OBSCURE as "dog fighting" is IMMATURE.

It is also politically irresponsible while those same corporations WAGE WAR in your name (America) that kills thousands upon thousands of human beings.

Your self-hatred runs so deep that you cannot resist the opportunity to lash out at a young black man held up as a target in a witch hunt.

The media shows you photos of injured dogs and you want to cry. They don't show you photos of injured children - you don't say anything.


J.C. said...

D.V. You are endlessly connecting false issues.
You tie spirituality to dog fighting and war.
Everyone knows that America is a Phucked up place controlled by corporations.
It comes as a surprise though that a guy rolling in cash, and able to act out all kinds of behavior is a sadist that spends his free time torturing and maiming helpless animals.

Anonymous said...

DV... Where do you come up with this stuff. Anyway... These are the stories people are most interested in. I guess your claim that Americans are blinded by the Vick story if off base. I think you post the story more often on this blog than the Atlanta Journal.

Most Viewed - U.S.
-FBI searches Sen. Stevens' Alaska home AP
-Tropical Storm Chantal forms in Atlantic AP
-Hollywood pigeons to be put on the pill AP
-Yard dug up after 4 tiny bodies found AP
-Audit finds parishes mishandled money AP

Anonymous said...

Were you jumping up and down in your room the past several years when Vick was on Sports Center making highlight plays. Where you against the media then. Where was the outrage for Stuart Scott reporting on Vick's tremendous move on that defense back for a touchdown. Where was the outrage for the media that reported his $120 million Falcon's contract. Where was the outrage for the media when they reported his $100 million dollar contract from Nike.

Where you outraged that Vick's contracts could put 1000 new teachers in your school system.

I see a double standerd coming out of your mouth DV. Wealthy black men have your support (50 cent) But wealthy black women you could care less about!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is the outraged for Vick's endorser DV... Pay one brother on the Plantation and screw over the others. Remind you of the good ole' days in the fields?

Nike Inc. has agreed to pay $7.6 million to settle a class-action suit that alleged the sportswear maker discriminated against black employees at its Niketown store in Chicago, according to court documents.

The lawsuit was filed in December 2003 and involves claims on behalf of about 400 current and former black employees of Nike Retail Services Inc.'s store, according to documents filed on Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

Nike has denied all allegations of wrongdoing and liability in the litigation, according to the filing.

In March last year, the court certified a class that included all current and former black employees of Niketown Chicago from December 17, 1999 to the present, along with four subclasses, according to the filing.

As part of the settlement, Nike has also agreed to take certain affirmative steps, including appointing a compliance officer at its headquarters and diversity training of supervisors at Niketown Chicago, according to the filing.

Nike could not be reached immediately for comment.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

It comes as a surprise though that a guy rolling in cash, and able to act out all kinds of behavior is a sadist that spends his free time torturing and maiming helpless animals.


J.C. said...

Or you have a crooked judge or paid off Jury or a lawyer that will lie through their teeth for money.

Anonymous said...


Yes he is innocent. That's why he still has his freedom. And he is still getting paid... So what's the problem?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Why do you keep referring to his money Casper?

Anonymous said...

Vick is a spokesperson for many companies; his endorsement contracts have included Nike, EA Sports, Coca-Cola, Powerade, Kraft, Rawlings, Hasbro and AirTran. Source:Wikipedia

Ok so lets see. Kraft... Wow they own Boca Burger and process animal meat.

Coke... Wow they supply kids with sugar water.

Rawlings... Wow don't they used animal hides to produce leather sporting goods.

The hyprocrisy never ends.

Anonymous said...


Simple because a guilty man would not get paid... Thus he must still be innocent... Correct?

BTW he is treated no differently than a police officer who is put on admin leave/ desk duty when alleged incidents have occured. Correct?