Fuck Wolf Blitzer

There is an online petition to remove Blitzer from CNN:
As a free and unbiased press is of vital interest to the peace and progress of the world, we demand that CNN remove Wolf Blitzer from his influential position in its corporation.
Mr. Blitzer cannot be expected to report the news as it pertains to Jews, Israel, and the Middle East in an unbiased and honest way. As a former writer for the extreme pro-Israel organization and lobby group, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and as a former employee of the Israeli
newspaper the Jerusalem Post, Blitzer’s biases are obvious. Would CNN hire a Palestinian with these same strong connections to Palestinian causes?
In the interest of a truly free unbiased press, we petition CNN to remove Wolf Blitzer from his position as a CNN anchor.
The Undersigned
1 comment:
This one will fall on deaf ears.
America is controlled by Globalism special interests.
There is a fraternity of thugs that have as their basis Political and Religious bullshit that is designed to maintain the status quo.
Money controls these thugs.
As long as America has the current price system method of ordering our dysfunctional society, it is not expected that Americans will know or hear the 'truth'
Our news is propaganda, and that is all it is.
The person in question here is a good example.
I will give another... How about Andrea Mitchell of N.B.C. The 'chief white house correspondent' for many years, and rabid pro-Israel person. Married to another scam artist by the name of Greenspan, who is a thinly disguised Neo-con in the guise of an Ayn Rand libertarian flunky.
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