Thursday, January 12, 2012

Little Brotha Don't Get It ...

IllMath said...
Precisely Makeru thereby making Ron Paul "The Perfect Proxy to carry out the agenda of the oligarchic psychopathocracy." He's saying what we want to hear.

People are more informed than ever about the feds the IMF etc. Therefore you need a Ron Paul who will speak the same rhetoric that Americans want to hear. He can't do shit. These niggas will off him in a second. Oh but I guess Im supposed to have hope.

LOL to think Ron Paul is apart of some grassroots movement by the people, bwoi ya'll buggin' same shit..Obama says I'll end the war, Paul says I'll take out the Fed...bullshit..may as well keep Obama there for the sake of history.

His Royal Highness Denmark Vesey said ...

That's the mistake ya'll cats making.

Taking advantage of the opportunity afforded by Ron Paul's candidacy has nothing to do with a "grassroots movement by the people".

Man, fuck a grassroots movement.  "Grassroots" is just another word for broke.

I told you 5 years ago.  I'm going to tell you again today.  The war is fought with memes.  Not votes. Not even bullets and bombs.  Memes are currency.  Memes are money.  Memes are power.

Ron Paul is a very useful fucking meme.

He proves the emperor has no clothes.

Plantation Negros ... deep down inside ... deeeeeeeeep down inside ... WANT to think Massa is all powerful.

"Whan Pawl cayn't do shit! 
Duh Olygarkic Sycopathahcrusy is ALL POWERFULLL
Aint No Use Even Twyin' Tuh Wesistt!
He cayn' Ahdit Duh Fed!
Weeeez Alllll NIGGGAS!!!



Illmath said...

The emperor does have clothes, and they're nuclear....
Ron Pawl issa awa saveya! Cuh dat no gud nugguh Obaaama is baaad...but get ol massa Pawl in de cheyuh and wesa gon be frwee cuh he talk the talk and I knows he gon walk da walk..and even if he don't issa powafuh meme!

I like the two term Black president meme better

CNu said...

Man, fuck a grassroots movement. "Grassroots" is just another word for broke.

Memes are currency.
Memes are money.
Memes are power.

Grassroots command of cyberspace - and everything that depends thereon - is also currency, money, and power.

Take the alternative and non-state sanctioned digital currency Bitcoin for one example;

To stand up and fight to protect lawful online activity from legal threats isn’t for the faint of heart… it takes big ones.

Take the Occupy movement and its interesting origins for another;

As many of you hopefully know, Anonymous was built by CultoftheDeadCow/Hacktivismo to act as guardian and protector of WikiLeaks. As most of you hopefully also know, Occupy Wall St. was kicked off by Adbusters and Anonynmous, but now has a life of its own.

Hackers have never had a problem distributing either software or memes...,

Ron Paul knows that he doesn't have a prayer. He's just laying the groundwork for Rand Paul.

Frankly, the groundwork and the groundswell laid by the hacker eye-Leet that has given rise to "scary" alternative currencies now in use worldwide, and, "scary" grassroots movements that cannot be marginalized by the corporate media - is the real and for true game-changer.

Ron Paul is merely a minor distraction...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Come on bruhhhh ....

You driving in the slow lane.

You are making the same mistake as these other cats CNu.

You don't understand the opportunity in the Ron Paul phenomenon.

It's not about what "Ron Paul will do for anyone".

It's what Ron Paul helps you realize what you can do for yourself.

Ron Paul does for the nation, what I do for you cats.

He has the heart, the intellectual courage and the memetic swag to teach people shit they need to know.

Even when they don't like it.

Ron Paul is proving the Mind Controllers are not all powerful.

People can be free ... if they want it.

Ron Paul irritates and scares those who deep down inside yearn for the nanny state.

The benevolent bureaucracy. The Federal Savior. Lincoln. Kennedy. Clinton.

Yeah. Ron Paul is a Plantation Negro and a Plantation Cracka nightmare.

He dares them to be free.

And ... he's the Blackest man on the planet right now.

Anonymous said...

"Whan Pawl cayn't do shit!


Illmath said...

translation: Ron Pawl issa awa saveya! Cuh dat no gud nugguh Obaaama is baaad...but get ol massa Pawl in de cheyuh and wesa gon be frwee cuh he talk the talk and I knows he gon walk da walk..and even if he don't issa powafuh meme!

I like the two term Black president meme better

that dude said...

You're actually hawking "small government"?

Small government is cities that can't afford to keep the lights on all night long.

Small government is less services for poor suckas who support their own destruction. I don't see any rich people with less government support in small government. In fact, small government means there are no checks and balances to raptor capitalism. And you're trying to spin as a "man up" moment?

that dude said...

Oh, and Illmath wins again.