Denzel Washington once turned down a love scene with Julia Roberts out of loyalty to his female African-American fans, Allison Samuels reveals in her new book, “Off the Record” (Amistad).
Washington nixed the steamy segment even though Roberts insisted that he be cast as her co-star in “The Pelican Brief,” writes Samuels, a respected Newsweek reporter. Washington explained: “Black women are not often seen as objects of desire on film. And they have always been my core audience.”
Smart man
Would you have turned down a love scene with Julia Roberts?
Or would you have done like Billy Bod did to Halle?
I remember this issue when the movie came out. I dont think the story suffered without this element.
But Denzel has obviously moved away from this stance, given the two love scenes between he and Eva Mendez in Training Day and Out of Time. (wasnt there one in Out of Time, I'm not 100% on that one?).
But Robyn ...
Is Eva Mendez truly on the other side of the abstract racial divide?
Do you see no difference between a brother being with an "Eva" and being with a "Julia"?
Simply DV....No. If the woman is not Black, what difference does the rest of it make?
To be honest, brothas that try and split the difference with a Latina annoy me as well.
I should finish the thought before some one calls me angry. What I mean is, you either are willing to date/marry outside of your race or not. And that's everyone's right to make. IMO, there isnt some exception for those that choose to date a person of another ethnic group with dark skin. I am no more like a Latin woman that I am like a white woman.
Wow, I wasn't aware of the love scene back story. Interestingly, what I do recall is Julia's conduct at the Academy Awards ceremony.
She announced the award and couldn't seem to take her hands off of him. I almost want to say she wrapped herself around him but my memory is a little fuzzy. I'm going to scan YouTube for a clip.
Either way, I know it was over the top and rather disrespectful of Denzel's wife.
Robyn said...
Simply DV....No. If the woman is not Black, what difference does the rest of it make?
Ummm ...
Here's the problem Robyn. How are you defining "Black"?
Is a woman with a white mother and a black father - Black?
How about a woman with 3 white grandparents and a black grandmother?
I've always been more comfortable with black women. Yet, as crazy as it sounds, not because of race.
It's a soulful thing that sistas have that I need. However, that "thing" is not exclusive to women who meet the typical standards of what is "black".
I could get with Eva ... but Julia don't do it for me.
Movies are propaganda. When the top black male star does this type of love scene with a top white star it says that white folks can get anything and anyone they want at any time.
Billy Bob fucking (and I use this word with purpose) Halle like that was about the same thing. Only that message said in addition:
"Nigger, I can lynch your ass, be your personal executioner and then fuck your woman and she will love me for it."
DV: It's a soulful thing that sistas have that I need.
Robyn: This is precisely the basis for every opinion I hold on this issue.
Also, note the date and time, Mike and I agree on something.
Oh, and my take on Black is like the supreme court's take on pornography -- I know it when I see it. (That was a throw back to Constitutional Law for all the lawyers in the house.)
Love sees no color. And all these single sistahas bearing the torch for brothers are wasting their time. Go out and get you a white boy or a Mexican! 90% of niggaz ain's shit, and 40% is gay.
Big J
Damn Big J.
You hard on brothas.
40% is gay?
90% aint shit?
LOL. No wonder you don't like Hip Hop.
You don't like black men.
"You don't like black men."
Seems to me Big J is either one of the 90% or the 40% with an ignorant ass racist statement like that.
More likely one of the 40%.
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