Friday, July 27, 2007

The Secular God

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."


Anonymous said...

and not figuratively.


but because so many people do not know a demonstrable way to experience this, they can only believe it on the surface.

I intend in this life to simply believe in god or know god, i intend fully to experience god.

Anonymous said...

That should read, "i do not intend in this life..."

Denmark Vesey said...

Ahhh ...

I was puzzled as hell.

What does "experience God" look like?

Anonymous said...

Because I believe that God is made manifest in every sentient being, inanimate object and experience, it is my intention to be in every moment; aware and awake. Not thinking about what I could be doing next or should have done before but simply “being here now”

In cultivating moment to moment, non-judgmental awareness I have experienced that god is there, in every instant, all the time with the answers and anecdotes, always dispensing stunning truth.

The trees are brighter and more fragrant (an experience of god) when I am present. My children’s smiles are more brilliant and their foibles more human (an experience of god) when I practice this awareness. When I am present I am able to see and acknowledge the parts of me that make acceptance more difficult and cooperation less feasible and eventually through further expansion I aim to become more like God; accessible, open, giving and forgiving, balanced and beautiful.

I understand that the things I “think” are not me. And in learning to control my thoughts, I am in fact watching the way in which that mere act wheels the world about me in the most amazing directions. And in these moments when I stay clear and present, god never fails to be there.

but alas, doing is believing.

Denmark Vesey said...

"And in learning to control my thoughts, I am in fact watching the way in which that mere act wheels the world about me in the most amazing directions."

That's wonderful.

Christ said, "God is a Spirit, obey Him in spirit and in truth."

God is Absolute Love, Truth, Justice, Goodness and Beauty. If you believe these things are real, whether you accomplish them or not, you believe in God.

Anonymous said...

but i have come to know that believing in love (God) and experiencing love (God) are as different as believing in water and drinking it.

I would encourage people to not be afraid to drink.

Denmark Vesey said...

Believing is overrated.

The act of "believing" is an intellectual exercise. God is spirit.

That is why he does "not exist" to those whose spirits have atrophied from lack of exercise.

(I won't say no names. Skip.)

Anonymous said...

Christ said, "God is a Spirit, obey Him in spirit and in truth."

I would contend that in order to obey one would have to hear/understand the command.

Because we take in so much from the outside it is difficult for most of us to distinguish between the voice of the Spirit and the lingering voice of our mother or the hip and worldly voice of Joan from Girlfriends.

And often even when we hear there is too little trust because there is too little experience in trusting and having the answer come up like sunrise; on time and brilliant.

It is in this meditative silence that I am able to filter the noise from the truth and separate out the ego from the reality of god.

Outside of that I am just hoping and guessing, praying and waiting. Believing in the virtue and renewing power of water but never drinking.

Anonymous said...

leave skip alone.

J.C. said...

Thank you sweetheart, Jasai.