Constructive Feedback said...
Brother DV:
What is your opinion about:
* Bagbo of Ivory Coast - the first former leader put on trial at the International Criminal Court? The charge - "Crimes against humanity"
* US CIA Drone crashed in Iran but the people who had previously railed against the CIA's exploits around the world as they purchased their copy of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" are now strangely silent about all that the CIA is doing.
What up Feed!
Ggabo? My opinion? A revolutionary in the fight against global fascism.
CIA drone in Iran? I have no comment about the silence of the readers of 'Economic Hitman'.
I'm too busy giving the cats who called the neocon engineered invasions of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and now Iran .... YEARS ... before they went down... THE PROPS THEY ARE DUE.
* Louis Farrakhan
* Noam Chomsky
* Alex Jones
* Israel Shamir
* Lyndon LaRouche (I assume he called it based upon the comments of the Jigaboo Plantation Negro haters who lurk here)
* David Duke
* Wayne Madsen
* Ron Paul
White. Black. Jew. Gentile. Racist. Nationalist. Conservative ... Whatever with the group identity labels: Right ... IS ... Right.
Calling shit in advance ... is calling shit in advance. (peep my archives)

What is your opinion about:
* Bagbo of Ivory Coast - the first former leader put on trial at the International Criminal Court? The charge - "Crimes against humanity"
* US CIA Drone crashed in Iran but the people who had previously railed against the CIA's exploits around the world as they purchased their copy of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" are now strangely silent about all that the CIA is doing.
Denmark Vesey said ...

Ggabo? My opinion? A revolutionary in the fight against global fascism.
CIA drone in Iran? I have no comment about the silence of the readers of 'Economic Hitman'.
I'm too busy giving the cats who called the neocon engineered invasions of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and now Iran .... YEARS ... before they went down... THE PROPS THEY ARE DUE.
* Louis Farrakhan
* Noam Chomsky
* Alex Jones
* Israel Shamir
* Lyndon LaRouche (I assume he called it based upon the comments of the Jigaboo Plantation Negro haters who lurk here)
* David Duke
* Wayne Madsen
* Ron Paul
White. Black. Jew. Gentile. Racist. Nationalist. Conservative ... Whatever with the group identity labels: Right ... IS ... Right.
Calling shit in advance ... is calling shit in advance. (peep my archives)
Brother DV:
What is your opinion about:
* Bagbo of Ivory Coast - the first former leader put on trial at the International Criminal Court? The charge - "Crimes against humanity"
* US CIA Drone crashed in Iran but the people who had previously railed against the CIA's exploits around the world as they purchased their copy of "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" are now strangely silent about all that the CIA is doing.
I like your list. Funny how it is the same list of people the mass media constantly tries to discredit or blackout as whackjobs..
And photos of Hillary from closer than 20' away should be banned. Trying to eat here man.
But do you notice her reptilian slit eyes? Clear as f'n day.
What up Soggy?
I like your style man.
Hillary close up - noted!
Hellury has access to the best cosmets money can buy - so even if the Icke cracked pots were right - you cretins would never be any the wiser.
But it's precisely that level of childish conspiratorial stupidity that relegates everyone on that list except Chomsky and Paul to the garbage disposal.
^^ lol ... ^^
As opposed to how INCREDIBLY WRONG you "Peak Oil" ... "H1N1 Pandemic" ... "2,000 Watt per day" ... "Global Warming" ... pork eatin' Malthusian fools who have fallen for every NWO okey doke in the book.
These clowns crack me up.
Denmark Vesey 10
Plantation Jigaboo 0
lol@bacon-bey ben jiggaboo...,
you post up a conspicuously photoshopped face shot of Hellury and pretend that a list of general purpose ass-clowns (sans Paul/Chomsky) said something important without specifying exactly it is that they were supposed to have said!!!
wtf kind of ignorant, self-serving and self-fulfilling nonsense is that?!?!?!
bacon-bey ben jiggaboo is the middle-aged kneegrow equivalent of a miss teen usa contestant - momentarily entertaining to look at - but dumb as dirt all day long...,
but your momma like it.
roflmbao!! dv you are crazy!
Im Malcolm.. except Elijah ain't gonna flip this time..
Hey all check out Relevant's not as deep as DV but nevertheless the sheeeeeit.
What's happening Rele3vant.
Drop a link. Love to check you out.
DV got me with a 'fro, a 3 piece and a hard shell briefcase. :-)
If only you could Photoshop me with my arms around that first young girl on the right frame of your blog OR that Bev Johnson further down in the list - I wouldn't care who you posted as my image.
PS - While you have an insightful list of people who PREDICTED these military interventions.................I have a longer list:
The list of people who are WATCHING BLACK FOLKS, knowing how they were going to response to OBAMA as the Commander In Chief.
The Koreans who watch Black consumer behavior and place well targeted venues so Blacks can trade in their money for various trinkets or personal services operate on our consciousness locally. These other forces that are watching us in relation to Obama have their sights set on greater things at our expense.
Remember Frantz Fanon
Frantz Fanon (July 20, 1925 – December 6, 1961)
Pambazuka has a series of articles honoring the great Afrikan mind of Frantz Fanon.
What would Fanon make of ‘the myriad socio-economic and political problems facing Africans and people of African descent today,’ asks Ama Biney, on the 50th anniversary of his death.
Fanon appears more current than ever, writes Mireille Fanon Mendès-France. Thanks to his thought, many people have learnt that the fight for liberty, democracy and human rights is led against local despots and against the tenets of the neo-colonial order which they protect.
Frantz Fanon ‘respected us enough to understand that, as with his observation about every generation having to find its mission, to fulfill it or betray it, the responsibility for that future is no other than ours,’ writes Lewis Gordon.
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