You guys are supportive of the 60 minute piece, but answer this, what exactly did Anderson Cooper do to help our community last night? Frankly, how is he any different than Camron?! He too is simply peddling what sells in the wake of the Don Imus fodder, true?
If you read my comments above, no where was there a defense of hip hip. I am simply saying, dont lay at our feet social constructs that existed long before Camron was newsworthy or Anderson Cooper has a reporting gig. Constructs that have real and legitimate justifications and cause, that of course were not explored. Oh but I forgot, CBS had to ensure that they had enough time to explain that 50 Cent/Camron beef. "Anon" hush with your there's only so much air time nonsense.
Apparently, yall dont see anything wrong with treating young black kids like specimins appropriate for bullshit analysis and examination by others on national TV.
Sorry, if I do.
How the hell are we supposed to concentrate, much less comment on the observations with all that autumn lightening flashing over there on the right......
thank goodness I read the comments on TSO.
Who cares about Anderson Cooper.. Last I checked he does not have a Gansta Rap album on the shelf , radio or Bearshare frontin Gansta life. Kids are not watching Anderson Cooper and frankly he owes our people nothing unlike those House Negro's/Minstrels Cam'ron and Snoop... Your American Negro Idols.
Did you ask how Anderson Cooper differs from Cam'ron in complete seriousness? Cam'ron is shelling out this slogan of least resistance- Cooper is simply reporting it. Or regurgitating it. In any case, the two differ because Cam'ron promotes his money-driven agenda. Cooper tried to make sense of it.
If the segment was at all mind-boggling, it was because Cam'ron's rhetoric was moronic. If he thinks "stop snitchin" will help his community find solidarity amongst themselves, he is sourly mistaken. There is nothing "ethical" or "honorable" about watching a man die and allowing a murderer free to kill again.
Thanks DV! I was actually tryin' to concentrate on work today and not the blogs, but I couldnt resist and I find this. :-).
Anytime sista. Intellectual courage, cultural insight and refusal to conform to the impulses of the ignorant masses are rare qualities.
"yall dont see anything wrong with treating young black kids like specimins appropriate for bullshit analysis and examination by others on national TV."
If the Plantation Negros could see beyond 1st base African Americans would be in a much better off.
Keep doin' what you doin'.
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