Makheru Bradley said...
Remember Frantz Fanon
Frantz Fanon (July 20, 1925 – December 6, 1961)
Pambazuka has a series of articles honoring the great Afrikan mind of Frantz Fanon.
What would Fanon make of ‘the myriad socio-economic and political problems facing Africans and people of African descent today,’ asks Ama Biney, on the 50th anniversary of his death.
Fanon appears more current than ever, writes Mireille Fanon Mendès-France. Thanks to his thought, many people have learnt that the fight for liberty, democracy and human rights is led against local despots and against the tenets of the neo-colonial order which they protect.
Big Ups to Brother Fanon, but the piece is bullshit.
This is 2011. Brother Fanon would not view the enemy of humanity through the lens of 1960's style neo-colonialism. Frantz Fanon would look squarely in the eye of the Scientific Dictatorship of 2012 ... and write about it.

Frantz Fanon (July 20, 1925 – December 6, 1961)
Pambazuka has a series of articles honoring the great Afrikan mind of Frantz Fanon.
What would Fanon make of ‘the myriad socio-economic and political problems facing Africans and people of African descent today,’ asks Ama Biney, on the 50th anniversary of his death.
Fanon appears more current than ever, writes Mireille Fanon Mendès-France. Thanks to his thought, many people have learnt that the fight for liberty, democracy and human rights is led against local despots and against the tenets of the neo-colonial order which they protect.
Denmark Vesey said ...

Where is this righteous fight against despotism taking place today?
Libya? Syria?
Who are the "despots"?
Gaddafi? Assad?
Nah... Despotism aint local and aint nobody really fightin' it. No one actually fights tyranny anymore. (Apparently, the corporate government is putting something in the vaccines and pork to make Plantation negros complacent and docile. )
'Neo-colonialism' is actually global slavery and needs to be thought of as such. It is maintained by an insane class of misanthropic technocrats whose ideological roots trace back to ancient cults obsessed with human sacrifice and the destruction of the world.
They hide inside Trojan horses called "Global Warming", "Peak Oil", "War on Terror", "H1N1 Pandemic", "No Child Left Behind", "The Food Pyramid", "Health Care", and "School". From there they wage wars of fear, disinformation, eugenics and Group Identity politics that perpetuate conflict and chaos.
So nah Mak.
وسوادا الرجل على الانترنت يحب أن تمتص من قضبان نيجروس مع رجل الثدي
هذا هو السبب في انه يحب التباهي هيغل
مايك فيشر هو مثلي الجنس العم توم
من هو هذا مايك فيشر تتحدثون عن كافر؟
'Neo-colonialism' is actually global slavery and needs to be thought of as such. It is maintained by an insane class of misanthropic technocrats whose ideological roots trace back to ancient cults obsessed with human sacrifice and the destruction of the world.
lol, touchy touchy,
Kernal panic at Larouche Noir.
My little direct hit on David Livingstone and his Larouchian Dying God disinformation provoked a buffer overflow and system race conditions...,
Now having found the johnson on which hangs the whole and entire Bacon-Bey ben Jiggaboo ouevre - it's only a matter of time before the work of the wackest is broken into itsy bitsy pieces.
Why the effort to conceal the source of your politics?
Your "religion"?
Your whole and entire "school"?
NYAUOT exemplified?
or something more dubious than that?
NYAUOT, or Nigga You Ain't Up On This, is a peculiar disease that causes patients to go to great lengths to prove they are ahead of the curve when it comes to some subject. That could be fashion, or cars, or movies, or music, or books or women, or pretty much anything that allows you to flaunt your futuristic sense of, well, something.
NYAUOT is typically acute in middle school and high school, but some folks can show signs of a serious infection well into adulthood. In fact, some scientists believe that the disease has reached pandemic status worldwide as more people have been able to tell how "up" they are based on the Internet. Not only is the net a wonderful source of information and porn, it is also the best way to glean info on obscure crap that is sure to delight other small-minded individuals.
Males who suffer from NYAUOT can often be identified by outlandish clothing worn in a self-conscious, yet arrogant manner that begs for others to notice them. Typically, they cast furtive glances around crowds to see who is watching them, and they have perfected the art of lame disinterest in their surroundings.
They prefer European cars, or the latest vehicles popular among yuppies. They tend to listen to CDs that can only be purchased on-line, and roughly every third sentence they like to work the phrase, "Well, you probably haven't heard about this..." into their conversation. Their disease may be confined to areas like sports, fashion or music, but often unfortunately many NYAUOT sufferers have taken a holistic approach to the disease. Everything in their lives is designed to elicit envy or at least responses like "Never heard of that" or "So, where did you get that from?"
As opposed to:
NGOFMD, or Nigga Get Off My Dick
lol ...
I mean ... like dude.
