Wednesday, June 06, 2007

9 out of 10 Black Americans Don't Know Who This Man Is ...

It's a set-up.

He's being "Saddam Husseined".


Anonymous said...

Charles Taylor

Anonymous said...

Exactamundo. And isn't the new Pres of Liberia a woman?

Michael Fisher said...

That punk is Saddam Husseined?

Now I know you lost it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry... Got no love for that sell out opportunist either. That cat was doing business mining diamonds with Pat Robertson of all people.

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...
That punk is Saddam Husseined?
Now I know you lost it.

Uh oh.

Let me guess.

Charles Taylor used to work for you too.

You paid his bail when he was in Jail.

You gave him a plan to stop the war in Liberia but he wouldn't listen to you because he would rather work with some white Jew than a brotha.

Michael Fisher said...

No, the fucker murdered one of my friends.

Fuck you DV. You are a fucking complete asshole.

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...

"Fuck you DV. You are a fucking complete asshole."

Yeah yeah. The President of Liberia murdered your friend. Suge Knight scared of you. Bin Laden owe you money and you grew tired of fuckin' Haile Berry.

Anything you say.

Nah man. I'm just fuckin' wit you. But damn dude, the way you tell the story, you personally connected to every important historical figure dead or alive.

If it aint Chuck D, it's Charles Taylor. It it aint Tupac it's Ice Cube.

Your want your opinion entered into the record book as fact because of who you know. Or because you were "there". Or because of how much money you made promoting a concert tour in 1992.

Get the fuck out of here with that shit. You got a point? Make it. Got some insight? Share it.

This thread was about the presentation of Charles Taylor to the world as singularly responsible for a war in West Africa that killed hundreds of thousands of black Africans and made millions of dollars for Israeli diamond traders, European bankers and American weapons dealers.

Keep that little bitchy self-righteous indignation to yourself.

For a tough guy, you dish out a lot more than you can take.


Michael Fisher said...

"But damn dude, the way you tell the story, you personally connected to every important historical figure dead or alive."

Not every one, but many. And not even indirectly. Directly. I've had an interesting life.

And no, Suge Knight was not afraid of me. No reason to.

DV. The problem with you is that you are a cyber ghost. An avatar. You talk shit but you don't come out into the open. You snipe at folks, but you will not let yourself be measured. Thus you have no credibility.

You pose as a revolutionary or rebel of some kind, but for all we know you might be some white midget jerking off in a corner somewhere in Mongolia.

Me, I'm out there to be scrutinized. I ain't no avatar. If I lie, those lies can be exposed. If I tell the truth, that truth can be confirmed.

What can be said about you? Besides the fact that you post pretty pictures and make grand pronouncements?

What are your credentials that allow you to pass judgement as a Plantation Negro on anyopne you do not agree with?

But more to the point DV, you are getting boring. And the reason you are getting boring is that you don't come up with anything new.

Plus you do not listen.

But then again, I wasn't talking to you anyhow. i was talking to your readers.

I think I made my point to them.

Denmark Vesey said...

You see. That's why you are a bitch Mike. You say one thing. And then do another.

If it's so boring, why you here every 5 minutes?

If Rap aint shit, why you spend your life promoting it?

Yeah, you out "in the open". But don't nobody want to see you.

Who asked you to go on the internet and display your personal life? You chose to do that. You want to be seen.

Don't blame me if no one really gives a fuck.


Anonymous said...

this would all end more gloriously if we just took out a ruler and got it over with....

Anonymous said...

Yeah dudes... This is an example of why we can't make the next step. We cannot agree that there are multiple ways to look at a situation. You see you both have a point. But you must agree to disagree while maintaining respect for opinions. This is why I have a problem with our violent culture. It creates a setiing where debate is not scholarly behavior anymore ... But an opportunity to display Rambo like aggression. What happen to the good ole' days when dad and uncle and buddy's would debate the deeds of the Black Panther Party Movement versus the MLK approach. What happened to when brotha's were brotha's and not nigga's ready to gat each other over bullshit. Come men loose the gansta shit... Argue the facts.. Please

Anonymous said...

I was talking to a friend the other day about the blogs TSO,DV, Assault of Black Folks Sanity. It's really beautiful to be able to read about and discuss issues that matter to me about my community. But it has underlined the point to me that unlike the MSM likes to portray Black folks are not monolithic in anything.

Lets keep the debate respectful, and if all else fails we'll just have to take it to the old school and box, not shoot.

Anonymous said...

the bullshit indignation from the nigga "by the door" is gettin old!

Denmark Vesey said...

Jasai, Casper, Damien.

I feel you. And I apologize for subjecting you to the personal back and forth between me and Mike.

We do this from time to time to let off steam. But I like dude. I swear he reminds me of my Uncle Money. Cantankerous but smart and good hearted.

Both of us say what's on our minds and don't back down from anything. Brothers like that clash from time to time. But it's all good.

I'd like to think of this board a place where free speech actually exists and invite people to say what's on their minds. Even if what's on their minds is "DV you are an asshole".

As long as they can take what they dish out.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps I'm unevolved. I kinda like it. :-). Try to get in a verbal scuffle of my own every now and again.

the good nurse said...

Me too, Robyn. Something kind of sexy about two very intelligent brothers sizing each other up!
the good nurse