Friday, May 25, 2012

Yeah Yeah ... The Baby In The Washing Machine Is Crazy ... But I'm Tripping On The Dumbed Down Speech Of The Mother

The Plantation is poisoning the food supply to keep our people obese, sick and stupid. It is the new form of slavery.

Healthy intelligent people are impossible to enslave.

Remember Where You Heard It First.

Remember Where You Heard It Best.


Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

The Corporate Propaganda Media will be more interested in the novelty of this little Black kid getting put into a front loading washing machine in his 15 Minutes of Fame - than they will dare to do a deep expose' when and if in 18 years - this young lad becomes the first "Father / Son Jail Cell Mates" in the history of the NJ Department Of Corrections.


Make a reference model of what a FREE AND CONSCIOUS PEOPLE would be doing to EXPRESS their consciousness and you will see that the PREVAILING CONSCIOUS SENTIMENT among the Black American is COUNTER TO this reference.

Big Mama says she wants the boy friend punished BUT does not want him incarcerated.

WHAT AUTHORITY is going to render the PUNISHMENT?

* The Black Community Watch?
* The Church The Man Goes To In Common With The Mother?
* The Korean Owned Landry Users Association?
* The Police/ Court System?

ANSWER: THERE IS NO INSTITUTION that stands between the "Make It Up As You Go Along" Black Community culture and THE POLICE & JUDGE

If there was such an overlay - hundreds of thousands of Black males - like the kids father - would have had a culturally consciousness based intervention - long before THE FUZZ had to get involved.

Denmark Vesey said...


You might be right Feed.

But let's examine your core assumptions.


Who ... exactly is "we"??




What ... exactly has been "lost"?




Which ... people have been "lost"?

I aint lost.

My family aint lost.

Sista Nurse aint lost.

Hot Wax aint lost.

D. Smith aint lost.

That Dude aint lost.

Gee Chee Vision aint lost.

Ugly Black John aint lost.

Conservative Black Woman damn sure aint lost.

Why must we speak in this "we" paradigm?

Is every Black person "we"?

Is there such a thing as a Black "Community"?

Or is that some intellectually lazy fantasy that is used when we don't know what to say?

I submit that the people who have been "lost" have lost their minds.

Their minds have been chemically stolen through a systematic poisoning that started with baby formula, vaccines and Kool-aid.

Those "people" happen to be white, black, hispanic, Asians, Arabs, Africans ... erybody.

MEL said...

Poor baby. As for her speech, I'm leaning more towards an orthodontic issue.

Amarie said...

Watching that tape made me angry. It hurts me to know that innocent children like the one in the video are being put in harms way.

Constructive Feedback said...

Ah Brother DV - I forgot who I was talking to.

Please allow me to "tighten up" my argument:

Based on what I know of you and your family:

1) The pool of females that you would PREFER your sons chose a life partner from....

2) The pool of males who you would PREFER your daughter, who you are investing so much effort into, to bring home for an inspection by mom and dad to see if he measures up.

3) The pool of people that - when you go to a place for the first time - where in a sea of "Others" you see THEM and feel some unspoken bit of relief because this "sea" of people are noting YOUR outer exception - while you look to "the pool" for tacit notes about the safety of the place - per the likelihood that their values and life experiences match your own.

THESE are the "WE" that I speak of.
THIS virtual yet VOLUNTARY group of individuals who history had FORCED THEM into a bit of uncomfortable group coordination. Where as the White colonists said "Either We Stand Together Or Hang Together" (or whatever the saying goes) they were fighting a war of opportunity to clear the title of the land that they use their superior munitions to acquire.

However, when this virtual group that I speak of said "Either We Stand Together Or Hang Together" they were talking about the threat from the oppressor who did not want the philosophy of "All Men Are Created Equal" to apply to those melanated band of people.

Surely you have a vested interest to avoid returning to a time where NOT YOU but EXTERNAL FORCES compelled you to avoid being HUNG?

My argument is that instead of worrying about RETROGRESSING - the need at this time is to focus on DEVELOPMENT so that internal institutions provide for the strength to avoid making the marks in the dirt as your feet are dragged by men who seek to impose their will upon you as you try desperately to resist.

ed said...

This is the first time I heard that the biological father is in jail. Now, this makes a lot of sense.

This is what happens to a man kids when he is not there for them. Other people have no regard for his kids and do reckless stuff like stuff his kids in a washing machine because after all - what is he going to do about being incarcerated?