LAWSUIT: Travolta began screaming at Plantiff, telling Plantiff how selfish he was, that (Travolta) got where he is now due to sexual favors he had performed when he was in his ‘Welcome Back Kotter’ days; and that "Hollywood is controlled by homosexual Jews" who expect favors in return for sexual activity.
Plaintiff moved away from Defendant, who then lumbered to his feet and began to move towards Plaintiff with erect penis bouncing around is [sic] stride. - (He said) he had "done things in his past that would make most people throw up. -When he started he wasn’t even gay and that the taste of ‘cum’ would make him gag. He was smart enough to learn to enjoy it, and when he began to make millions of dollars, that it all became worth it."
Young Black Lawyer Aint Scared.
Okorie Okorocha is up against one of the most famous lawyers in the United States. Marty Singer represents Travolta and countless other celebrities, including Bruce Willis, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Singer is already threatening to counter-sue Okorie Okorocha and the two clients who raised the allegations against Travolta for bringing (they say) phony allegations to court:

But Okorocha did not blink:

“If Marty Singer thinks he can sue me on the validity of Mr. Travolta’s denials, and if he wants to file the lawsuit now, I will give him a waiver allowing him to proceed with it at this stage of the case, even though under California law he has to wait until he wins the case, and that absolutely won’t be happening. It will never happen, he won’t win, so we might as well get it over with now. Bring it on.”
Brother DV:
You have been suspiciously quiet about Obama's violation of your "Get A Chick" guidance to brothers seeking to live the good life.
Con Feed!
Hey bruh.
Owe you a few responses. Busy as hell lately.
Not hip.
What did Obama do?
"Loose Lips" Joe Biden forced Iceberg Slim out of the closet: "Same-sex couples should be able to get married."
Should get him a ton of money from Hollywood. Could be costly in Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina.
The interesting thing is that The Perfect Proxy claims to be concerned about "people's rights" while assaulting the US constitution.
"While assaulting the US constitution"? How? Did the Founding Fathers law down some laws about gay people?
"While assaulting the US constitution"? How? Did the Founding Fathers law down some laws about gay people?
"While assaulting the US constitution"? How? Did the Founding Fathers law down some laws about gay people?
[quote]"Loose Lips" Joe Biden forced Iceberg Slim out of the closet: "Same-sex couples should be able to get married."
Joe Biden timing was as ACCIDENTAL as as the young brother who went bare back, got the chick pregnant and then claimed that since he was never taught about the "birds and the bees" by his parents he can't be held accountable.
Obama did a speech yesterday (Friday) in which "Marriage EQUALITY" was the primary indictment against his opponent.
For a body of thought that is always seeking to MAKE PEOPLE EQUAL - their failure to convince HETEROSEXUALS with free will to submit their selfish interests to the INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE proves that they are only good for talking points.
Dude, you obviously missed the point.
It never ceases to amaze me how gullible the American body politic is. This president is absolutely trashing the US Constitution without a whimper of protest!
Makheru is right on the moolah.
Sharpton, Jackson and Dyson are trying to rally support for Obama on homosexual marriage rights.
Since 72 percent of Afrikan American children are being raised in a single parent family they should be trying to rally support for Afrika American marriage.
I am arguing exactly as you say.
In the past 2 weeks we had news that the USA was increasing its drone bombings on Yemen and Pakistan. IT DECIDES who is a terrorist and then it launches a bomb. No need for a "Terror Trial".
Obama is the most EFFICIENT IMPERIALIST of our time.
The Silent American Negroes are going to need to have government drones hitting their houses before they understand that their SUPPORT FOR OBAMA has NOTHING to do with their need to be CONSISTENT in limiting the excesses of government.
You have to give Obama credit.
He knows that for his base he needs to give them NEWS TO PROPAGANDIZE FOR HIM to allow them to ignore the larger, more damning news that they would otherwise be protesting against.
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