If the 20th century taught us anything, it was that powerful armies can be brought to their knees by small groups of fighters who are not afraid to die. Small Vietnam humiliated mighty America, and the "stone-age" mujahideen of Afghanistan sent the Soviet army packing. With all this so apparent, why has the Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, sent his army into Somalia?
The transitional government had been fighting a civil war against the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC). Meles may think the former has the people's backing, but that poses the question: if it's so popular, why does it need the Ethiopian army to fight for it?
Ethiopia fought a war against the Somali government in the late 1970s and early 80s, but there has been peace on the border for over a decade. So Ethiopia cannot point to internal safety concerns in allowing itself to be drawn into invading its neighbour.
The crisis has now escalated sharply with the deployment of US naval forces to prevent UIC fighters from fleeing, the US claiming that some have ties to terrorist organisations, including al-Qaida.
The Ethiopian invasion will certainly be resisted by Somali patriots. It will initially be classified as "successful" because it will establish a semblance of law and order. But the routed UIC, although weakened by internal squabbles, will seek safe havens nearby, regroup and woo back its supporters.
The UIC knows that when faced with a conventional army backed by an airforce, the best option is to disappear into the undergrowth or behind the desert dunes. The Somalis have been "disappearing" like that for centuries, always coming back to harass those who claim to have defeated them.
10 year peace on Ethiopia's border with Somalia?
Not an American puppet?
"Soviet" weapons?
Fighting US Imperialism?
The world is fluid and dynamic Mike. You continue to try to force the round pegs of reality into the square holes of your perspective.
This is 2007, not 1977.
Your refusal to acknowledge the painfully obvious hoax of "Save Darfur" or the backdoor regime change in Somalia is telling.
Let's see if I have this straight Fisher. When White Amerikkka tells Ethiopia to invade Somalia and kill Black people, it's all good and completely justifiable, but when Jewish Hollywood allegedly tells rappers to change the lyrics to a rap song to make them more "degrading" to Black people, each one of those rappers is evil.
Nice double standard you've got there.
Ethiopians have been selling out for a long time. . .
The US bombed the hell out of Somalia and we didn't hear about it until a week later.
Big J
"White Amerikkka tells Ethiopia to invade Somalia"
Prove it.
Big J...
"Ethiopians have been selling out for a long time. . ."
You too. Prove it.
You still haven't addressed your double standard. It's ok for Black people to kill other Black people as long as Michael Fisher has deemed it justified.
Citing authors who, once again, make accusations without backup and say inane things like "Meles Tigre Army" which exposes the author's tribalism (Meles Zenawi led the Tigranian People's Liberation Front which was the leading organization overthrowing Haile Mengistu Mariam), does not a proof make, II.
Ok Fisher. And just because you say something is so, makes it so. I got it.
You're a fucking genius and the rest of us will just shut up and take notes.
Since you've offered no proof of why it's ok for Ethiopian Black people to kill Somali Black people, I'll assume it's for the same reasons why it's not ok rappers to say degrading things on their records. Because Fisher says so.
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