Monday, June 04, 2007
1 comment:
- J.C. said...
What came first Religion or Politics?
Both are tied together inexorably.
I will tell you a little secret about where Christianity, Judaism, and Islam came from.
These were spin offs from the land of Iraq, from an area called the 'land between two rivers' or Sumeria.
In about 2200 b.c., long before there was such a being called a Jew, a guy came up with an interesting story and published it on what they used back then, an animal skin and clay tablets.
At that time Babylon was a center of the intelligent world. People came from all over to be a part of the intelligentsia there.
In fact the king at the time who was interested in creating 'ingenious' methods to control his people, sent around the known world for clever people to help him form a 'policy' on how to control 'his' citizens.
Then a very interesting story was fabricated out of thin air that immediately captured everyone's attention because of its sheer ridiculousness. Sometimes with humans, the more ridiculous the story, the more it is 'believed', especially when it is repeated over and over.
-That was a fact that was used by the king of that place, to instill fear, and obedience into his people by 'scaring them' with this story, that he had 'made up' to keep people in line.
So this crazy 'story' was adopted by the king, because it played very much into his plans to keep the people working and fighting for his desires, and the desires of the immediate circle around him. They made up a story that was 'ordained' by god. Thus they 'tricked' the people with a very clever divide and conquer policy.
That was the beginning of modern Politics, which caters to Special Interests, which deny the vast majority of regular citizens their fair share of the resources of an area, and sets them to work for the 'Man' if that can be said that way.
The premise of this story was that mankind was created from the blood of a rebel god, that the other gods killed to free themselves.
After Ea had 'created' mankind and imposed upon it the service of the gods; these newly created humans were 'made to say' this, "now, O Lord, Thou who hast caused our deliverance, what shall be our homage to thee?
Let us build a shrine whose name shall be called 'Lo, a chamber for our nightly rest'; Let us repose in it!
Let us build a throne, a recess for his abode! "like that of lofty Babylon, whose building you have requested they set up in it an abode for Marduk, Enlil and EA. These gods said, "Let our sovereignty be surpassing; having no rival.
May we shepherd the black-headed ones, our creatures. To the end of days, without forgetting, let them acclaim our ways.
We order the black-headed ones to revere us.
May the subjects ever bear in mind their god, and may they at His word pay heed to the goddess; may food offerings be borne for their gods and goddesses.
Without fail let them support their gods!
Their lands let them improve, build their shrines.
Let the black-headed wait on their gods"
-In this creation epic written in the early second millennium b.c. mankind is created this way;
"Blood I will amass and cause bones to be. I will establish a savage; "man" shall be his name. Verily, savage man I will create. He shall be charged with the service of the gods that they might be at ease!
The ways of the gods I will artfully alter.
Though alike revered, into two (groups)they shall be divided".
-Well there you have it-
The origin of what passes for the most part of western religious/political tradition.
Earlier in the myth the phrase;
'Oh Lord, spare the life of him who trusts thee, but pour out the life of the god who seized evil"
That my friends is the start point for idiots and fools such as the late Falwell, Bush, Carter, the Clintons, Obama, etc. etc.
That is the beginning of western religion. It all spun off from that happy horse-shit.
The Jews worshipped Yahweh, that god being a spin-off and similar to a storm god that the Canaanites worshipped, Baal, and made up of elements from this original group of gods, fabricated by these Babylonians.
The Jews started out with a god and a goddess by the way. They dropped the goddess part after being imprisoned in Babylon.
They became very strict then in their thinking. That was in the 6th. cent. b.c.
Why where they made up in the first place?
Obviously to control and manipulate people.
The original story was an inside joke from the beginning.
It was based on thin air and blue sky. It even revealed that in the phrasing of the original story.
'Although revered alike the gods were made to be divided'.
I will say that it is time for us humans to throw off the yoke that has been put around us to control us in a negative way.
That is why I am a member of the Technocracy movement. -
Jun 5, 2007, 10:05:00 AM
Jun 4, 2007 2:17:00 PM