
"orthodox jewish students that live in west bank settlements"
waitaminit. that didn't even register with me before.
You mean you got bonafide racist West Bank Nazis running around Jerusalem calling for the liberation of black folk in Sudan and you ACTUALLY wanna convince us THEY MEAN IT?
What,you think we're meschuggene?
What is it that makes you folks from II to Moebius, from "liberal" Arab to "liberal" Jew, believe that we are so fucking stupid?
I mean do we really look that stupid to you?
No, seriously. I wanna know.
See that's what happens when you let house negroes appoint themselves as our "leaders". Them house negroes act so silly they make the rest of us look stupid.
Really Stupid.
Big J
Big J
In the pictures on Mobius' site in that protest is Eytan Schwartz, who won the "Israel's ambassador" contest, and one assume far less naive than Mobius' settler friends.
In an article in Ynet, Israel's largest daily, Shwartz gets to the heart of the matter -- it's all about PR:
Israel's Darfur fiasco
Israel losing points abroad by mistreating Darfur refugees
We can view the story of the Sudanese refugees as yet another example of typical Israeli indifference, and we can also make do by saying that our own poor should take precedence. However, this story not only has humanitarian meaning, but also significant diplomatic and PR implications.
The story of Darfur refugees in Israel has been prominently featured in the most important newspapers in the world over the past year,
and it presents us in a rather dubious light. Ranging from the New York Times to BBC and Newsweek, everyone writes about the harsh attitude displayed by the Jewish State to people who escaped genocide in Africa. And this is happening at the time when Israel seeks the world's help in the battle against Iran in the name of universal morals and justice. Hence, Israel is losing some points just when it needs them most.
i attended a darfur rally in jerusalem organized by orthodox jewish students that live in west bank settlements, and reported on it for my website:
having just lived in jerusalem for 3 years, i can assure you that these are just earnest kids motivated by an idealistic commitment to opposing genocide. they're trying to get the zionist establishment to give a shit.
that they don't see the tragedy being carried out under their own noses is a different issue entirely. darfur and palestine aren't even contained in the same part of their brains. it's not even worth entangling them. by doing so you only contribute to paranoia about antisemitism and put jews on the defensive.
also, check out this report in haaretz about a zionist youth movement that's trying to get israel to admit darfurian refugees:
focus on the injustice of the occupation itself, and do so honestly, without putting forth specious zionist conspiracies, and you'll actually make progress on the issue.