Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Is Money Your God?

Beyond a certain modicum necessary for survival and security, money becomes an abstraction. In the words of Samuel Butler, "enough is always a little more than one has."

The material world literally is organized to steal our souls from God. Like spiders, the central bankers, who serve Lucifer, spin this money out of nothing in order to ensnare us in a web of debt. And like spiders, the ultimate plan seems to be to devour us, body and soul.

How much of your thought and energy is devoted to money?

Stock market trading on the Internet literally has placed a slot machine in every home or hand. Millions of people trade during their workday. As a result, millions obsess constantly about money.

There is a tendency to think stock trading is cool if you're making money but morally corrupt if you're losing it. It can’t be both. Is "good" defined by success?

The trader is ensnared as long as he is successful, and can only find peace when he is bankrupted. Eventually there will be a crash and we all will be liberated.

Making money by stock trading is very enticing. It's often easy. Latch on to an Apple, for example. Money is very empowering. It lets you do things. It gives you freedom. It's a rush.

Of course, losing money is very debilitating. It's a bummer. It's easy to get hooked on the highs and lows. But some experienced traders manage to take them in stride.

I made a lot of money and lost much of it gambling on options. I really didn’t know what I was doing and was arrogant and slow to learn. People who are successful in one realm mistakenly think they can do anything.

When I came into money, I lost my identity. My money owned me. I became a money manager. Instead of using it to advance personal goals, my sense of self waxed and waned with my balance. When my broker asked, "How are you?" I'd say to myself, "You tell me."

I didn’t have clear goals, so it was easy to be sidetracked. I was a product of the male arrested development endemic in this culture.

In retrospect, I'd be laughing if I had just bought blue chips and forgot about them. I wish I could say I had that wisdom and character.

The stock market is the only real democracy left. By cutting the vast middle class in on their wealth, the bankers ensure their loyalty. People don't care about truth and freedom, war and peace, as long as they have comfortable houses, BMW's and jacuzzis.

Many people put their faith in Gold. They say money is paper but isn't gold just a stone after all? The market is manipulated. The bankers could demolish the price of gold simply by raising interest rates. Friday July 13, gold hovered around $666 all day. Coincidence?

We will do anything to avoid serving God, anything to avoid taking the ego out of gold (symbolized by the l.) God really means serving "ourselves" since I believe obeying God is the principle of our personal development. Worship is serving our ideal selves, the person God created us to be.

Henry Wokam Phd.


J.C. said...

So why, one may ask, is the average North American working six or more hours per week than in 1976? Why do we endure poverty in the midst of such potential?
Why do we see record numbers of murders being committed?
Why do our prisons house a greater proportion of inmates than any other nation?
Why do we destroy food or leave fields unplanted as people go hungry?
Why have we fouled our air and water? Why do we fritter away precious natural resources on shoddy or non-essential goods, or on the needless duplication of production in the name of "competitive enterprise"?

The answer lies in our slavish adherence to the outmoded monetary structure, or Price System.
It is the Price System, and our diehard efforts to preserve it regardless of the cost to human society and our physical environment, that accounts for the vast majority of the social and environmental stress we are witnessing.
It is the adherence to this Price System, the forced shortage of supply in order to keep up prices, or value, that is the root cause of the inequity in distribution that gives rise to a great many of our social problems: crime, poverty, wars, stress-induced drug, alcohol, child and spouse abuse, bribery, political corruption -- even the dissolution of the family structure, as both parents are forced out of the home into the workplace in order to make ends meet.
It is also the Price System and its use of contrived methods to effect the consumption of tangible resources that has led to the misuse of our technology to increasingly devastate our earth.

Anonymous said...

That was oh so deep and oh so is easy in this society to get sucked in and distracted by chasing money instead of following God.

I have gotten sucked into the trap and I have yet to be satisfied...with longings for material things, we always want more. My pastor was speaking on this topic last night himself. The Spirit of Life that is God will take you down paths that break you down and reveal what is real and important in life. All of the earths systems are based on the material, while God's systems are based on the eternal. When we seek only after the eternam...then we find peace...

Anonymous said...

Money is God to most people..... think about it, majority of the world's population lives on less than a $ a day..... when your survival comes down to the very basic of needs..... sustinance, MONEY BECOMES GOD. Loftier aspirations are for those who have a little more..... but then it's all subjective isn't it..... a matter of faith.

Denmark Vesey said...

"when your survival comes down to the very basic of needs..... sustinance, MONEY BECOMES GOD"


But that's not the only time Money becomes your God.

Those with millions are damn near Money High Priests.

Anonymous said...

True, but that then becomes greed, avarice..... but then, I guess we are not talking about the motivation behind the worship of money!