Monday, March 12, 2012

KONI 2012 • Advanced NWO Hegelian Head Fake 002 • DV University • Spring 2012

Denmark Vesey said ...
Four years ago DV sounded the alarm regarding the "Save Darfur Hoax" and revealed the movement for what it was:  Propaganda designed to support the breaking off a US-friendly micro-state in the oil rich south of Sudan.

Today DV is ringing the bell as we witness what appears to be the next phase in NeoCon false-flag interventionist propaganda: an entire continent of US / Corporate friendly micro-states.

The goal of the KONI 2012 hype?  Perpetuation of chaos and war on the African continent which will trigger demand for "international" military intervention which will in turn facilitate the direct flow of African natural resources to the international corporate oligarchy. 

Hegemony 2012

Now, your average Plantation Negro will not immediately recognize this hoax because it is difficult to understand how NeoCon military and foreign policy goals can be accomplished using humanitarian propaganda.

"Come on DV!  If Joseph Koni is killin' Afwikan chilen ... how can sendin UN Twoops tuh stop duh killin' be a bad thing!"

NeoCon Formula To Dominate Africa

1) Identify Resource Rich African Nation
2) Install and support puppet regime
3) Pressure and bribe puppet politicians to accept 'international loans' with the nation's sovereignty and natural resources pledged as collateral
4) Pay-off or kill legitimate opposition to the proxy government
5) Fund a controlled 'opposition' movement
6) Commit atrocities and even genocide in the name of that 'opposition' movement
7) Hype YouTube videos of kind liberal whites yearning to save innocent chopped up African chidren from savage mindless machete wielding African adults
8) Have domestic celebrities and Plantation Negro politicians jump on the bandwagon of support for immediate humanitarian intervention
9) Default. Invade.  Occupy.  Enslave.
10) Rinse & Repeat

If you want to stop the senseless killing of African children, demand our African-American President stop funding covert wars on the African continent.


Anonymous said...

You and your blog were THE FIRST things I thought of when I saw a Koni 2012 post on Facebook.

Hope all is well.


Denmark Vesey said...

R Jaaaaaaaay S Q!!!

Heyyyy Lady!

How you? Long time?

ha! Yeah. You called it.

This Koni Head Fake is classic

Anonymous said...

Violence like that in the video has been going on for years in Africa and no one gave it a second thought. And now they scream "Bloody Murder!!" I swear are there no boundaries to peoples hypocrisy??

screwball said...

Just another excuse to invade Africom. *yawn*

Usrael is cockblocking Iran & China who are there for legit business reasons.

makheru bradley said...

I totally agree DV with your analysis.

I think that it is very easy for these young white liberals to buy into the propaganda that an Afrikan is the number one criminal against humanity on the planet versus the current and past occupiers of the White House; Number 10 Downing Street; the Elysee Palace; the US Dept. of State; the US Dept. of Defense; the House of Lords, etc. etc. Connecting Afrikans to criminality is what they’ve been taught their entire lives.

The ICC has open investigations in seven countries. All of them are in Afrika. Those investigations have yielded 28 indictments: 25 of those indicted are people of Afrikan descent and three are from Libya, one of whom was murdered on October 20, 2011. Five leaders of the LRA are on the ICC’s most wanted list, one of whom was killed in 2006. Obviously, there are no war criminals in Europe, North America, or Israel—just a lot of innocent dead people in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya whom the real war criminals refer to as collateral damage.

Constructive Feedback said...

Did any one mention WHO was on the ICC LIST - in total?

To be clear - YES there is a problem in Uganda that should be addressed. I do not trust the ICC and their agenda.

Uganda needs institutions to keep strong men in check. I do not believe that this FaceBook-lead effort is the way to bring a permanent peace.

Jaso said...

THANK-YOU. I've BEEN said that the so called non integrating states and those axis of evil powers so declared all seem to be made up of persons of color. Are all the Euro dominant states so well behaved? Or is it that age old symbolism of the ' civilized' countries needing to step in and save the ' savages' from themselves. May God bring about TRUTH and Justice here on Earth.