fist tap Hot MF Wax
- The poet must have an acute awareness of experience. For this to be true, the poet must be mentally awake and paying attention to experience and its emotional impact. No dullard ever wrote great poetry.
- The poet must have an imagination so fanciful that it creates relationships between experiences, brand new relationships that nobody else ever thought of. In other words, the poet must be able to create new metaphors. A poem without new metaphors is not a great poem. A poem without any metaphors is not poetry at all, regardless of its meaning, sound, structure, or emotional impact.
- The poet must be able to put those metaphors into words that evoke in the attentive reader the precise emotional impact intended by the poet. This is done by choosing words, sounds, and rhythms as carefully as do writers of great song lyrics, strategically calculating the emotional effect of every word, phrase, sound, rhythm, pause, and the arrangement of all of these. These things are deeply studied by every great poet and lyricist. - Joe K. Korn

Black affirmation predicated upon the presumpion of and subsequent rejection of white privilege is a lame and cliched hustle. Who cares if some whites celebrate Mark Twain while holding Maya Angelou in disdain? The need for external validation triggers a self-denying prophesy.
The You don't think I'm black because I use big words and read books is another bankrupt meme left-over from the 1970's. The vocabulary of the most prominent Hip Hop artists today actually has greater range than your average Plantation Negro with a law degree.
Nicki ... digs ... Nicki. That lesson alone is more valuable to young black women today than 100 poems asking "Why does the caged bird sing?"
"Yeah, but Nicki is talking 'bout Barbi and riding dicks and yada yada yawn".
Poetry is not a contest of what a poet is "talking" about. Poetry is about creating relationships and experiences. It's about new metaphors that achieve particular emotional impact.
"I'm a bad bitch
I'm a I'm a bad bitch
I'm a bad bitch
I'm a I'm a bad bitch"
Nicki needs to be required reading in English Lit classes for all girls in America.
... I think you think that if you say that Nikki got Kai, that you will cause other brothers to think that what they think actually means something...
... breaking completely away from the idea of group-think, because if I comment or commit to either one of the beautiful poetess then I must be inclined to one way of thinking over the other... and the truth of the matter is that being black I think that I can manage to think in more than one way... I do so each day... when I am around 'my people' on the streets or around my 'other people' in the classroom... 'BOOM!' because I have no inclination to display any pretension that either of these future beautiful Mother are superior to each other... I will take the rap of being a halfway brother and say that both of them know about what they spit... and there exists equal amount of truth to what they sh*t... and I call it sh*t only because it is so damn real...
Happy Thanksgiving... I try to give my thanks every day but since the holiday is meant for y'all who don't appreciate life to catch up... I wish y'all one anyway..!
future beautiful Mother
uh, Kai an angry little lezbun
I could have pretty much predicted which one you'd pick and your rationale, DV. Pick the one that the average black person would not and "challenge the meme." Great.
What I don't agree with is you treating pain and human experience as though it is a fad. The pain she describes has been mentioned many times before, so that makes it invalid?
And Nikki Minaj talking about how she's a bad bitch. That's original or groundbreaking? Also, where do you live? Nicki Minaj IS required reading for little girls where I reside, bruh.
I'm not here to shit on either's human right to express herself. They are both talented and captivating. I'm just here to drop some terds on your interpretation. That is all.
I hear ya A.
And I'm glad you are here.
Agreement is overrated.
If you had been here longer, you'd know I could give less of a shit about your agreement.
That said ... I see her "pain" as cliche.
Been there done that.
Agreement is not only overrated, but intellectually draining.
I may not have been here long enough to know you "could give less of a shit" about my agreement (Haha)--but I have been here long enough to notice a trend:
The vast majority of responses to your posts are supreme dick riders.
The majority of those who disagree with you are the same two people, or hiding behind "Anon" (which is probably still the same two people).
They got you feelin like black jesus out here. Big ups, DV.
"Nicki needs to be required reading in English Lit classes for all girls in America."
Lol.. along with Britney 101 too?
I think kids already get overexposed to such nonsense 24/7 via the mass media. Last thing they need is to hear it at taxpayer-funded school too.
"The vast majority of responses to your posts are supreme dick riders. " Aguey...
LOL. You really are new A.
Been here for more than 5 minutes you would know that that played out canard was the theme of the DV Team Haters back in 2009.
Got to the point Plantation Negros were "disagreeing" with DV for the sake of disagreeing with DV. (which is the ultimate in Dick Riding)
Kind of like you're doing now.
