Christ represented the rule of God. The Pharisees worshipped Lucifer. The question facing mankind hasn't changed. Are we going to serve God or Lucifer?
The Satanists have conditioned us to short circuit at the mention of religion. They have made God seem mysterious, unknowable or non-existent.
Christ said, "God is a Spirit, obey Him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23,24). God is Absolute Love, Truth, Justice, Goodness and Beauty. If you believe these things are real, whether you accomplish them or not, you believe in God.
Love is the principle of human evolution. God wants to be known by His creation. This requires that we obey and become more like Him. We were made in God's image. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect," (Matthew 5:48).The more we embody spiritual ideals, the more God-like and Real we become. The opposite is also true.
We sacrifice ourselves for what we love. If we love God, we sacrifice ourselves to Him. People ask how to fight the New World Order. Nothing would disturb the Illuminati more than a revival of belief in God. Millions willing to fight and die for God scares the hell out of them. That's why they are uprooting Islam. - Nicholas Thatcher
Yes ... I have noticed that it seems the Power Elite not only want all the money and power and want to enslave everyone, but it seems they want you to be HAPPY about being enslaved.
However, while I'm thinking about it ...
Has anyone ever put together a chart of a chain of command for the Illuminati?
For instance, last week UnitedHealth had much improved earnings, but bad MCR (medical cost ratio) numbers and the stock got hammered.
How did the word filter down to the major equity traders that the Illuminati wanted to focus on that particular ratio?
This is all false information. There is no illuminati.
The whole protocol of Zion is fake also. This is conspiracy stuff for people that are looking for easy scapegoats.
People are brainwashed when they are children with the old bullshit story from Babylon, and many 'believe' they then know the truth.
People are either ignorant or stupid in general about history and who and what made what.
Our system comes from 2200BC. and our civil society aspect was blended with more bullshit from around 1800BC to create the Political/Civil society we have now.
It is a disservice to people to increase the divide and conquer mentality that a post like this does.
The morality of right and wrong, sin, good and evil were designed in the Sumer system to enforce the vantage of the power possessors.
By describing it other wise you may as well start talking like Jack VanImpe, John Hagee, and other retards such as the guy that wrote 'late great planet earth'
Hal Linsey.
Those are the kind of people you are describing as devil worshipers.
Satanism goes hand in hand for the unfortunate people who worship the 'true' god.
They depend on the devil talk just like the devil talk people depend on phony religious ideas to give them and their abstract nonsense meaning.
I can't say whether there is an Illuminati or not. 5 years ago, I would have said no. Now, I'm more inclined to believe there is a coalition of elite, super-rich people that are trying to dumb-down and degrade America and abolish Christianity and Islam. Whether we want to call them "Illuminati" or not is beside the point.
Though I understand your frustration with religion, I see religion as the only force stopping the complete degradation of the American people.
Big J
Well, whether or not any of these people are self-aware Satanists, I have no idea.
Is the book, "The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion" a forgery? You betcha.
Is there a very small group of people who meets somewhere between once a month and once a year to make decisions that impact just about everyone on Earth?
I'm beginning to suspect there is.
The question is - how do we find them?
How do we find them ?
Very simple. Look in the mirror. We are them.
Each person has a choice.
Free will.
As I have stated these groups do not exist.
What we do have is a Price System, and that price system operates by the rules of the Game.
When people play by the rules of the game, they play for money.
Money is the end all and be all.
Although most religious writing is mostly abstract nonsense, they put just enough 'truth' or reality into it to hook people.
You can leaven even shit sometimes to make it palatable, if you put enough sugar into it.
Humans love negative emotions, and religion plays on that.
People that talk about devil worship, true god like principles, and other such nonsense generally are control freaks and bigots that want to enforce brainwash concepts on others.
Why ?
Just like the fathers and mothers of the Jewish people the Muslims and others, the real crime is the horrible lying that the older generation does to the younger generation, by inculcating lies into them.
But why would they do it ?
Why ?
To perpetuate the 'every thing for me and nothing for you mentality that is the basis of Babylonian religion, and that is the religious template used today.
I used to think the way you do, until I actually began reading the Bible, the Sutras and the Koran.
Try it.
The Protocols seem pretty darn accurate to me. I don't care who wrote 'em. Isn't it all playing out right now?
Big J
"Millions willing to fight and die for God scares the hell out of them. That's why they are uprooting Islam."
The so-called "Holy Jihad" is not about God....it's about the man known as Muhammad.
pd said...
The so-called "Holy Jihad" is not about God....it's about the man known as Muhammad. "
The so-called "Holy Jihad" no more represents Islam than "Christians for Israel" represents Christ or AIPAC represents Jehovah.
Doing evil, while disguised as a representative of God, is one of the devil's oldest tricks.
God does not have a representative.
There is no devil that plays tricks.
Those are concepts to control gullible and ignorant people.
Good and Evil are in the mind of the beholder.
Those concepts change according to different brands of bullshit needed to control people.
Religious crack pots are inflicted with propaganda.
See this...
Skip has a very valid point...
"The National Alliance, parent organization of National Vanguard Books, is a membership organization of activists working for White interests and helping to build and fund our new media. For further information on Alliance membership, write to P.O. Box 90, Hillsboro WV 24946 USA."
Careful casper. That website is controlled by a whole other bunch of oddball whackos.
Here is how they bill themselves above here. They are nuttier than the Neo Con Jews even. Ha ha.
Every clan has an agenda... But when one clan gains to much control over democracy what is that ultimately?... Which are you supporting? And would make a difference if it stated the NAACP? The facts are still what they are. Why are you focused on who published the facts?
Damn good question Casper.
Dayum. You on a roll today boy.
Dumb ass question really.
The fact are what they are ?
You are quoting from a white power site ?
Are you sick ?
"But when one clan gains to much control over democracy what is that ultimately?... Which are you supporting? And would make a difference if it stated the NAACP? The facts are still what they are. Why are you focused on who published the facts?"
Get real man. Democracy ? Ya gotta be kidding. Never kid a kidder.
Why would I support any body`s brand of bullshit ?
I do not.
I do not like any of those people.
Both of those sides are dumb ass`s.
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