Monday, January 09, 2012

An Introduction To Plantation Negro Logic 001 • DV University • Spring 2012

Study history.  Whenever and wherever the Plantation feeds negros, the negros become slaves.
CNu said... 
I'm shocked you didn't think of DV and have that event catered by Whole Foods. They woulda hooked you up with kale, sprouts, celery, wild black African quinoa, carrots, ginger, cauliflower, bottles of first-pressed organic Greek olive oil, cumin, tumeric, bananas, nectarines, avocados, onions, wild talapia, fresh spinach linguine, tomatoes, gluten-free chia seed muffins, bok choy, string beans, fresh pesto, limes, and pink salt.
You coulda called it The Blackest New Years Eve event in Beaumont. 
Denmark Vesey said ...

Don't listen to DV.  He crazy.  Have the event catered by Walmart.  They will hook you up with genetically modified factory meat, High Fructose Corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, estrogen mimicking BPA's, pesticides, fluoride, mind altering antidepressants, microwaved macaroni and cheese, cloned Frankenstein meat, growth hormone treated cows milk, artery clogging starches, diabetes causing dairy products, "vegetables" completely void of nutrition, cancer causing canola oil, white bread, spam and a tub of "I can't believe it's not butter."
You can call it the The Fattest New Year's Eve event in Beaumont.


CNu said...

Why you gotta do me like that magne?

I didn't throw the Remy and Ribs soiree!!!

There I was try'na back your play and promote a cornerstone of the Blackest curriculum.

CNu said...

You need to holla at y'boy Brock Hardon too!!!

uglyblackjohn said...

Nah, DeeVee...
'The Fattest New Years In Beaumont' is too obvious.
It's odd, I rarely drink yet I have a nightclub.
I don't eat the buffet but I'll provide it for whomever wants to eat it.
The club does help to finance gardens being planted in the hood though.