As if it was some sort of right of passage.
Cats with enough heart and self-esteem to extend an occasional fist tap to DV on an given subject would risk a barrage of insults and accusations of sycophantism from an ever present pack of jealous hyenas lurking on the other side of a keyboard.
LOL. So nahhhhhh bruh.
Please. If you take issue with my characterization of Nicki... present your case. Lay your cards flat.
Let your argument speak for itself.
No need for preambles about "dick riders" and faggot ass jigaboos posting as Anonymous. veterans don't even bat an eye at that type of gayness anymore.
So ... The sister doing the angry Angela Davis meets GLAAD routine is a better poet ...why?
Is this new for you dV? Anyhoo, Nicki's mixtapes are fire.. can't say the same for her mainstream success. Which is typical.
Thanks for the history lesson, DV. Hopefully I'll stay entertained here long enough to become a veteran. As far as my argument--I never had an argument as to which one was better. That whole "who's the greatest" is some silly shit you do to evoke responses. Next topic.
P.S. I hope you've done your research on Kendrick Lamar for the next time you decide to talk about hip-hop.
They got you feelin like black jesus out here. Big ups, DV.
That whole "who's the greatest" is some silly shit you do to evoke responses. Next topic.
Agüeybaná done peeped a jiggaboo's WHOLE card.
Agüeybaná you in trub-bull!!!
You bout to be a dickridin, manboob havin, pork eatin, plantation faggot now!!!
Black Jesus don't like havin his stupid, shallow, counterfactual, illogical, contradictory, and no-class having monkey-tail called out in front of his dwindling little peanut gallery of wingnuts, chickenheads, and "moors"...,
Obviously you those that comment in favor of the "so-called" poetry of Nicki have not understood the poetry of real poets such as Nicki Giovanni... Gwendolyn Brooks... and others who have understood the metaphors and simile connection with the "experience"...has anyone been in the classroom of western education lately..the children cant even write a f%#!ing sentence or paragraph with any creativity..structure..clarity..let alone a metaphor....creative ways of saying suck a dick..make my pussy wet...are running out of metaphorical expressions...when ur children lose their innocence and begin expressing these subliminal seductive..negative..destructive..contaminating...corruptive..... lucifernistic...seeds of mind control..we will see how these so called geniuses have provided us with "poetic justice'...give me "Smokey Robinson" any day....peace
@ Anon. You sound like he hurt your feelings.
While I am sensitive to your pain, I cannot side with you nor take you seriously. You're throwing rocks, but do not want to be associated with your thoughts.
I can help you come up w/ a name...
While I am sensitive to your pain, I cannot side with you nor take you seriously.
pinche gueys baiting jiggaboos about the quality of rhyming and posing - and talking about "taking sides" or "taking seriously" - is some
such is the narrow focus of insects...,
Oye anonimo de caca... no eres el unico que habla espanol. Yo soy latino y te digo claro que si no tienes los cojones para apoyar lo que dices y ensenar quien eres mejor que te calles. Y encima hablando de bichos... seguro que no te refieres a ti mismo?
Save that "I speak Spanish and you don't" shit for somebody else. I'm not on anybody's team. I say what I feel and I stand firmly behind it. You are Casper... and with that said, no te respondo mas...
Ridin', ridin', ridin'. I'm ona DV's dick. Feels so gooooood.
"@ Anon. You sound like he hurt your feelings. " Agüeybaná
Boy ... did I?
This pork eatin' jigaboo claims he hates DV, but he spends more time at DV than DV.
Everyday for over 5 years bruh.
Jigaboo on my Johnson like a reservoir tip.
DV. The First Blogger With A Stalker.
Cuz, he act like he hate.
But dude loves me.
Actin' like the girls in second grade.
You know.
Hit you ... and run.
... I don't think dude is gay.
But he is confused by his love.
So he manufactures antagonism to disguise his infatuation.
Either way.
Some faggot shit where I come from.
But he is confused by his love.
rotflmbao..., whew!!!
The master of this school discovers Denmark's ability to mentally escape from reality and come back rested and refreshed.
He achieves this through his skills at the art of "Naked Clown"
Different sides of the same coin DV, one no better than the other just different expression. Lets give applause to both. However Nikki does something very damaging, she visually perpetuates the white beauty standard. But so do a lot of the black women profiled on your side bar hmmmm
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