The "Hate Hip Hop" formula is pretty simply: 1) Inventory crime, violence and dysfunction in the "inner city". 2) Show 6 second video clips of rappers appearing to endorse, glorify or promote said dysfunction 3) Goad semi-articulate, shallow thinking black people to publicly support the notion that all of this pathology is "da fault of Hip Hop". 4) Broadcast carefully selected clips of inarticulate "rappers" attempting to defend the use of violent and sexual imagery in their videos.
The Goal? Pave the way for laws and regulations to control Hip Hop. The Motive? To manufacture consent.
As Minister Farrakhan so eloquently states - Hip Hop is a competitor for the hearts and minds of millions of young people around the world. Big Brother doesn't like competition. They see Hip Hop as a threat. Discrediting Hip Hop paves the way for speech laws and Thought Police powers.
Why go after black Hip Hop yet ignore Jewish Hollywood?
Handkerchief Head Negro On 60 Minutes
Why go after black Hip Hop yet ignore Jewish Hollywood?
You say this as if there is a distinction between the two.
Why go after black Hip Hop yet ignore Jewish Hollywood?
Intellectual Insurgent said...
You say this as if there is a distinction between the two.
The same difference between David Stern and Allen Iverson.
The difference between Howard Cosell and Muhammad Ali.
The difference between Gerald Levin and Tupac Shakur.
The difference between Ahmet Ertegun and Miles Davis.
The difference between Clive Davis and Aretha Franklin.
Controlling distribution and finance is one thing. Producing soul that captures the imagination of the world is another.
Were there no distinction between Hollywood and Hip Hop millions of people would believe Tupac Golderg was still alive instead of Tupak Shakur.
DV Said..
As Minister Farrakhan so eloquently states - Hip Hop is a competitor for the hearts and minds of millions of young people around the world. Big Brother doesn't like competition. They see Hip Hop as a threat. Discrediting Hip Hop paves the way for speech laws and Thought Police powers.
Anon Said...
HipHop is co-authored, produced and distributed by Big Brother... Cam'ron is nothing but the sellout house negro... Who justifies his roll in delivering the lyrical crack with a "I'll rap about whatever sells". He could care less about his people. Q:Cam'ron how many Lambo's & Bentley's do you have A:"Several". Because Cam is inspiring his people. And by the way if you witness someone shoot any kill your brother... Don't go snitch and tell the popo or else. Cam needs to keep the blacks killing blacks Chess Game alive. I noticed the minister had no words for that bullshit.
Great pic!
Brother. That's one way to look at it. You certainly have the right to believe everything is 100% the fault of Hip Hop.
I've noticed you been getting a bit sensitive in some previous posts, and I don't want you to interpret my deconstruction of your argument as a personal attack.
However your position lacks depth. You are eager to find a simple villain, a boogey man upon which you can vent your understandable frustration with the pervasiveness of negative behavior within "the hood" as you call it.
The problem is you, and millions like you are falling into a carefully orchestrated trap designed to blame Hip Hop for a crime committed by a number of perpetrators.
Cam'ron did not invent the free market system. To a large extent Cam'ron and the millions that respond to him, have been victims of that market economy. They had to sink or swim. He chose to swim.
He wraps himself in the accouterments of material success because that image SELLS in America. Americans worship money. Money is God to millions of bourgeois conformist consumers.
Cam'ron is no different from Donald Trump in that regard.
Hip Hop is many things, not all of them good. However no one can deny they tremendous power of Hip Hop to communicate ideas and compel people all around the world to feel the same thing.
We would be fools to shoot ourselves in the collective foot by silencing our only media asset.
Hip Hop is a societal mirror.
Society would rather break the mirror than look at itself and have to change.
The brother in the video says that if this stuff was played in the boardroon, the board members would shudder. And that's where he is wrong.
Lyor and his boss Edgar "having black daughters" Bronfman, Jr. know exactly what the heck is being pushed onto the black community. They welcome it.
As to Busta not snitchin' that isn't a function of "business', but a function of the certainty of death. Busta, as long as I've known him, might have that crazy Jamaican temper, but he isn't a Gangsta. He also isn't suicidal.
The terrorists in our community who have been encouraged and coddled by the, how did you put it? "Hollywood Jews" (which shouldn't detract from the rest of these racist crackas), are also being coddled by the police.
Policing in the black community traditionally has been about policing THE black community, rather than getting rid of the criminal element.
Don't forget Larry Davis.
So. What you have here is a convergence of two aspects of white supremacy.
Besides that sh** about rappers not dealing with PoPo is pure bulls*** Most of their bodyguards are either off-duty police or, more prevalent, COs.
