A. A group of people perceive they are under attack.
B. An 'extremist' fringe group emerges demanding retribution.
C. Atrocities are committed against innocent members of the majority.
D. Extremists identifying themselves as members of the group originally attacked, 'claim' responsibility for the latest atrocities.
E. Defending the majority from the attacks of the radicalized extremists is the excuse used to justify an expanded "war" on the group originally attacked.

The Trayvon Martin story is a managed meme, a staged event, designed to outrage blacks and to provoke some of them into attacking whites. Facts are few and mysterious. Speculation is plentiful and definitive. Everyone is polarized.
No investigation. No trial. No due process. Just fragments of circumstantial evidence released at timed intervals that seem to radicalize both sides of the Left Right dialectic.
Plantation Negros do not see the Head Fake. For Blacks to convict George Zimmerman via the media invites the same to be done to the next Black man publicly accused of a crime.
The goal? A race war and justification by the state for an across the board suspension of civil liberties for all Americans.
The 'New' Black Panther party is being set up as a domestic version of Al CIAduh,. Its purpose is to serve as the face of the 'domestic Black militant'. A voice for the Negro Boogeyman. To portray Black Americans as a radicalized threat to American security.
Trayvon Martin today. Drone strikes in the hood tomorrow.
Remember Where You Heard It First.
DV are you saying the murder of Trayvon was a false flag or are you saying the media coverage of that murder was a fasle flag?
I wish I could convince all folk around me to tune the hype out and think.
Just when I think I got their rationale in a forward motion, some Fox News comment hits the fan then we're right back to the 1st setting oscillating in place.
-89% believe 9/11 is a cover up, atleast those who contribute to the poll taken for the Anderson Cooper Show.
-Occupy Wall Street Movement
These are two good reasons to use race as the saving grace from the peons. Of coarse we'll have race issues that's natural but our disagreements are so exacerbated causing extreme paranoia.
I hate to see us so emotional and getting played. But as the 89% poll & Occupy Wall Street movement demonstrates, by nature falsehood is gradual settling sediment to the buoyancy of truth.
Our problem is that we keep historical lessons divided up as extinct random occurrences.
"DV are you saying the murder of Trayvon was a false flag or are you saying the media coverage of that murder was a fasle flag?"
What exactly happened is undetermined still.
But the coverage is definitely biased in itself. For example, black teens routinely murder others (of all races, including black) all the damn time - often while screaming racial slurs = hate crimes.
For example:
The Knoxville Horror: Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom, and Vanessa Coleman: Three Names that the MSM Don’t Want You to Know
"Seven black teens, ages 13 to 16, have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime when they attacked a 15-year-old Hispanic boy while he was walking home from school in Southern California, according to police.
During the beating, the teens made racially derogatory statements that were captured on the video, Ford said.
After the victim fell to the ground, the assailants kicked him multiple times in the head, knocked out several teeth and left shoe impressions on his skin, Ford said."
Yet, how come ONLY "white" on "black" crimes like Trayvon's garner such Kardashian-level hype??? And get assumed as a racial hate crime by default - simply due to the color of both peoples' skin? While the others all get swept under the rug and quickly suppressed?
affirmative action for thug-jiggaboos?
But what do you expect when the exemplars of black masculinity in the popular culture are know-nothing, do-nothing, useless thug-jiggaboos?
Given the prevailing levels of anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-commonsense being promoted as a "global system of black supremacy" how could you honestly expect anything else?
Problem=Reaction=Solution you have written exactly what I was thinking.
Trayvon Martin today. Drone strikes in the hood tomorrow.—DV
No drones yet, but a “white man” in a pick-up strikes in Tulsa.
Five people shot. Three were killed. All were Afrikan American.
[Police believe that four shootings that left three people dead and two others injured at separate locations and times early Friday were all connected in what they are calling an "unprecedented" event. All of the victims were walking through neighborhoods when they were shot, Walker said.
Detectives were working through tips and leads they had received and were able to discern that a white man driving a white pickup might have been involved.]
[Chief Chuck Jordan described the shootings at four separate sites -- all of which occurred early Friday within two to three miles of each other -- as "vicious and cowardly attacks."
A survivor described the suspect as a white man, driving an "older" white pickup truck, according to Jordan. Police Capt. Jonathan Brooks told CNN that such a truck had been spotted at at least three of the shooting sites, around that time.]
“The Trayvon Martin story is a managed meme, a staged event, designed to outrage blacks and to provoke some of them into attacking whites.”
Did it provoke some an outraged white man into attacking Afrikan Americans?
“The 'New' Black Panther party is being set up as a domestic version of Al CIAduh,.”
Apparently the NBPP didn’t get the message, but the Neo-Nazi’s did.
[Heavily armed neo-Nazis are said to be patrolling the streets of Sanford, Florida to protect “white citizens in the area” in case of race riots.
According to a blog at the Miami New Times, the patrols were initiated by Jeff Schoep of the Detroit-based National Socialist Movement in response to the shooting of African-American teen Trayvon Martin by self-appointed neighborhood vigilante George Zimmerman.
“We are not advocating any type of violence or attacks on anybody,” Schoep insists, “but we are prepared for it, we are not the type of white people who are going to be walked all over.”]
Afrikan Americans have been extremely disciplined in their protests, but the raw elements of the White Supremacy Dynamic are pushing the envelope.
Nevertheless, this could become the moment Northcom has been preparing for.
The U.S. Military's Plan for London-Like Riots
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