Do you REALLY think anyone is bothering to read 500 words of Malthusian psychobabble from some "Anonymous" Plantation Negro with man-boobs and too much time on his hands?
If anybody out there ... actually read this shit.
Please raise your hand?
not only did you read it, but it unnerved you enough the first time you read it, that you took the time to delete it.
Second time around, and faced with the certainty that it would go up again and again, you tryna laugh it off - but at the very same time - you take it off the top and tryta bury it.
is your game really that weak, flimsy, and transparent?
Fat bama Jigaboo.
I aint finished reading one of your posts since like February 2009.
even with all the blog admin advantages at your disposal, you don't dare go toe-to-toe with me on a clean discussion thread on the subject of The Dying God.
I would knock your monkey ass clean the phuk out - then where would your whole and entire juvenile NYAUOT steeze be?
You'd be just another, found-out, turned-out, and knocked-out fiddy page book peddling jiggaboo...,
Jigaaaaabooooo please.
Who would want to go toe-to-toe with your fat yellowed toe-nail, pork eatin' Anonymous monkey ass?
Tell you what.
Let's just say we did.
You won.
Now go away.
GOABD (Get Off A Broths Dick)
If you got heart enough to claim your name with no shame ...
No problem.
But all this little Faggotty, Bitchy, Name Callin' shit you do to get my attention ...
is just too gay.
You Come Here Too Much ... not to like it.
Quit Frontin'.
"Denmark Vesey is the most interesting and compelling event in your life and you have great appreciation ..."
And I will consider engaging you as anything other than a fat hater with nothing better to do than ... lurk ... and troll.
"Denmark Vesey is the most interesting and compelling event in your life and you have great appreciation ..."
green tea straight through the nostrils...,
funniest shit I heard in MONTHS jack!!!!
I DO appreciate the belly laughs that your consistently high-quality antics provide.
So look here,
you ack right.
I'll ack right
we bury the hatchet
and agree to disagree
my man
Big Ups to Brother Fanon, but the piece is bullshit. – DV
And you would have us believe that you actually read this article--LOL
Where is this righteous fight against despotism taking place today?
It’s taking place in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen. It’s taking place in Latin America with the formation of CELAC which excluded the US and Canada. It’s taking place with the Occupy Movement. Previously this righteous fight was successful in Venezuela and Bolivia.
Who are the "despots"? Mubarak, Ben Ali, and Saleh to name a few.
Nah... Despotism aint local and aint nobody really fightin' it. – DV
So Mubarak was just a figment of the imagination of the people in Tahrir Square.
'Neo-colonialism' is actually global slavery and needs to be thought of as such.—DV
That is precisely what the article said if you had bothered to read it:
“In Africa, in Europe, Asia, Middle East and America, Fanon appears more current than ever. He makes sense to everyone who fights for freedom and human rights, because emancipation is always the first objective of a generation reaching political maturity. Many men and women have learnt that the fight for liberty, democracy and human rights is led against local despots and also against the tenets of the ne-ocolonial order which they protect. They are used to pillage resources and then ejected when they are no longer useful. However, colonialism's transfiguration did not stop there. Humanitarian interventions, which have taken on an overtly militaristic tone in the war with Libya, have allowed for the quiet installation of NGOs who usurp the influence of the state and tie populations, especially in rural areas, into structural relations of dependency.”
Brother Fanon would not view the enemy of humanity through the lens of 1960's style neo-colonialism. Frantz Fanon would look squarely in the eye of the Scientific Dictatorship of 2012 ... and write about it.—DV
Are you really attempting to speak for someone who you have not studied? The Scientific Dictatorship—whatever that is, is something you write about. Fanon clearly foresaw the evolution of the oligarchic psychopathocracy and its proxies.
[After half-a-century, the toll of independence in the African and Arab worlds has not been mitigated; whether on the social, economic or political plane, the failure is total. The gaining of independence has not liberated the people from the misery, injustice or neglect they suffered under colonial domination. The taking of power by national bourgeoisies – of which Fanon had already identified forerunners in ‘The Misadventures of the National Conscience’ in his book, ‘The Wretched of the Earth’, have led a tragic wrong turning in the anti-colonial struggle.
He describes in his book, years in advance the neo-colonial pathology, as the perpetuation of domination by the submission of corrupt and unpopular national governments to the interests of their former colonial masters.]
Afrika’s most recent “wretched of the earth”
“Suffering from leukemia and pneumonia, Frantz Omar Fanon lived his last day in what he called ‘a nation of lynchers.’ Bethesda, Maryland, USA, was hardly the place he expected to take his last breath.” – Lewis Gordon
For Black people, Libya today is “a nation of lynchers.”
“For almost ten months now, Black Libyans and other Black Africans have been the victims of massacres, torture, shooting, abuse and humiliation.”
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