DV. By defending these assholes you are making yourself an ally of the racist white folks who are trying to destroy our community.
You ain't never gonna get Camron or fitty to turn around. They've made the conscious decision to turn their backs on the black community.
As to Farrakhan...
He needs to stop defending these knuckleheads and, thereby, their Jewish Hollywood sponsors.
"Hip Hop is a societal mirror.
Society would rather break the mirror than look at itself and have to change."
Hip Hop ain't no f**** societal mirror. And Gangsta especially not.
I'm getting tired of this pseudo-intellectual armchair revolutionary House Negro Bull*** a la Dyson.
DV Said...
Cam'ron did not invent the free market system. To a large extent Cam'ron and the millions that respond to him, have been victims of that market economy. They had to sink or swim. He chose to swim.
Anon Said...
See I think you are coming around a little. We agree he (Cam'ron and others) chose to swim but at what cost. I have nephews who because they are young and impressionable believe in Cam'ron's Gansta b.s. until I have a talk with them that it's all an act. Every kid doesn'y have a someone to set them straight. Cam'ron has not lived in the hood or some Gansta lifestyle since his first paycheck so what he raps about is made up(Except the groupies and material b.s.).
For the record once again:
I know you know the deal... You just phucking with us... Devil's Advocate
You couldn't be more off base.
I aint fucking with nobody. I advocate truth and self-definition. I attack hypocrisy and intellectual laziness.
Your core assumption that your "nephews" imitate Cam'ron because that is all they see misses the mark.
An American teenager is bombarded with 2,000 messages a day competing for his attention. From McDonald's to the US Army - to local feel good "mentors" who like to think they are teaching somebody something.
Hip Hop appeals to millions not simply because of its gangster iconography but because of THE LACK OF VIABLE MESSAGES ELSEWHERE.
Post Civil Rights Negros and Corporate Negros aint sayin' nothing that makes sense.
What kid really wants to grow up to work for Blue Cross Blue Shield just to get laid off like mommy?
Hip Hop preaches free enterprise and cultural Darwinism.
Plantation Negros preach "stay out of trouble and Massa will be good to you one day".
Anon you call yourself a "mentor".
What is that exactly? What does a mentor do? He talks. Period.
Essentially a mentor is a rapper.
Instead of hating on Cam'ron and the others, tighten up your own flow. Inspire kids in your own right.
Quit fantasizing they would be listening to you were it not for 50 Cent.
If I came at you and said, "I don't care what affect my message has on my people - I only want money," you'd call me a sellout Tom. But if I was a rapper, err, poet, you'd get on your knees and kiss my shoes.
So do you support this "stop snitching" movement, and if anyone ever harmed you would you refuse to cooperate with the police??
Big J
1) A mentor takes the time to give back to his or her community. I am more in touch with what the less fortunate black teens experience everyday then you will ever. But that's your choice not to do the same. I respect that.
2) What my nephews see and what influences them to do negative shit is not missing the mark. You are promoting "HipHop" and I am telling you what has happened directly from what you promote to be positive. You can choose to bury your head in the sand. That's your choice. I respect that.
3) Hiphop appeals to millions( Thus it must be good)??? Well so does porn, snuff movies, meth, twinkes, pork... Does that make it good just because it appeals to millions??? Is that your logic??? If so than I respect that.
4) I am not hating on Cam'ron... I don't know Cam'ron... But I know he sold out his people even before his stupid ass remarks/responses last night. But if you have his CD in your cd changer. I respect that.
Keeping It Real
If I came at you and said, "I don't care what affect my message has on my people - I only want money," you'd call me a sellout Tom.
Nah. I'd call you a broke rapper.
Young people are not complete morons who consume anything put in front of them. They REJECT 99% of the shit that is marketed to them.
Young black people don't want to "be cared for". That's what you confused liberals don't want to accept.
"So do you support this "stop snitching" movement, "
Not cooperating with the people who have placed 1,000,000 young black men in For Profit Prisons - is an intelligent thing to do.
Rappers are 3 years ahead of Civil Rights Negros.
When white men write a book about it and teach it at Harvard you and the Mike Fisher's of the world will come around.
Need Massa's endorsement before you see the light.
DV: When white men write a book about it and teach it at Harvard you and the Mike Fisher's of the world will come around.
Robyn: Good one!
Oh please, Robyn, two weeks ago you were on our side. You flip flop more than John Kerry. :-)
DV doesn't believe this crap he writes. I'm convinced.
J, that had to be you.
