Denmark Vesey said ...

If the young brothas out there, sound as ridiculous as these 2 bama ass cornball negros ... no wonder some sistas are having a hard time finding a husband.
I 'm like ... bruh? bruh?
come on now.
That can't be your rap.
See. This is another reason not to vaccinate.
Maybe, It's just lightskin brothas, who don't like black women. They must have that white gene in them still lol, too close to slave masters.
I just wasted 5 minutes of my life.
Let's hear your rap daddy Denmark..
Sista O!!!
My rap?
It's all consumin'
I'd hit you off with a taste.
But you would be pregnant when you closed your laptop.
LOL @ DV..!
;) smh.
Umm... I can't believe they're actually married. smh...
So, 5 minutes of "we dont see no color dont care about no race we only care about how fine (superficial much?) she is blah blah blah" BS...
Sound like Michael Jackson or Tiger Woods.
IOW, they wifed up 2 Beckys, take that to the bank!
Ignorant oafs!
I thought these dudes were gay! Sidenote: Usually the darker the brother the more color-struck he is but judging from the way these country mofos talk their from the South *eek*
I can't even come up with a response...I'm stuck on the twin tank tops on camera.
Lord help us all.
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