I didnt flip. I'm not saying that hip hop is squeaky clean. Never have. I just dont think its the cause of ALL of the problems in the black community. Unlike many of yall, I'll admit that I like hip hop, cussin and violence and all. I dont feel the need to wear my JD around my neck with the matching stick up my ass.
Not all kids that listen to hip hop are screwed up. You take hip hop away from the poor, fatherless, sub-standard education receiving kids, and the same problems will exist. That's all I'm saying.
There is another dimension that the Plantation Negros can't / don't/ won't understand.
This most recent organized campaign to demonize Hip Hop is orchestrated by competing media, and Plantation Negros are being played like violins.
Oprah, 60 Minutes, Countless News Editorials, magazine spreads, Don Imus, (Even tried to attach Hip Hop to the Virginia Tech massacre for a minute) ALL IN THE SAME WEEK is no accident.
The fact is Harry Potter will fuck up more kids than Lil Bow Wow ever did.
House Negros need to get a grip.
If not Hip Hop what? A nation of little Will Smiths?
I agree...as I read through past post... you seemed to have flip flopped. It's though you and DV had lunch together or something.
Any way no one has said all hiphop is bad for the 100th time! Common is not bad.. Snoop is. We all know the difference yet you pro-HipHop heads keep lumping them back together to attempt to prove your point. And yes not all kids or adults are impacted by the lyrics... We know... But explain what benefit is there to our people to have some rapper who could care less about his people and most about their Jacob watch... Who tell us to "slap your bitch to keep her in check" a la Snoop????
Anon, please quote me. If I've flipped show me where.
If memory serves, I posted that Quik has been a fave since 5th grade, that Snoop's distinction about only calling bitches and hoes bitches and hoes was BS (which it was, but that aint the whole damn genre's fault), that listeners dont necessarily live music lyrics (used the MJ example), that Mike Fisher should stop name droppin.
I'm missing the flip.
Anon, please quote me. If I've flipped show me where.
If memory serves, I posted that Quik has been a fave since 5th grade, that Snoop's distinction about only calling bitches and hoes bitches and hoes was BS (which it was, but that aint the whole damn genre's fault), that listeners dont necessarily live music lyrics (used the MJ example), that Mike Fisher should stop name droppin.
I'm missing the flip.
They are going after the right people and putting the right people on TV....they need to be interviewing the Camrons and 50 cents because those are the rappers selling millions and influencing an entire culture....not Talib and Common (unfortunately they are selling the millions that are influencing). HOLD THESE GUYS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE IGNORANCE they put out. This would not even be an issue if they were not mainstream and selling millions. The rap that permeates mainstream is consumed with these type of rappers.
If you pay taxes to the IRS then that makes you a "House Negro" as well. Your supporting the same system that you constantly bash. So if you are that feed up.. Dont't support the system of civil order. We all agree there are serious issues with poverty, racism, injustice, etc. It's not a perfect society but what society is??? Just because we have these issues prior to rap and well beyond does not mean that we are blaming rap for all our ills. We have collective issues with specific artist who prefer to be wealthy $$$ than responsible.
Bottom line if you have kids... I am sure you don't go to them each day and say... "To shut that ho up you need to slap that bitch nigga"
Have you heard the news...even Russell Simmons has reversed his stance....Even he can't deny the negative impact mainstream rap is having on our young black culture...I'm glad to see him take accountability for the influence mainstream rap has on our culture (unfortunately). Much respect please be given to Mr. Russell Simmons...he's taking a stance that goes against his pockets and goes with his moral responsibility...No one should censor the rappers but our leaders (and like it or not..Russell Simmons is one of our leaders) should teach them or at least urge them to have social responsibility and take accountability for the negative impact some of their music has on culture....It's up to them to do it or not...It's not a matter of freedom of speech...it's a matter of genocide of a young generation (ok..that may be a bit extremem but this is a huge problem that makes it cool and desirable for every young kid to want to be a gangsta).
lol ... the media is playing Plantation Negros like violins.
lol ... actually got them hailing a decree by "Russell Simmons" as some kind of victory.
Who is he supposed to be? A Hip Hop Booker T Washington or somebody?
Actually, it's not funny. It's sad. The intellectually lazy, one-dimensional analysis of the plantation mentality is alarming. They have no idea they are being played.
They are actually begging "Massa" to whip the uppity Rap Negras.
After you finish watching "Dancing With The Stars" read up on "the manufacture of consent".
"All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume. " Chomsky
"Much respect please be given to Mr. Russell Simmons...he's taking a stance that goes against his pockets and goes with his moral responsibility"
Naw. Keep your respect to yourself. Russell goes wherever the wind of change (particular that in his pocket) blows.
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